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Pluto Retrograde ~ April 6 to September 14, 2010

The dwarf planet of research and delving deep goes in introspective mode on April 6. As Pluto in Capricorn turns its focus inward, he questions our structure, the very foundation that we operate from, the beliefs we hold so dear, the disciplines we practice, the principles we abide by, and that which we have always known to be our truth.

In a previous post on Pluto, I briefly explained the importance and meaning of Pluto in Capricorn:

Pluto represents rebirth, regeneration, and transformation. He is our compulsions, obsessions, ability for control, and empowerment. Pluto gives us the power to tackle obstacles in life through deeply understanding our situations, which results in our letting go and being transformed in the process. Pluto's process usually brings endings, purging, destruction, complete annihilation of what no longer works before a renewal can occur.

As he transits signs, he moves through our natal and solar houses affecting our lives slowly, subtly but with glaring, remarkable life-altering results. Pluto currently moves through Capricorn, where he is ambitious, practical, and determined. Capricorn represents social status, public life, reputation, hierarchies, and established government. Globally, Pluto's transit in Capricorn until 2023 may bring changes in government systems, restructuring of proven but antiquated methods, issues with security, and the like. Expect these issues to be extended to our personal lives -- how we feel about security and what makes us secure; a look at what we do, hold on to, practice, believe in that no longer reflects our current life, our present self, our present drives; establishing or reevaluating of our goals/aspirations and taking steps toward achieving them.

While Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn, he will revisit the period from now through to December 2009. Perhaps, issues or events that may have first been introduced as early as the period on or around February to May 2009 may also get another look. How have things progressed since then? What's different? What's the same? Where's the hang up?

Pluto retrogrades from April 6 at 10:34 p.m. EST until September 14 at 12:37 a.m. EST. The retrograde occurs at 5 degrees back to 2 degrees of Capricorn. Early born cardinal Sun signs or Risings and those with natal planets/house angles between 2 and 5 degrees of cardinal signs may feel the effects of this retrograde stronger than others. For those with natal Pluto in the early degrees of Libra (born approximately October 1971 to April 1972; August 1972 to November 1973; March to September 1974), you're going through your Pluto square Pluto years. These are trying years where external forces demand that you face up to your own shadow and become in contact with the buried parts of the self. So, you're not going crazy. Hang in there and work with the changes that needs to happen. Resisting just makes the transition more painful. Be mindful that resistance can come in the form of unconscious drives.

For me, Pluto has been strongly opposed my Sun & square my Uranus since February; putting extra pressure to my natal 10th house Cancer-Sun that is in a tight square my Uranus (in Libra & in natal 1st). As if that's not enough, Saturn has also been square my Sun while conjunct my Uranus. Oh, I feel it, alright. "Luckily" for me, my birth chart is natively strong with Pluto and Saturn energies so, it's a "familiar" energy of delving deep, accepting harsh truths, cutting off unnecessaries and restructuring deeply rooted foundation. What's different from what I'm "familiar" with is that pressures of the square/opposition are significantly more forceful, relentless and the changes required are rooted at the core. No fixing surface cracks here, especially since this Pluto-Saturn alignments to my chart are triggering my natal t-square that has my Sun as the focal point! For the non-astro folks, a square is the most challenging relationship between two planets. Think of the planets involved being at war. Each forcing upon the other the strength of their will. Action is required with a square, although agreeing to disagree is sometimes the best way to handle the forcefulness of a square. An opposition is also challenging but can be solved by balance, compromise and meeting each other half-way. A t-square has at least double the square energy in addition to the challenges of the opposition between at least two planets. Square=conflict/war. Opposition=requires balance. T-square=ouch. Squares, oppositions, t-squares -- it's all about growth/personal development and sometimes growing pains inevitably comes hand in hand with maturity.

How will this retrograde affect you life? Unsure if you have natal planets/house planets on or around 2-5 degrees of Capricorn? Cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required.

Are you going through your Pluto square Pluto years? Gain insight through an astrology reading? Request for a quote here. Interested in how Pluto's transit in Capricorn might influence you? Schedule a 24-Month Pluto Transit or 3-Chart reading. You might also consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.

Have a question? Ask me here. Or maybe cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start a discussion.

Related articles:

*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

"The Faces of Pluto" taken by the Hubble. Credit and copyright to NASA.

LuvScopes Posted! ~ April 2 to 4, 2010

Mercury (thinking; communication) joins Venus in the earthy sign of Taurus. Eye candy, delicious words, the seduction of light touches and scintillating scents all enrich the full sensual Taurean experience. Following Mercury's entrance to Taurus, the Moon enters idealistic Sagittarius and lends support to the Sun who is still in fellow fire sign, Aries. This makes for a weekend filled with good times that may very well be worth remembering later.


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Image source unknown.

WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ March 29 to April 4, 2010

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WeeklyScopes ~ March 29 to April 4, 2010
The Next Level

Week starts off with a Full Moon in Libra, shining its light upon the significant attachments in our lives – may it be with others/another or with the self or with material possessions. Mid-week Venus (love & money) leaves impetuous Aries for stability-driven Taurus. Relationships take on a more sensible approach. Financial matters are also handled with more practicality, especially as Venus gets persnickety with Saturn who is bent on showing us the reality in matters of love and money. As we accept the truth of our situations, a wave of hope picks up somber moods with Mercury's links to Neptune (optimism) and Chiron (release).


