Celestial energies continue shifting with Chiron, who begins his retrograde cycle on June 4 lasting until November 5. While retrograde, Chiron returns to Aquarius on July 20 then re-enter Pisces on February 8, 2011 to stay all the way through 2018, then again for a few months in 2019.
Chiron represents both what is broken and how to heal it. Unlike a headache where the discomfort can be dispelled by a pill, probing through the darkest recesses of our selves and piercing through our thickest walls to uncover what is at the root is a painstaking process, but well worth the effort.
Chiron joins Neptune and Pluto in retrograde motion. As with any celestial body in retrograde, Chiron's focus turn inward, allowing us to experience his inner workings. We are able to reflect, review and repair. We become aware of the problem, the extent of the problem, the root of the problem, ushering in the solution and healing to the problem. Because Chiron, like Neptune and Pluto, is slow moving, his movements have global implications. However, this post will focus more on the possible personal implications of Chiron's retrograde cycle.
While retrograde in Pisces (the seeker), Chiron's focus may be to delve deep into our broken spirit (losing the will to live or live a life with purpose), or where we may have lost our faith (in humanity, in our own abilities, etc.), or our belief in that which is greater than the self (God, the Tao, the Divine, etc.). We are given a chance to reconnect our bond with the 'essence' of who we are/of our existence, or if we are already attuned, find where the link may be weak and strengthen those areas.
Upon Chiron's return to Aquarius (the awakener), we are awakened to what we may have been doing for the sake of doing...living life in auto-pilot and making decisions that reflect what's safe or doesn't take much effort or rock the boat. But when looking at the bigger picture, longer term effects are actually more destructive to us. Becoming aware should stir the consciousness to make changes. As we heal the self, we are then able to turn around and help another heal their wounds.
Along with Neptune's retrograde, who is in Aquarius, we have the chance to get in touch with our spirituality and psychological self, giving us the ability to really open ourselves to a world of hurt that no longer needs to be a part of our present or future. Be aware that Neptune is known to cause confusion and is easily tempted with escapism. Remind yourself of the healing process you are committed to achieving and fight excessive escapism. If clarity eludes you, ride the wave of confusion, and arrive at your destination ... enlightened.
Add Pluto's transformative energies while retrograde in Capricorn, we become empowered to make the difficult changes necessary in helping us move forward. We'll be required to purge, eliminate and cut ties as we become enlightened to the truth. No matter how harsh and crushing truth may be, we must recognize them and accept them before we can release them. Healing is a process so, be kind to yourself as you come face to face with old memories that haunt, unrecognizable shadows of the self, toxic thought processes or relationships, deeply-rooted reasons for destructive habits, etc.
Chiron will retrograde between zero degrees of Pisces all the way back to 26 degrees of Aquarius. Look to the natal house/s that Chiron is transiting to find out how this transit might play out in your life. In addition, those with natal planets or house angles between 25 degrees of Aquarius and zero degree of Pisces may feel the influence of Chiron's retrograde more strongly than others. And those who are going through their Chiron Return, please be extra kind to yourself. Uncovering and tackling decades of buried wounds can be painful, draining, frustrating, but it is a process that frees the soul and opens you up for what can be possible when burden is lifted.
Unsure if you have natal planets/house planets at 25 degrees of Aquarius and zero degree of Pisces? Cast your own birth chart -- birth date, time, and place required.
Alternatively, I am also available for personal astrology consultations. Are you celebrating a birthday? Schedule your session for a Solar Return (birthdays) or 3-Chart Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months) or request a quote for a more customized reading tailored to your needs. You might also consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.
Related articles:
"Chiron and Achilles" (c. 1922-1925) by John Singer Sargent oil on canvas, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Image is public domain. Details at Wikicommons.
Chiron Retrograde ~ June 4 to November 5, 2010

