In astrology, Saturn represents structure, foundation, realities, challenges, obligations, hard work, discipline but also reward – for the time, effort and dedication given to achieve objectives despite difficult odds. There is no easy way out or short cuts with Saturn. Imagine a stern, older man with a whip in one hand and a bullhorn on the other. When he's not forcing you to listen to him, he's prepping the whip for a little action. As you can see, Saturn's energy is best handled by actively taking up the challenges laid before us lest a whipping ensues. The zodiac sign Saturn transits provide clues to which part of our life may require re-structuring or, perhaps, establishing a foundation for the first time.
Beginning on October 29, 2009 until April 7, 2010 then again from July 21, 2010 until October 5, 2012, Saturn transits Libra. While in Libra, Saturn's focus is on our significant relationships and the obligations that are tied with our commitment to them. When a spouse or live-in partner loses a job or suffers a financial crisis, it falls on the other person in that relationship to pick up and provide for what is now missing. The financial consequences are similar where a marriage or committed relationship ends, and there are dependents involved that must be fed, clothed and nurtured.
Maybe this isn't your situation. If you were born between 1982 and 1984, you may be experiencing your first Saturn Return and are beginning your second life cycle by transitioning from childhood to adulthood. Those born between 1952 and 1954 may be going through their second Saturn Return and embarking on their third life cycle by making the shift from maturity to wisdom. Saturn Returns can be a very trying period but the rewards are lifelong and well worth the hard work.
Perhaps you or your significant other aren't going through a Saturn Return. Currently, earth Sun signs and earth risings are feeling a financial crunch as Saturn in Libra affects income directly (Virgo) or maybe through a career change or some other work-related development (Capricorn, Taurus) that, in turn, affects income.
Whatever the situation may be, the next two years is crucial in taking control of finances by establishing or re-establishing a healthy relationship to money and how to manage it. From October until now, Saturn in Libra has been illustrating (in varying degrees of severity), the realities within our situations, where the cracks are in the foundation, how to repair or fortify structure, the hard work that lies ahead, and the commitment required to see things through.
From April 7, 2010 until July 21, 2010, Saturn revisits Virgo, an analytical sign known for its precision and ability to break complex concepts and large projects into smaller, manageable, doable steps. This is a critical period of assessing the whole situation, creating a detailed plan, anticipating for the unexpected and laying out the steps to take. Effecting change in one's financial situation goes beyond just money management, it encompasses a lifestyle change. If that sounds too overwhelming, it's not. Breaking it down to smaller, simpler steps help tremendously.
As a starting point, I suggest downloading the free e-book “Thriving on Less – Simplifying in a Tough Economy” from ThePowerOfLess.com. It is well written and informative, providing a practical set of guidelines on how to get back to the basics, live a more fruitful life minus all the clutter and take control of your finances once and for all. Read it and follow its recommendations. It is written by Leo Babauta, creator of ZenHabits.net, who has successfully managed himself out of his financial crisis and is now debt-free. He has been featured by CNN Money.
If part of the reason for the financial strain is mounting unsecured debt, consider contacting a Credit Counseling Service. They are mandated by the U.S. government to offer an initial debt counseling session for free or at an affordable fee, which must be disclosed prior to the session. One reputable agency is Money Management International (MMI), which services consumers whose debt are with U.S. creditors only. They assess a consumer's financial status, create a personal spending plan, and if necessary, enroll in a Debt Management Plan. For readers whose debt is with other than American creditors, there are similar services throughout North America and Europe who may be able to service your needs. Begin with your government's sites for information on provisions for debt/credit counseling services.
There are several free online tools that help with managing finances such as Mint.com which is a secure online service that lets you see all of your financial accounts in one screen – bank, investment, credit card, real estate/mortgage, school loans, etc. Make monthly budget allowances for groceries, eating out, entertainment, etc. and see where you are throughout the month. Some features include: low balance alert, bill due date notification, free iPhone/iPod Touch app and more. Security questions are addressed in a post at The New York Times blog.
Voyant takes things a step further by allowing you to create “goals” like paying off debt or saving for college or starting a small business. Features include an interactive timeline, graphics display, “what-if” scenarios and more. There is no security to address because no account numbers or login information to financial institutions are given to Voyant.
We all need to make purchases for the home, children's needs, etc. Consider buying second hand items at Craigslist.org or for getting them for free at Freecycle.org. These are also good places to start when de-cluttering your life.
The road to controlling finances may not be a quick and easy one, but it is feasible. With Saturn's determination and our commitment to making a change despite the hard work ahead, what seems overwhelming now is possible to overcome one disciplined step at a time.
Where is Saturn currently transiting in your birth chart? How is Saturn's transit influencing you? Where is natal Saturn in your birth chart (sign and house placement)? Start or join a discussion at AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum*

For those of you arriving at my site through the main Saturn collection of the International Astrology Day Blog-A-Thon internet event, welcome. My name is Jan, and most of my readers and friends know me as 'astrogrrl'. Get to know more about me here, follow me on twitter @astrogrrl, join me at As Above, So Below ning social network, and connect with me on my Facebook fan page. I am also available for personal consultations.
Come back and visit again soon.
This article is based on the astrological cycles of the planets and on journalistic research. It does not constitute financial advice. Any information should be considered in regard to specific circumstances. All tips are followed at your own risk and should be followed up with your own research.
Related articles:
- 2010 International Astrology Day Blog-A-Thon ~ Announcement
- 2010 International Astrology Day Blog-A-Thon ~ Official Website
- Look After Saturn and Saturn Will Look After You ~ The Saturn Collection
- Saturn Return
- Saturn in Libra ~ October 29, 2009 to April 7, 2010
- Saturn Returns to Virgo ~ April 7 to July 21, 2010
- Saturn Re-enters Libra ~ July 21, 2010 to October 5, 2012
- Cardinal T-Square ~ July to August 2010
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.
Image taken by Cassini on Nov. 9, 2007. Credit and copyright to NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.