A preview, as written for SatoriNation.com

The long-awaited event of Mars moving direct finally occurs mid-week, sandwiched between Venus making challenging alignments with Saturn then Pluto. Relationships and/or finances (Venus) continue to be in focus from the weekend. But now reality sinks in (Saturn), we're even more determined and eager to get our gears in motion (Mars) as we accept that which we uncover (Pluto) during the week. Mars' forward motion ensures more action and follow through with our plans, as well as that which are due us, i.e. delayed payment for work already completed, decisions/actions from others we may have been waiting upon, or if we've let existing matters go unresolved, it's time to face the music.
The week closes with the Sun and Mercury blending energies. Both are in Pisces, where insight and understanding may be attained by seeking within. Conversations and interactions may also be more meaningful and agreeable. Logic and reason may be harder to come by. This energy is great for creative projects and/or any type of spiritual pursuits.