WeeklyScopes ~ May 31 to June 6, 2010

*Please note that all day/time references are North America Eastern time unless otherwise noted.
Continuing from last week's big energy shifts, we hav more to look forward to this week. Just as Saturn (reality) continues to station in preparation for full direct motion, Neptune (psyche) does the opposite and stations to retrograde, joining Pluto (endings). Neptune's retrograde starts off the work week on Monday, May 30; she will remain retrograde until November 7.
The heavens give us a "quieter" middle of the week. But just as the weekend begins, Chiron (healing) also begins his 5-month retrograde cycle on Friday, June 4, the same day Mars and Neptune gets in a tug of war. Tensions rise. The more we push our own agenda, the more the other side may choose to retreat, giving no indication of wanting to communicate. Assertiveness instead of aggression; discussions instead of demands might be the wiser course of action if results are expected.
By week's end on Sunday, Jupiter (luck) leaves mellow Pisces for enterprising Aries, where he remains until September 9, just enough time to get incite some fun, exciting "trouble" with Uranus.
For U.S. Pacific coasters, Sunday night also brings another shift in the sky. Just before midnight (Monday, 2am Eastern), Mars (action) leaves Leo after an extra long transit that began last year in October. Mars' transit in Virgo begins on June 6 (June 7, for some) where he remains until July 29. In Virgo, our actions are more measured and well thought-out.
How might you fare this week?
Aries-Sun or Rising ~ Even if Uranus is now rockin' and rollin' in your sign, there may be a 'sleepiness' to the week. The pace picks up as the weekend approaches, however. A growing conflict or difference of opinion with a friend comes to a head by week's end. Handle it however you see fit, but understand that how you act/react is directly related to whether or not you'll get results or whether those results will clarify anything.
Taurus-Sun or Rising ~ So much confusion still. It's understandable you want make the right decisions, but choosing to stand still while waiting to arrive at what's right may leave you waiting ... and waiting ... and waiting when you can be living. Sometimes it's more important to just make a choice. Right now. One step. One direction. One choice leads to what enlightens you towards the next step. This week, just be brave enough to take one small step, make one small choice.
Gemini-Sun or Rising ~ woops. Well, that did not turn out anywhere near what you imagined it might. Funny, how that happens. Don't worry too much, though. Repercussions will not be as terrible as you initially perceive them to be. What's more important though is how you react and the actions you choose to take going forward. Remind yourself of your true objective/s and make your decisions/actions reflect those.
Cancer-Sun or Rising ~ oh dear... how difficult it is to just sit still! So much nervous energy when there's really nothing to be nervous about. It feels like you might burst if you stop moving, thinking, doing. Go ahead and wear yourself out, then. There's no rush though. Keep working, doing, moving until you've used up all your energy then sit back for a bit and see all that you'd gotten accomplished. This week, stick to your own pace, however fast or slow it is. The need to accomplish is great but there's no rush.
Leo-Sun or Rising ~ Something from the past may show up or something you didn't know about comes to light. It may not be pleasant but must be dealt with, nonetheless. Be direct but not overbearing. Speak your mind and make sure you are heard. Then, brush it off your shoulders because whatever it is, no longer matters. It's done. Do your best to make peace with it.
Virgo-Sun or Rising ~ There's nothing worse than a trusted friend, colleague, or partner screwing you over. It really kind of rocks your core, doesn't it? Don't get stuck with what's been done and how. Another's action is just that. It's their action. It has nothing to do with you or who you are or whether or not you've done anything to encourage their action. It sounds trite to say, 'it's them, not you' but in this case, it is. So, go about your business and pay it nor more mind. Give it no more of your energy.
Libra-Sun or Rising ~ When you love what you do, it doesn't seem so much like work. That must really be the secret to life and living and working. This week, love what you do and be conscious of it. Love the little things that surround your immediate environment. Love what makes your daily experiences quirky and unique, even if they also can be annoying at times. Flaws and imperfections can be just as endearing and worthwhile of your time and energy.
Scorpio-Sun or Rising ~ Don't look at what you can see. I didn't really need to tell you that though. You already know that what lies beneath the surface may hold the truth you seek. It's a bit like searching for a needle in a haystack. It won't be that difficult though. There is a time to everything...what you seek now is ready to come to light. What's more important, however, is whether or not you are prepared for what you discover.
Sagittarius-Sun or Rising ~ oooooh, what is that?! You had it. Just right there. On the tip of your tongue. Then, poof. It's gone. How frustrating! Let it go for now. Just be mindful and aware for signs that trigger what got away from you. Work keeps you busy enough. There might be drama on the home front or with family. Or maybe that's just the past catching up with you. Stick with what's routine and practical this week. Keep your mind open for insight.
Capricorn-Sun or Rising ~ You know what hurts? It hurts to think that no matter what you do or how hard you work, it never seems enough. More, more, more. They require more. Who are 'they'? Work superiors, spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, children, creditors ... oh, such blood suckers :) Seriously though, if you must be truly honest with yourself, there is a part of yourself who also believes the same -- more. Do more. Give more. It begins with you. Value yourself and all that you do as you wish others would and see where that leads you.
Aquarius-Sun or Rising ~ Fuzzy, fuzzy logic. Oh, that Neptune retrograding in your sign. Luckily, you've got Uranus trailblazing in your house of thought. Don't doubt yourself too much this week. What doubts you may have are really just wanting you to check things out...look into whatever they may be and decide if they have merit. More often than not, these doubts are rooted in fear, however. So no, not valid enough to have cause to make you doubt yourself.
Pisces-Sun or Rising ~ Shopping is a nice escape this week. But not if your broke. And who really wants to window shop? All that does is show you all the things you could have. How cruel?! Woe is you. Snap out of it!! Uranus is working hard at increasing your income. No doubt. What you can do this week is create, make, do ... Uranus in Aries requires action. At this point, it doesn't matter much what you do, but perform it happily and with good/positive intentions. That is what Uranus will pick up on.
"Sagittarius A" -- Image credit and credit to NASA/CXC/MIT/F. Baganoff, R. Shcherbakov et al. .

