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Jupiter Conjunct Chiron ~ July 22, 2009

Image credit and copyright to Imagine RealitySo they meet again ... and this time might be a bit reminiscent of the last week of May when Jupiter (ideals/opportunities) and Chiron (wounds/healing) last shook hands and joined forces. At 8:00 a.m. Eastern on July 22, 2009, Jupiter and Chiron perfect their alignment again, but their influence remain strong for several more months.

We're once again urged to look within and ask ourselves, "What am I still holding on to and why do I hold on to them so tightly when they have proven to be hindrances?" Our wounds may not necessarily be physical; they can be spiritual, emotional, psychological, as well as physiological. Are we still clinging to beliefs or belief systems that are no longer our own or have never reflected who we truly are? Are we still longing for the physical bodies we had before we aged, before the accident, or before the illness? Are we stuck thinking we ought to be something that is expected of us or that we've identified ourselves as, even if that identity is no longer valid? Are our hearts broken? so broken, we've closed our selves off?

Some of us have made great strides in the past months; others have recently given these calls to action & for change more credence. Yet still, there remain those who (consciously or not) are deaf to the call, blind to the signs, and resistant to the changes necessary that foster personal growth. Perhaps, this time around, the ears perk up, the eyes move to a spot that gives a new point of view, the mind shifts perceptions; and openness to healing, despite the pain, will ensue.

Following last night's super charged solar eclipse, with its power still lingering in the air, the tension and frustration we felt, we might still be feeling ... but what matters -- is how we will react. Where do we go from here? In a few hours, the Sun will join the Moon and Mercury in courageous and strong-willed Leo, where the self must be expressed. Together with the energies of the Leo-Sun, the eclipse, and the many planets currently in retrograde, let's turn our focus inward, seek within, and heal what keeps us from being "whole."

This blending of energies between Jupiter and Chiron occurs at 25 degrees of Aquarius. Although we are all beneficiaries of the healing and inspired energy this conjunction offers, those with natal planets/house angles at 25 degrees of fixed signs (Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio) or air signs (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini) may be influenced more strongly than others. Unsure if you have natal planets/house angles at 25 degrees? Cast your own birth chart if you don't already have one -- birth date, time, and place required. schedule a session or request a quote for a personalized reading.

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