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Mercury in Taurus ~ April 2 to June 10, 2010

Image credit to NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington Mercury leaves the fiery brilliance of Aries for the calm sensibilities of Taurus on April 2 at 9:06 a.m. EDT, where his stay is extended until June 10. Mercury retrogrades on April 18 12:06 a.m. EDT until May 11 6:27 p.m.

Mercury governs all manners of thinking, communicating, transportation and commerce. In Aries, Mercury is quick-thinking, impulsive, creative, can be rash when making decisions and pushy to get their way. In Taurus, Mercury is practical, thorough, considerate, slower to decide, can be stubborn if change is necessary and lazy if things aren't progressing as they desire. At best, Mercury in Taurus is reliable, determined, persistent, patient, purposeful with a clear and exhaustive mind. At worst, unyielding, frustrated, unmotivated, possessive and greedy.

While Mercury is in Taurus, we are encouraged to take our raw ideas and develop a plan to implement them, think beyond the now, and secure future goals. Make some commitments or do right by existing commitments. There is no reason to rush when Taurean energy is at the helm. What matters, however, is that each step taken is measured and decisions made are well thought out. In our interactions, Mercury in Taurus will require tangible proof -- some or all of the five senses will need to be satisfied before something can be declared fact or real.

Don't get too pushy while Mercury is in Taurus. Things need to marinate. There's a level of comfort required before Taurean energy can make concessions. Patience. Recognize the benefits of thinking things through and respect the process necessary to accomplish goals with determined actions. Be especially mindful of this during the retrograde period.

On the day Mercury enters Taurus, he gets in an awkward position with Saturn (reality/restrictions), making the transition from Aries to Taurus/fire to earth extra challenging. Adjustment is key -- adjust attitudes, shift perception, be aware when you are fighting too hard and consider releasing the tension/energy.

While in Taurus, Mercury will align with the following celestial bodies (all dates reflect North America Eastern time zone; give +/-2 days for life span of influence):
  • April 2 ~ Mercury quincunx Saturn-rx. covered above
  • April 5 & 6 ~ Mercury square Mars and trine Pluto. Strong ability for focus. Determined mind. Decisiveness. Impatience. Frustration. Stubbornness. Pluto also retrogrades on April 6.
  • April 17/18 ~ Mercury Retrograde at 9:06 p.m. PDT/12:06 a.m. EDT
  • April 25 ~ Mercury-rx square Mars. Energy may be reminiscent to early April when Mercury and Mars were last challenged in this same way. Avoid acting out due to impatience or frustration.
  • May 3 ~ Mercury-rx trine Pluto-rx. Concentration. Intense mind. Meaningful conversations. Probing curiosity.
  • May 11 ~ Mercury Direct at 6:27 p.m. EDT
  • May 19 ~ Mercury trine Pluto-rx. Concentration. Intense mind. Meaningful conversations. Probing curiosity. Events or issues from earlier in May may resurface now. Mercury and Pluto were aligned in the same manner then.
  • June 8 & 9 ~ Mercury trine Saturn and square Neptune-rx. Realities may overwhelm. Avoid the temptation to "check out". Be "bull"-ish and tackle matters head on.
Where will this Mercury transit fall on your birth chart? Look to the natal house/s ruled by Taurus. Match the signs with the house cusps on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Taurus zodiac sign on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation of Mercury transiting those houses.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for them below then click here for a brief explanation of Mercury's transit in those houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 2nd House
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 1st House
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 12th House
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 11th House
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 10th House
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 9th House
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 8th House
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 7th House
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 6th House
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 5th House
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 4th House
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 3rd House
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required.

Are you celebrating a birthday? Schedule a Solar Return or 3-Chart Package Reading. (Gift certificates also available). Request a quote for a more customized reading. Have a question? Ask me here. Or maybe cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start a discussion.

What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.

Related articles:
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

Color mosaic shows the eastern limb of Mercury as seen by Messenger (January 2008). Image credit and copyright to NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington.

LuvScopes Posted! ~ March 26 to 28, 2010

Celestially speaking, it's a quiet weekend. Kicking off the weekend is Friday night's Leo-Moon harmonizing with Venus who is flirty and fun in Aries. An even later evening awaits late nighters as the Leo-Moon makes her final connections with Neptune (dreamy) and Chiron (release) at around 2 a.m. EST; it'll be easier to get lost in the moment.


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Image credit and copyright to Luana Silense.

Venus in Taurus ~ March 31 to April 25, 2010

It's been a short three weeks since Venus entered Aries. Now she's ready to move on and leave the spontaneity of Aries for the stability of Taurus. Venus governs Taurus and now comes home. Venus represents love (how we love & how we want to be loved), relationships (how we relate to others & the self), worth (material and self), our values and personal tastes.

In Aries, Venus is instinctual, independent, confident, ardent, bold and magnetic. In Taurus, Venus seeks stability and longevity in her relationships, is sensual, pleasure-seeking, comfort-loving, and driven by material security. Love is an investment. Relationships are grounding. A simple touch evokes depth of meaning. A look can unleash a host of intentions. The subtlest scents act as an aphrodisiac. Food hints at foreplay. The right music creates mood. Venus is quite the seductress in Taurus :-)

Venus enters Taurus on March 31 at 1:35 p.m. EST, where she'll remain until April 25. While Venus is in Taurus, we are encouraged to go past initiation/creation/introduction and consider building upon what has been started/created -- may it be in relationships or financial pursuits. The true test of devotion, commitment and importance is in how it fares after the excitement of "new-ness" has gone and the reality of what's been initiated is what lays before us. Do we get excited at the possibilities of what lies before us or will it be the opposite?