Jupiter in Aries ~ June 6, 2010 to June 4, 2011

After staying in Pisces for five months and spending those last few weeks hanging out with Uranus in Pisces, Jupiter follows Uranus' lead and leaves mellow Pisces for enterprising Aries on June 6 at 1:50 a.m. EST (June 5 at 11:50 p.m. PST). Uranus entered Aries the previous week on May 27; Jupiter continues to lag just behind Uranus but a couple of days after Jupiter enters Aries, he catches up to Uranus. On June 8, Jupiter and Uranus will blend energies in Aries ... anything is a possibility, be open and adjust thoughts and words spoken to reflect what you want to manifest instead of you fear.
Jupiter retrogrades from July 23 to November 18 and returns to Pisces on September 9. Upon re-entry in Aries on January 22, 2011, he remains in Aries until June 4, 2011.
Just as Uranus' entrance into Aries activates the cardinal forces already in effect, Jupiter's entrance in Aries reinforces what Uranus began stimulating. In joining Uranus in Aries, Jupiter aids in completing the challenging square between Saturn (reality) and Pluto (empowerment), that first culminated in November 2009 and again January 2010, to form a Cardinal T-Square. That's two planets -- forward-thinking (Uranus) and expansive (Jupiter) -- in the pioneering sign of Aries weighing in against Saturn in objective Libra and Pluto in pragmatic Capricorn. wow! In addition to this Cardinal T-square, throughout June to August, a few other players will get in on the action as well, the Eclipsed Moon and Mars will each join this powerful cardinal force in their own timing. Although this energy climaxes this year, its impact is long lasting.
As I wrote in a previous Jupiter post,
And as I mentioned in my Uranus in Aries post,
Jupiter in Aries is the spark of optimism needed to push through despite mountains to climb. He blesses us with opportunities that will help support our endeavors. It is our job to be aware of doors or windows opening. Opportunities may not come in the package we expect them to or hope for them to. They may not even come from the sources or people we think they might. We can all benefit from Jupiter by expanding our minds, our expectations, our perceptions to break past whatever metaphorical boundaries limit us from what's truly possible.
Jupiter has been trailing Uranus for weeks and he finally catches up to Uranus on June 8. Their conjunction (blending of energies) is explosive, optimistic, radical, forceful and impulsive. It's a raw, active, instinctive kind of energy. Energy is neither good nor bad; it's how we use the energy, how we react to it that gives the result of good or bad or easy or challenging or exciting or dreadful. Let's make things happen. New exciting things that foster growth and benefit the self and, by extension, others around us.
We can all benefit from Jupiter's blessings in Aries. Early born cardinal sun signs or those with natal planets/house angles in the very early degrees of cardinal signs may feel the affects of Jupiter's transit in Aries this year. Those with natal Jupiter in Aries between zero and 3 degrees may be going through their Jupiter Return, as well. A Jupiter Return occurs approximately every 12 years, when Jupiter returns to the same sign and degree he was in at the time of our birth and usually coincides with major life changes as a new 12-year cycle of personal growth and expansion begins. The year of Jupiter's return offers blessings, favor and opportunities for gaining experience, wisdom, as well as financial gains.
For me, as an early-born Cancer, Jupiter will come close to square my Sun but won't perfect until next year. The cardinal crosses and t-square this year falls on my angular houses (10th=career/goals; 4th=home/family; 7th=partnerships; 1st=self/potential) and with transiting Pluto oppose my Sun while transiting Saturn and Uranus square my Sun. All the while, Neptune squares my Neptune. It's an exciting, scary year of possibilities. It's my job to make sure that the 'possibilities' are ones that benefit me. It will not be an easy process. Nor will I not make mistakes on this journey, but being mindful of thinking and speaking words that reflect what I want to manifest versus what I fear or am having difficulty with, should keep me on the path I need to be in. It's easy to veer off when life happens and a curve ball or two or three are thrown my way. When the curve ball happens to be shiny and pleasant, it's even easier to take detours. The key to managing and making the most of this cardinal energy climaxing is to know what I want to work towards. Having a goal to focus on, while I handle all that comes at me, lets me deal with the unexpected without losing sight of the prize. And if I find myself straying, I can assess if this detour is something I want to do because my goals have changed? hmm... It's possible, my Mercury is in Gemini and conjunct my Midheaven :)
How might Jupiter's transit in Aries influence in your life? Look to the Aries-ruled house/s in your birth chart. Match the sign with the house cusps on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Aries zodiac sign on your birth chart click here for an explanation of Jupiter transiting those solar and/or natal houses.

Click image to see larger
For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and/or Rising Sign below then click here for an explanation of Jupiter transiting those solar and/or natal houses.
- Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 1st House
- Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 12th House
- Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 11th House
- Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 10th House
- Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 9th House
- Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 8th House
- Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 7th House
- Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 6th House
- Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 5th House
- Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 4th House
- Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 3rd House
- Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 2nd House
I am also available for customized readings tailored to your needs. Are you celebrating a birthday? Have natal planets in early signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn? or Are you going through your Jupiter Return this year? Schedule your session for a Solar Return (birthdays), 3-Chart Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months), Jupiter Return/Transit or request a quote for a more customized reading tailored to your needs. Or why not give a loved one the gift of insight?
Have a question? Ask me here. Or maybe hop over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to join in or start a discussion.
What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.
Related articles:
- Transiting Jupiter in Natal Houses
- Uranus in Aries ~ May 27 to August 13, 2010
- Jupiter Conjunct Uranus in Aries ~ June 8, 2010
- Eclipses, Crosses and Cardinal T-Square ~ An introduction to the potential of what celestial events in 2010 offers for the long term
- Saturn, Jupiter/Uranus, Pluto Cardinal T-Square ~ July 2010
- Jupiter Retrograde ~ July 23 to November 18, 2010
- Jupiter Re-enters Aries ~ January 22 to June 4, 2011
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.
Jupiter and Family - Image credit and copyright to Galileo Project, Voyager Project, JPL and NASA.
LuvScopes Posted! ~ May 28 to 30, 2010

Since the Full Moon on Thursday night, the Sagittarius-Moon does not make another major alignment with any other celestial body until Saturday morning. With Uranus newly in Aries, Friday night makes for a social (Gemini-Sun) and adventurous (Sagittarius-Moon). It might just be a late night of spontaneous fun (Aries-Uranus). Venus remains in loving Cancer which hopefully eases any tension in relationships, especially as the Moon make alignments to other planets, especially after the Moon leaves Sagittarius and enters emotionally-challenged Capricorn on Saturday afternoon. By Sunday afternoon, another energy shift in the heavens when Saturn, who has been retrograde since January, stations and prepares to move direct again.
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Image source unknown.

Neptune Retrograde ~ May 31 to November 6/7, 2010

The planet of all things hidden and illusions, Neptune, joins Pluto as she stations on May 31 in preparation for retrograde movement. Neptune, who is still slowly strolling through the last degrees of Aquarius, will retrograde from May 31 to November 6/7, 2010.
In a previous post for Neptune's retrograde last year, I wrote the following explanation about Neptune retrograde in Aquarius:
Neptune currently transits Aquarius, known for its originality, innovation, rebellion, love for freedom and independent thought. Aquarius is humanitarian, civic-minded, and unconventional. In Aquarius, Neptune's ideals are stretched to reflect the identity of the self within the whole, the purpose of the individual within the greater society, the contribution of one that reaches many.
This period offers us the opportunity to give attention to our spiritual side, psychological self, imagination, and ideals; aspects of our selves that we may have neglected during the course of living our busy, daily lives. This is the time to get in touch with realities in the spiritual plane that are just as true and substantial as the realities we face in the physical world. Be wary of excessive escapism, especially with drugs, during this period. A fog of confusion is also common; don't fear it. Instead, embrace the abyss of the unknown. In surrendering, clarity will follow.
During her retrograde cycle, she will retrace her steps from from 28 degrees and back to 25 degrees. This time around, however, Neptune's retrograde occurs when a rare and active set of cardinal eclipses, cross & t-square are happening within the course of three months (June and August). Their impact is long lasting, benefiting us for months, possibly years to come, depending on how those celestial events touch our birth charts. It's a welcome time to have Neptune, who is already natively intuitive and focused on internal workings, to also be retrograde. Perhaps, it can be a help to us as we figure out whatever may truly be going on inside of us that greatly influence the decisions/actions we make in our external existence.
For me, transiting Neptune hangs around in a square with my natal Neptune. As a Virgo-rising with Pluto also rising (in the 12th), who is square both my Midheaven/IC and my Mercury, I just need to know. I would always rather know, no matter how terrible the news may be that awaits me. With Neptune square Neptune, however, I'm drawing a blank...the abyss of the unknown must look like this, I wonder. LOL. I completely underestimated this Neptune square Neptune transit. I knew it was coming, but how hard could it really be?! My natal Neptune is in the 3rd (thought) with natal Pluto (digging/uncovering) also sextile natal Neptune. I'm good at knowing what the score really is, even when I choose to live in the land of denial for a while, I consciously know I am choosing it. Whatever this Neptune square Neptune has in store for me must be well beneath many, many layers and cannot be arrived at through my usual means! Hence, I know that my earth-rising, along with earth-Pluto and the alignments I mentioned above may also have a heavy hand in my inability to 'see' what I need to. My approach needs to change. I get that. My cardinal Sun and Moon and know-it-all Virgo-rising need to accept and be okay with having made some mistakes, especially in overconfidence of underestimating this transit :) I worked in finance for many years, and I can't tell you how many times I read the statement "Past performance is not indicative of future results" or something similar to it. It's how I feel about this Neptune-Neptune square transit. Have I told you transiting Pluto is also oppose my Sun? Ah, yes, these are good times for me, indeed. Seriously though, the combination of transiting Neptune and Pluto retrograde while challenging my Neptune and my Sun might just be what I need to get break through the fog and get past the unknown to arrive at enlightenment. Sounds easy enough ... not really. LOL. Although, now that the cardinal energies in me have been subdued and my Virgo-rising is over the initial shock of having made a mistake :) I'm in better shape to tackle this square/opposition business. I will take the next two weeks to prepare for the New Moon in Gemini next month which triggers the natal alignments I mentioned above as the Gemini-New Moon conjunct my natal Mercury (thought) & Midheaven (future). It's an ideal time to initiate my new approach. But now, I'm getting ahead of myself ... down, Virgo-rising & control-freak Pluto-rising :)
How might Neptune's retrograde transit influence your life? Look to the answers for the following questions. Where does her current transit fall in your birth chart? Do you have natal planets or house angles within 24 to 29 degrees of fixed signs? Which house or houses is/are governed by Aquarius? For those without a birth chart, cast your own -- birth date, time and place required.
Alternatively, I am also available for personal astrology consultations. Are you celebrating a birthday? Gain insight through an astrology reading. Schedule a session for a Solar Return or 3-Chart reading or request a quote for a more customized reading that's tailored to your needs. You might also consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.
Have a question? Ask away. Or cruise on over to our free public forum -- AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join a discussion.
Related articles:
- Chiron Retrograde ~ June 4 to November 5, 2010
- Pluto Retrograde ~ April 6 to September 14, 2010
- Cardinal Forces Climaxing this Summer ~ June to August 2010
- Neptune Direct ~ November 6/7, 2010
*Learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.
Neptune's Great Dark Spot, accompanied by white high-altitude clouds -- image credit and copyright to JPL, Voyager, NASA.

Saturn Direct ~ May 30, 2010

After being retrograde since January 13, Saturn stations on May 30 to begin direct movement. He is currently in Virgo, after having returned on April 17. However, Saturn will re-enter Libra on July 21 to stay until October 2012.
While retrograde, Saturn's focus was turned inward and we may have found difficulty getting our plans to move ahead or had to get through more obstacles/delays than anticipated. Saturn is the taskmaster of the zodiac. He teaches us lifelong, karmic lessons. He is disciplined, pragmatic and a hard worker. By showing us our limitations, obligations and the realities of our situations, he enables us to find a way work through them, around them or with them so we can achieve our objectives. In Virgo, he is analytical, meticulous, a perfectionist, a list maker, critical, nervous, practical and adaptable. As he begins moving direct again, we're able to move forward taking measured steps and well thought out actions, finally making a dent on our to-do list. Virgos born on or around September 20 may feel the effects of Saturn direction change.
Upon re-entering Libra on July 21, Saturn will trigger the powerful cardinal force when he joins Uranus/Jupiter in Aries and Pluto, who will continue to be retrograde in Capricorn, in a forming a Cardinal T-Square (which is a combination of 2 squares & an opposition in cardinal signs). Square=conflict; the need for action, to manifest something into the tangible world; opposition=tug of war, requiring balance between opposing sides. Cardinal signs embody independence, self-motivation, ambition and are often initiators, leaders. This cardinal t-square is an active energy that requires movement on our part. We cannot be lazy. We must act for if we ignore it, we may find ourselves reacting to what is manifesting around us instead of having some control on the what and when of things.
Tensions run high within the next few months. This cardinal energy is an impatient but dynamic energy that requires action. Allow Saturn's direct movement in Virgo to pave the way toward helping manage however the cardinal energy may be manifesting in your world.
Elsewhere in the sky, only a few days before Saturn's direction change, Uranus entered Aries on May 27 which also stimulates the upcoming cardinal climax occurring in July and August, even if its effects/influence felt long after those two months. Jupiter will soon follow Uranus and also enter Aries on June 6. But before that Neptune joins Pluto in retrograde motion beginning next week on May 31, helping us get to the root of whatever it is we are seeking to know.
How does Saturn's transit influence your birth chart? Look to the natal house/s ruled by Virgo and Libra. Match the signs with the house cusps on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify Virgo and Libra zodiac signs on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation.

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for them below then click here for a brief explanation of Saturn's transit in those houses. The first house listed reflects Saturn's transit in Libra; the second house listed marks Saturn's return to Virgo from April 7 to July 21, 2010.
- Aries-Sun or Aries-Rising ~ 7th and 6th houses
- Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 6th and 5th houses
- Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 5th and 4th houses
- Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 4th and 3rd houses
- Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 3rd and 2nd houses
- Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 2nd and 1st houses
- Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 1st and 12th houses
- Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 12th and 11th houses
- Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 11th and 10th houses
- Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 10th and 9th houses
- Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~9th and 8th houses
- Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 8th and 7th houses
Are you going through your Saturn Return? Are you celebrating a birthday soon? Gain insight through an astrology reading. Schedule a session for a Saturn Return, Saturn Transit, Solar Return (birthdays) or 3 Chart Combination reading. Or request for a quote for a more customized reading tailored to your needs. You might also consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.
Have a question? Ask me here. Or maybe cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start a discussion.
Related articles:
- Saturn Return
- Saturn Retrograde ~ January 13 to May 30, 2010
- Saturn Returns to Virgo ~ April 7 to July 21, 2010
- Saturn Re-enters Libra ~ July 21, 2010 (article forthcoming)
- Jupiter in Aries ~ June 6 to September 9, 2010
- