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WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ September 13 to 19, 2010

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WeeklyScopes ~ September 13 to 19, 2010

It's a busy week starting off with Mars (action/assertion) getting in a pickle with Jupiter (ideals/opportunities) and Uranus (radical change), while he's in the last degrees of Libra; followed by Pluto finally stationing for direct motion after a 5-month retrograde cycle on Monday night (PST) / after midnight Tuesday (EST).

Then, Mars follows Venus' lead and begins his transit in Scorpio on Tuesday, September 14. By week's end, Scorpio-Mars gets friendly with Pluto (purging/self-power), as the Virgo-Sun (conscious will) gets frustrated with Neptune (dreams/insight) and Chiron (wounds/healing). All the while, Jupiter joins forces with Uranus in Pisces; this energy builds all week and culminates at the close of the week on September 18.

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