While in Taurus, Venus will align with the following celestial bodies (all dates reflect North America Eastern time zone; give +/-2 days for life span of influence):
  • March 31 ~ Venus quincunx Saturn-rx. Relationships less about love and more about what commitments entail and whether those are being satisfied. The romanticized version of what love is becomes overshadowed by the work, compromises and obligations that create healthy relationships. Mercury is also sextile Neptune on this day so, keep communication lines open.
  • April 3 and 4~ Venus square Mars and trine Pluto. Ouch. With Venus and Mars in fixed signs and Pluto in determined Capricorn, there may be too much stubbornness going on. Be reminded that love and relationships require communication, compromise and good intentions. You're maybe being asking to step it up, recognize realities/truths and make the necessary concessions without compromising the self.
  • April 17 ~ Venus sextile Jupiter. Good mood. Generosity. Optimism. Overflowing love. Selfless acts of kindness and devotion. This is especially helpful since Mercury also stations today (April 18 for some) in preparation for his retrograde (April 17/18 to May 11, 2010).
  • April 23 to 25 ~ Venus sextile Uranus; square Neptune & Chiron; trine Saturn-rx. A few days where relationships go under the microscope, especially with the Moon in discriminating Virgo. Changes (Uranus), understanding (Neptune), forgiveness/letting go (Chiron) and dedication (Saturn) will be required to retain or restore good relations -- may it be within our relationships or financial relations.
How will this Venus transit influence your birth chart? Look to the natal house/s ruled by Taurus. Match the signs with the house cusps on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Taurus zodiac sign on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and Rising signs below then click here for a brief explanation of Venus transiting those houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 2nd House
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 1st House
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 12th House
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 11th House
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 10th House
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 9th House
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 8th House
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 7th House
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 6th House
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 5th House
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 4th House
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 3rd House
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required.

Are you celebrating a birthday? Schedule a Solar Return or 3-Chart Package Reading. (Gift certificates also available). Request a quote for a more customized reading. Have a question? Ask me here. Or maybe cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start a discussion.

What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.

Related articles:
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

"Venus Cloud Tops Viewed by Hubble " - credit and copyright to NASA.

Full Moon in Libra ~ March 29, 2010

Image credit and copyright to Paolo TangaJust as the month comes to a close, the Moon's cycle also ends with a Full Moon in Libra on March 29 at 10:25 p.m. EST. In Libra, the Full Moon illuminates upon our relationships (with one another as well as with ourselves), our value system (what we value in life and why), and our worth (materially and spiritually speaking).

Full moons signify the completion, culmination of what may have been initiated during the previous new moon. While the recent Pisces-New Moon encouraged us to be inspired by our own dreams and driven by the eagerness to actualize our these dreams, this Full Moon casts its light upon who we are through the relationships we cherish enough to nurture and perhaps persons special enough for us to share our dreams with.

This Full Moon in Libra is intensified by a square with Pluto (transformation), who must insist upon a careful and deep look into our significant ties. With both the Sun in Aries (me; I) and Moon in Libra (we; us) challenging Pluto in Capricorn, major changes from the core are inevitable. Digging for truth. Assurances of commitments. Demands for honesty. Pluto will ferret out the truth and sever ties, if necessary. As if there isn't enough strain, Saturn, who is also in Libra, and Pluto remain under the umbrella of their own square which adds more pressure to the already tense celestial plane.

Elsewhere in the sky, Venus (love; ruler of Libra) is harmoniously aligned with Neptune (understanding) and Chiron (wounds). Whatever may be uncovered during the Full Moon period (next two weeks) may require big changes/promises/assurances to restore harmony within relationships. Neptune might help offer optimism, as Pluto and Chiron uncover what's broken.

This Full Moon occurs at 10 degrees of Libra. Those born within 3 days of October 3 or March 29 or with natal planets and/or house angles on or around 10 degrees of air or cardinal signs may feel the effects of this full moon stronger than others.

How will this full moon influence your birth chart? Match the sign and degree to determine what house this full moon falls in. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the sign Libra on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation on the Full Moon transit in that house.

Click image to see larger

If you don't have your birth chart, you may use your Sun sign and/or your Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and Rising Signs below then click here for a brief explanation of the Full Moon transit in those houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 7th House
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 6th House
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 5th House
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 4th House
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 3rd House
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 2nd House
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 1st House
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 12th House
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 11th House
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 10th House
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 9th House
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 8th House
Unsure if you have natal planets/house planets at 10 degrees? Cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required.

Is today your birthday? Schedule your session for a Solar Return or 3-Chart Reading. (Gift certificates also available). Have a question? Ask me here. Or maybe hop over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to join in or start a discussion.

Related articles:
*Learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

Image credit and copyright to Astronomy Picture of the Day, Paolo Tanga.

WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ March 22 to 28, 2010

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WeeklyScopes ~ March 22 to 28, 2010
Play Nice

We're off to a busy start as Libra-Mars (action) link up with Libra-Saturn (discipline) on Monday. Their connection carry out through about mid-week. Tasks are accomplished one by one, as our obligations are clear before us. Personal and professional relationships benefit from the frankness of Mars in Leo who gives even the meekest of us, more self-assertion and confidence. With Saturn in Libra, we take our commitments and alliances with seriousness. We recognize their value and therefore, give allowances to consider what's happening. The last time Mars and Saturn met up in this same fashion was around mid-February. Events or issues from that period may resurface now.


LuvScopes Posted! ~ March 19 to 21, 2010

Image source unknown.
Mercury's tense alignment with Pluto riles up the otherwise calm Moon, who is quite content in comfort-seeking Taurus. In cardinal signs, Mercury and Pluto fight to assert their authority and leadership. Mercury (communication) in Aries is brash and impatient, while Pluto (power) in Capricorn is disciplined and tenacious. The Moon's placement in stubborn Taurus may feed into their conflict. No compromises. My way or the highway. Agreeing to disagree may be the only course of action left to take. If, however, parties involved can meet each other halfway, this can be a fruitful and dynamic collaboration/interaction. Mercury is eager and creative in Aries, just as Pluto is sensual and devoted in Capricorn. How will Friday night kick off weekend?


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Sun in Aries ~ March 20 to April 20, 2010

Ahhhhh, the Sun is all too happy to bask in the glory of all that is Aries. The Sun leaves Pisces and enters Aries on March 20 at 1:32 p.m. EST, where he'll remain until April 20. The Sun represents our potential, ego, vitality and conscious will. In Pisces, the Sun is insightful, compassionate, understanding and egoless. In Aries, the Sun is confident, impulsive, instinctual and ready for action.

At best, the Sun in Aries is engaging, a leader, entrepreneurial, creative, independent and impassioned. At worst, callous, abrasive, selfish, jumps to conclusions too easily and non-committal.

While the Sun is in Aries, we are encouraged to follow our raw, instinctive drives. Be true to who we are and all the facets which make us the individuals we are. Embrace the true self and go for whatever it is we desire. We matter, each one of us, and deserve to live the life we envision ourselves living. Entertain the spark of ideas and see where they lead. Find the leader within yourself and make your way.

On the day the Sun enters Aries, Mercury, who is hot-headed in Aries, is at war with Pluto, who is stubborn in Capricorn. This could be an explosive start to the Sun's transit in Aries. Mercury (communication) must be heard and taken seriously in Aries, while Pluto (power) must exercise his authority and leadership in Capricorn. Both zodiac signs are not known for backing down. Sometimes, agreeing to disagree is the best course of action/decision.

While in Aries, the Sun will make alignments with the following celestial bodies (all dates reflect EST [NYC] time zone; give +/-2 days for life span of influence):
  • March 21 ~ Sun trine Mars and oppose Saturn-rx. While we may be pumped up and ready to go, Saturn reminds us that actions taken without intent or direction are wasted energy. So, heed the part of yourself that wants you to move a little slower but surer.
  • March 25 ~ Sun square Pluto. Those in position of authority may be exercising a power trip today. Watch out for altercation with superiors in the workplace. Arien energy is brazen and explodes like a bomb when set off. Actions or words spoken have consequences. Do or say what you must, just be prepared to stand by them and/or face whatever the consequences may be.
  • March 29 ~ Full Moon in Libra at 10:25 p.m. EST.
  • April 14 ~ New Moon in Aries at 8:29 a.m. EST.
  • April 18 and 19 ~ Sun sextile Neptune and Chiron. Before bidding goodbye to Aries, the Sun connects with Neptune and Chiron. Release. Healing. Acceptance. Inspiration. Compassion. This is also the last alignment Chiron will make before entering Pisces on April 20.
How will the Sun's transit in Aries influence in your life? Look to the Aries-ruled house/s in your birth chart. Match the signs with the house cusps on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Aries zodiac sign on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation of the Sun transiting those solar and/or natal houses.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and/or Rising Sign below then then click here for a brief explanation of the Sun transiting those solar and/or natal houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 1st House
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 12th House
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 11th House
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 10th House
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 9th House
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 8th House
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 7th House
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 6th House
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 5th House
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 4th House
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 3rd House
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 2nd House
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. Are you celebrating a birthday? Schedule a Solar Return or 3-Chart Package Reading (gift certificates also available). Want a more customized reading. Have a question? Or maybe head over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join in on a discussion.

What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.

Related articles:
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

"Aries" illustration credit and copyright to Jodie Scott.

Mercury in Aries ~ March 17 to April 2, 2010

Image source unknown.Is it that time again already?! That Mercury sure is fast. On March 17 at 12:12 p.m. EST, he leaves the mellow sign of Pisces for the impulsive sign of Aries. He remains in Aries until April 2. Mercury governs thinking, communication, and writing. In Pisces, Mercury is introspective, understanding and conscientious. In Aries, he is pioneering, independent, ardent, instinctive, rash, brash and impatient.

At best, Mercury in Aries is a leader, accomplished, direct, decisive and doesn't take 'no' for an answer. At worst, selfish, arrogant, quick-tempered, territorial, aggressive, and super competitive.

While Mercury transits Aries, let our minds be enterprising, our words be impassioned, and our decisions be confident. With Mars moving direct again, whatever ideas may have been swimming in our heads could be realized if we allow Mercury in Aries to help brainstorm our options and steps to take.

At the moment Mercury enters Aries, he quickly trines with Mars, while also opposes Saturn-rx. Mercury's connections allow us to see the realities/restrictions (Saturn), thereby actions taken (Mars) after much consideration. Although our commitment may be in question (Mercury oppose Saturn-rx), especially if it turns out that getting things initiated takes more work/resources/dedication than originally thought, our eagerness (Mercury trine Mars) may be great enough to move forward with determination. Elsewhere in the sky, the Sun and Uranus blend energies in Pisces. Perhaps we'll uncover something that's previously hidden or get a dash of hopefulness, especially if times are tough. Whatever it may be, expect the unexpected, be unconventional and venture out of your comfort zone.

While in Aries, Mercury will align with the following celestial bodies (all dates reflect North America Eastern time zone; give +/-2 days for life span of influence):
  • March 17 & 18 ~ Mercury trine Mars and oppose Saturn-rx. covered above
  • March 20 ~ Mercury square Pluto. Penetrating mind. Strong ability to focus. Watch tempers and impatience. The Sun also enters Aries on this day strengthening the Arian influences surrounding us.
  • March 31 & April 1 ~ Mercury sextile Neptune and Chiron. Insight. Releasing negative thoughts/energy and replacing them with hope and positive influences. Venus also enters Taurus on March 31.
Where will this Mercury transit fall on your birth chart? Look to the natal house/s ruled by Aries. Match the signs with the house cusps on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Aries zodiac sign on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation of Mercury transiting those houses.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for them below then click here for a brief explanation of Mercury's transit in those houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 1st House
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 12th House
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 11th House
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 10th House
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 9th House
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 8th House
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 7th House
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 6th House
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 5th House
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 4th House
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 3rd House
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 2nd House
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. Are you celebrating a birthday? Schedule a Solar Return or 3-Chart Package Reading (Gift Certificates also available). Or request a quote for a more customized reading. Or have a question? Or maybe head over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join in on a discussion.

What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.

Related articles:
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

Image source unknown.

Surviving Financially Difficult Times with Saturn

There may be nothing else in life more exasperating or downright disheartening than a heap of financial woes. Most of us, at one time or another, have fallen into economic hard times perhaps due to job loss, divorce or the added cost of caring for an elderly parent, etc. The current economic downturn affects us all, albeit in varying degrees and intensity. As of the writing of this article, the global economic outlook for 2010 is positive, although growth is expected to be slow and slight. In the U.S., planned salary raises is at a 25-year low, barely covering inflation, and the average length of time unemployed people have been jobless is 30.5 weeks. Many are concerned about the stability of their jobs. How can astrology and, specifically, Saturn's transit be of use in surviving hard times?

In astrology, Saturn represents structure, foundation, realities, challenges, obligations, hard work, discipline but also reward – for the time, effort and dedication given to achieve objectives despite difficult odds. There is no easy way out or short cuts with Saturn. Imagine a stern, older man with a whip in one hand and a bullhorn on the other. When he's not forcing you to listen to him, he's prepping the whip for a little action. As you can see, Saturn's energy is best handled by actively taking up the challenges laid before us lest a whipping ensues. The zodiac sign Saturn transits provide clues to which part of our life may require re-structuring or, perhaps, establishing a foundation for the first time.

Beginning on October 29, 2009 until April 7, 2010 then again from July 21, 2010 until October 5, 2012, Saturn transits Libra. While in Libra, Saturn's focus is on our significant relationships and the obligations that are tied with our commitment to them. When a spouse or live-in partner loses a job or suffers a financial crisis, it falls on the other person in that relationship to pick up and provide for what is now missing. The financial consequences are similar where a marriage or committed relationship ends, and there are dependents involved that must be fed, clothed and nurtured.

Maybe this isn't your situation. If you were born between 1982 and 1984, you may be experiencing your first Saturn Return and are beginning your second life cycle by transitioning from childhood to adulthood. Those born between 1952 and 1954 may be going through their second Saturn Return and embarking on their third life cycle by making the shift from maturity to wisdom. Saturn Returns can be a very trying period but the rewards are lifelong and well worth the hard work.

Perhaps you or your significant other aren't going through a Saturn Return. Currently, earth Sun signs and earth risings are feeling a financial crunch as Saturn in Libra affects income directly (Virgo) or maybe through a career change or some other work-related development (Capricorn, Taurus) that, in turn, affects income.

Whatever the situation may be, the next two years is crucial in taking control of finances by establishing or re-establishing a healthy relationship to money and how to manage it. From October until now, Saturn in Libra has been illustrating (in varying degrees of severity), the realities within our situations, where the cracks are in the foundation, how to repair or fortify structure, the hard work that lies ahead, and the commitment required to see things through.

From April 7, 2010 until July 21, 2010, Saturn revisits Virgo, an analytical sign known for its precision and ability to break complex concepts and large projects into smaller, manageable, doable steps. This is a critical period of assessing the whole situation, creating a detailed plan, anticipating for the unexpected and laying out the steps to take. Effecting change in one's financial situation goes beyond just money management, it encompasses a lifestyle change. If that sounds too overwhelming, it's not. Breaking it down to smaller, simpler steps help tremendously.

As a starting point, I suggest downloading the free e-book “Thriving on Less – Simplifying in a Tough Economy” from It is well written and informative, providing a practical set of guidelines on how to get back to the basics, live a more fruitful life minus all the clutter and take control of your finances once and for all. Read it and follow its recommendations. It is written by Leo Babauta, creator of, who has successfully managed himself out of his financial crisis and is now debt-free. He has been featured by CNN Money.

If part of the reason for the financial strain is mounting unsecured debt, consider contacting a Credit Counseling Service. They are mandated by the U.S. government to offer an initial debt counseling session for free or at an affordable fee, which must be disclosed prior to the session. One reputable agency is Money Management International (MMI), which services consumers whose debt are with U.S. creditors only. They assess a consumer's financial status, create a personal spending plan, and if necessary, enroll in a Debt Management Plan. For readers whose debt is with other than American creditors, there are similar services throughout North America and Europe who may be able to service your needs. Begin with your government's sites for information on provisions for debt/credit counseling services.

There are several free online tools that help with managing finances such as which is a secure online service that lets you see all of your financial accounts in one screen – bank, investment, credit card, real estate/mortgage, school loans, etc. Make monthly budget allowances for groceries, eating out, entertainment, etc. and see where you are throughout the month. Some features include: low balance alert, bill due date notification, free iPhone/iPod Touch app and more. Security questions are addressed in a post at The New York Times blog.

Voyant takes things a step further by allowing you to create “goals” like paying off debt or saving for college or starting a small business. Features include an interactive timeline, graphics display, “what-if” scenarios and more. There is no security to address because no account numbers or login information to financial institutions are given to Voyant.

We all need to make purchases for the home, children's needs, etc. Consider buying second hand items at or for getting them for free at These are also good places to start when de-cluttering your life.

The road to controlling finances may not be a quick and easy one, but it is feasible. With Saturn's determination and our commitment to making a change despite the hard work ahead, what seems overwhelming now is possible to overcome one disciplined step at a time.

Where is Saturn currently transiting in your birth chart? How is Saturn's transit influencing you? Where is natal Saturn in your birth chart (sign and house placement)? Start or join a discussion at AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum*

About the author:
For those of you arriving at my site through the main Saturn collection of the International Astrology Day Blog-A-Thon internet event, welcome. My name is Jan, and most of my readers and friends know me as 'astrogrrl'. Get to know more about me here, follow me on twitter @astrogrrl, join me at As Above, So Below ning social network, and connect with me on my Facebook fan page. I am also available for personal consultations.
Come back and visit again soon.

This article is based on the astrological cycles of the planets and on journalistic research. It does not constitute financial advice. Any information should be considered in regard to specific circumstances. All tips are followed at your own risk and should be followed up with your own research.

~ Click here to return to the main Saturn collection of the IAD Blog-A-Thon ~

Related articles:
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

Image taken by Cassini on Nov. 9, 2007. Credit and copyright to NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.

WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ March 15 to 21, 2010

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WeeklyScopes ~ March 15 to 21, 2010

Ahh, the Pisces-New Moon is upon us, as the week begins. Just as the New Moon is reborn so, are we also offered a beginnings of sort. This New Moon is a part of a tight stellium in the sign of Pisces, between the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus. As these celestial bodies blend energies, our minds (Mercury) become awakened (Uranus) to the true hopes and dreams (Pisces) of the heart (Moon) and soul (Sun). Elsewhere in the sky, Mars and Saturn harmoniously link up to help concretize (Saturn) plans and take determined steps (Mars) towards realizing them. During this New Moon phase (next 2 weeks), make strides toward knowing your true heart's desires and moving towards fulfilling them.


LuvScopes Posted! ~ March 12 to 14, 2010

Photo credit and copyright to Layout Sparks
The weekend starts off a little quiet with the Aquarius-Moon making no connections with other celestial bodies on Friday. We may still be feeling the lingering but weakening disagreement between Venus and Pluto from the previous day. In Aries, Venus (love) is flirty and impulsive. She is challenged by Pluto (intensity) who is determined and serious in Capricorn. Watch out for power struggles and emotional manipulation. This energy is ideal for getting everything out in the open and working past differences/challenges/disagreements, in order to strengthen relationships or find one's empowerment to end unhealthy ties, if necessary. With the link between the Sun and Mercury present all weekend, we're able to find harmony between our conscious will and communicating what we must.


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Photo credit and copyright to Layout Sparks.

2010 International Astrology Day Blog-A-Thon

Hello astrogrrl friends and readers,

In preparation for the upcoming cardinal t-square between Saturn in Libra, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, a special online event is scheduled on March 19 to 21, 2010 to help us all understand the significance of this astrological event and how it might influence each of us individually. Over 50 astrologers are contributing to a permanent collection of articles that will be available online beginning March 19th. I am thrilled to take part in this event and be included in such great company.

The complete announcement is posted on the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum. Click here for the official website of the 2010 International Astrology Day Blog-A-Thon.

My contributing article on Saturn will be posted on my blog site in a few days. Look out for it!

Discussions on this planetary alignment as well as the individual transits for Saturn, Uranus and Pluto will be ongoing at the Forum. Feel free to join in or start a discussion. Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

Related articles:

New Moon in Pisces ~ March 15, 2010

It's time for another New Moon. New Moons signify rebirth, beginnings, a clean slate, the start of a new cycle. This new moon highlights Pisces qualities (imagination, compassion, enlightenment, sacrifice) and 12th house themes (secrets, subconscious, addictions, institutions). In Pisces, the Moon is intuitive, spiritual, insightful, hopeful and attuned to the energies beyond the physical and mental realms.

This New Moon is a part of a tight stellium, occurring in Pisces, between the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus. As these celestial bodies blend energies, our minds (Mercury) become awakened (Uranus) to the true hopes and dreams (Pisces) of the heart (Moon) and soul (Sun). Elsewhere in the sky, Mars and Saturn harmoniously link up to help concretize (Saturn) plans and take determined steps (Mars) towards realizing them.

This new moon occurs at 26 degrees of Pisces. Those born within 3 days of March 15 or September 19; or have planets/house angles around 26 degrees of mutable signs may feel the effects of this new moon stronger than most.

For me, as a Virgo-rising, this New Moon falls right on the very edge of my natal 6th house (routine, health) and forms alignments to my house angles (which govern the self, partnerships, the past and the future); and as a Cancer-Sun, in my solar 9th house (expansion). I have been working hard making some lifestyle changes by adopting healthier habits. Some days are better than others :) I'll take this new moon's energies and renew my commitment to making changes within my day to day that have far-reaching affects, influencing more than one facet of my life.

How will this new moon influence your life? Look to the natal house/s this new moon will occupy in your birth chart. Match the sign and degree to the sign on the house cusp/s. Use the list below to identify the Pisces zodiac sign then click here to read about the New Moon in Houses.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and Rising signs below then click here for an explanation of New Moon illuminating those houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 12th House
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 11th House
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 10th House
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 9th House
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 8th House
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 7th House
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 6th House
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 5th House
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 4th House
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 3rd House
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 2nd House
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 1st House

Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart by clicking here for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. Is today your birthday? Schedule a Solar Return or 3-Chart Package Reading. Or request a quote for a more customized reading. Or have a question? Or maybe cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start a discussion.

For those doing the new moon wishes ritual, the moon will be new on March 15 at 5:01 p.m. (EST) and will be void of course at 8:01 p.m. (EST). Click here for Jan Spiller's article, briefly explaining new moon wishes. (opens a new window)

Related articles:

*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

"The Zodiac Pisces" - Credit and copyright to Tiny Narna.

WeeklyScopes Posted! March 8 to 14, 2010

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WeeklyScopes ~ March 8 to 14, 2010
Coming to Terms

The long-awaited event of Mars moving direct finally occurs mid-week, sandwiched between Venus making challenging alignments with Saturn then Pluto. Relationships and/or finances (Venus) continue to be in focus from the weekend. But now reality sinks in (Saturn), we're even more determined and eager to get our gears in motion (Mars) as we accept that which we uncover (Pluto) during the week. Mars' forward motion ensures more action and follow through with our plans, as well as that which are due us, i.e. delayed payment for work already completed, decisions/actions from others we may have been waiting upon, or if we've let existing matters go unresolved, it's time to face the music.

The week closes with the Sun and Mercury blending energies. Both are in Pisces, where insight and understanding may be attained by seeking within. Conversations and interactions may also be more meaningful and agreeable. Logic and reason may be harder to come by. This energy is great for creative projects and/or any type of spiritual pursuits.


Saturn Return

There are planetary cycles we all share which mark certain milestones in our personal lives. When transiting planets make connections to our birth chart, something is stirred. The intensity and depth depend upon the nature of the connections and the planets involved. One planetary cycle triggering major life changes is our Saturn Return.

In a previous post on Saturn in Libra, I described Saturn as:

the taskmaster of the zodiac whose karmic lessons, once learned, remain with each of us throughout our lives. He represents reality, challenges, structure, foundation, obstacles, hard work, obligations, restrictions, and limitations. He is cold, distant, stoic, determined, persistent ... all business.Saturn's function, as he transits through signs and touch sensitive points and natal planets in our birth charts, is to teach us our life lessons and reward us, as we learn our lessons.

Saturn Return occurs approximately every 29 years. The first Saturn Return marks the beginning of our second life cycle. This typically occurs between ages 28-30 and ushers us into adulthood by requiring us to commit to something and work our butts off to make it a reality. We are asked to do something, create something; make what we dream about, a reality. Be a responsible adult. Some people get married, get divorced, end a long-term relationship, have children, go back to finish their undergraduate degrees, establish their own business, switch careers, relocate, etc. If you've gone through your first return, do you remember the events and issues faced during that time? Decisions made and actions taken during the first Saturn Return help determine the ease or difficulty of the second Saturn Return.

The second Saturn Return triggers the start of our third life cycle. This return occurs at approximately 58-60 years of age and reflects the transition from maturity to wisdom. It's time to restructure life once again. This time, we are asked to determine what kind of legacy we want to leave. As we look back and take stock at the life we've led so far, what kinds of decisions did we make between ages 30-58? Those who have put things off or avoided dealing with things may find themselves facing the same or similar issues they were faced with during their first return. Have we continually grown on a personal level? What kind of older person will we be? An elder who's respected and whose advice is sought after or the opposite? Our needs have changed, along with our goals. How do we plan to live the next half of our life?

If we live long enough, the third Saturn Return happens at around ages 87-89 and begins our fourth life cycle. By 87, we would have lived a life full of happiness, disappointments, achievements and failures. Managing health issues may also be a factor now and the humbling reality/acceptance that we may need help doing the simplest things -- bathing, changing, eating. I'm not really sure what a third Saturn Return would represent. I have not had the pleasure of giving a third Saturn Return reading. Perhaps this is a time when we detach ourselves from the material attachments of this life, the identity that the self has attached itself with, and prepare ourselves for what comes next -- a transition from this life into the next realm/next life.

I welcome comments on what your thoughts might be for the third Saturn Return or any of the returns.

Those currently going through their Saturn Return (born between 1982 & 1984; 1952 & 1954 and 1923 & 1925) have the extra tension brought on by the Saturn-Pluto square (2009-2010), the Saturn-Uranus opposition (2008-2010) and the Cardinal T-Square that links all three of these heavy players this year. Ouch.

Are you going through or about to go through a Saturn Return? Or maybe, you're interested in a Saturn Transit reading instead. I am available for Saturn Return/Transit readings, and I can also customized any reading depending on your needs. Schedule your session or if you have questions, ask me here. Or you might also consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.Thank you for visiting my site. Come back again soon.

Related articles:

"This Side of Saturn" - Image credit and copyright to jl4v6.

LuvScopes Posted! ~ March 5 to 6, 2010

Photo source unknown
Venus (love, romance) flirts with Mars (sex, drive) all weekend, while Mercury (communication) and Jupiter (bliss) happily join forces. What a wonderful weekend full of promises...


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Photo source unknown.

Mars Direct in Leo ~ March 10, 2010

Image credit and copyright to Black RavynFinally! Mars stations on March 10 and prepares to move forward again. *breathing a sigh of relief* When the planet of action and assertiveness is retrograde, he goes on introspective mode. For us, that could mean aggressions unexpressed or internalized, physically slowing down, needing extra rest, more indecisiveness than usual, and/or obstacles popping up even when the path was previously wide open. Two steps forward, one step back? Mars began his retrograde period on December 20, 2009. I don't know about you, but it's been a really loooong couple of months already!

If you read my post on Mars Retrograde in December, I hope that you spent time reflecting upon your own life -- what are the motivations that drives our actions? what actions do we hold ourselves back from doing? why do we hesitate from acting or deciding or asserting the self? In celebration and preparation for Mars' bottled up energy being released for us all to grab hold of and run with, I find the Knight of Swords - Meditation for Perception tarot affirmation (written by my friend Suzi at is quite appropriate since Mars has been reflective these past months and now his energies are about to be holds barred. May our actions and decisions in the days and weeks ahead be motivated by our true desires as we move toward achieving our goals.

Mars remains in Leo until June 7, 2010.

As I wrote on my original Mars in Leo post and then revised it for the Mars Retrograde post -- as a Virgo-rising, Mars' transit in Leo mostly occurs in my natal 11th house (friendships/networking) and he'll enter my 12th house (subconscious) in May 2010; and as a Cancer-Sun, Leo transits through my solar 2nd house (income). With Saturn also retrograde in Libra (the sign on the cusp of my natal 2nd house-income), Mars' retrograde motion has been a hard hit on finances for me. I have learned to create and stick to my spending plan which allows me to live within my means without lacking the necessities. Although Mars' introspective mode has forced me to also slow down, be in a planning mode (Mars & Saturn both retrograde) and learn to manage money better (Saturn), it's been an experience that has taught me better habits. Having said that, Mars' direct motion is a very welcome change :) Full steam ahead for me until about May-ish when he enters my natal 12th house, and I may need to slow down and review the actions/steps I will have taken since moving direct in March as I prepare for his entrance to my 1st house (self/potential).

How will this Mars transit influence your chart? Look to the natal house/s ruled by Leo. Match the signs with the house cusps on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Leo zodiac sign on your birth chart then click here for an explanation of Mars transiting those houses

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and Rising signs below then click here for an explanation of Mars transiting those houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries-Rising ~ 5th house
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 4th house
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 3rd house
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 2nd house
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 1st house
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 12th house
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 11th houses
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 10th house
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 9th house
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 8th house
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 7th house
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 6th house

Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. Schedule a session or ask me a question. Or cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join a discussion.

Related articles:

"Leo"- Credit and copyright to Black Ravyn.

Venus in Aries ~ March 7 to 31, 2010

Ahh, Venus gets to have a bit of fun in March! The planet of love is flirty, brazen, confident and a wee bit selfish in Aries. Venus represents love, how we relate to others, how we want others to relate to us, our self-worth, what we value in life, what we like/dislike, our material possessions and finances.

While in Pisces, Venus' drives and concern were for others...humanity, as a whole. She asserts, ever so sweetly, that we acknowledge there is something greater that links us all. If nothing else, we are connected in this journey we call life which we all have to individually live out. Venus in Aries, however, is more focused on the self, its basic needs as well as its desires. In Aries, she is bold and magnetic, loves initiating new connections, values independence in the self and in others, and loves ardently and impulsively. In friendships, she tends to lead the group.

At best, Venus in Aries is passionate, action-oriented, fun, instinctual, and a natural leader that gets things started. She is a champion and protector of the indefensible and teaches them how to independently fend for themselves. At worst, argumentative, bossy, lacks commitment, and acts without fully considering consequences. While Venus is in Aries, we are challenged to be bolder and more assertive. Confidence should ooze from our pores. Flirt a little. Laugh a lot. Explore our independence. Discover our passion and run with it.

While in Aries, Venus will align with the following celestial bodies (all dates reflect Eastern time zone; give +/-2 days for life span of influence):
  • March 7 ~ Venus trine Mars-rx. All around a good day for love, relationships and intimacies.
  • March 9 ~ Venus oppose Saturn-rx. Financial limitations. Seeing the reality of situations, especially within relationships. Confidence weakened.
  • March 11 ~ Venus square Pluto. Passions rise. Heated arguments. Manipulation tactics. Need to ferret out what's hidden.
  • March 29 ~ Venus sextile Neptune. Hope. Optimism. Highly creative, imaginative day. Seeing the world through "rose colored glasses"...random acts of kindness.
How will this Venus transit influence your birth chart? Look to the natal house/s ruled by Aries. Match the signs with the house cusps on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Aries zodiac sign on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and Rising signs below then click here for a brief explanation of Venus transiting those houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 1st House
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 12th House
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 11th House
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 10th House
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 9th House
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 8th House
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 7th House
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 6th House
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 5th House
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 4th House
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 3rd House
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 2nd House
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. Are you celebrating a birthday? Schedule a Solar Return or 3-Chart Package Reading (Gift Certificates also available). Or request a quote for a more customized reading. Or have a question? Or maybe cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start a discussion.

What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.

Related articles:
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

"Venus" - Credit and copyright to Karen.

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