This New Moon is a part of a tight stellium, occurring in Pisces, between the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus. As these celestial bodies blend energies, our minds (Mercury) become awakened (Uranus) to the true hopes and dreams (Pisces) of the heart (Moon) and soul (Sun). Elsewhere in the sky, Mars and Saturn harmoniously link up to help concretize (Saturn) plans and take determined steps (Mars) towards realizing them.
This new moon occurs at 26 degrees of Pisces. Those born within 3 days of March 15 or September 19; or have planets/house angles around 26 degrees of mutable signs may feel the effects of this new moon stronger than most.
For me, as a Virgo-rising, this New Moon falls right on the very edge of my natal 6th house (routine, health) and forms alignments to my house angles (which govern the self, partnerships, the past and the future); and as a Cancer-Sun, in my solar 9th house (expansion). I have been working hard making some lifestyle changes by adopting healthier habits. Some days are better than others :) I'll take this new moon's energies and renew my commitment to making changes within my day to day that have far-reaching affects, influencing more than one facet of my life.
How will this new moon influence your life? Look to the natal house/s this new moon will occupy in your birth chart. Match the sign and degree to the sign on the house cusp/s. Use the list below to identify the Pisces zodiac sign then click here to read about the New Moon in Houses.

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For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and Rising signs below then click here for an explanation of New Moon illuminating those houses.
- Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 12th House
- Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 11th House
- Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 10th House
- Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 9th House
- Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 8th House
- Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 7th House
- Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 6th House
- Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 5th House
- Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 4th House
- Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 3rd House
- Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 2nd House
- Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 1st House
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart by clicking here for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. Is today your birthday? Schedule a Solar Return or 3-Chart Package Reading. Or request a quote for a more customized reading. Or have a question? Or maybe cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start a discussion.
For those doing the new moon wishes ritual, the moon will be new on March 15 at 5:01 p.m. (EST) and will be void of course at 8:01 p.m. (EST). Click here for Jan Spiller's DailyOm.com article, briefly explaining new moon wishes. (opens a new window)
Related articles:
- The New Moon in Natal Houses
- Sun in Pisces ~ February 18 to March 20, 2010
- Mercury in Pisces ~ March 1 to 17, 2010
- Uranus in Pisces
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.
"The Zodiac Pisces" - Credit and copyright to Tiny Narna.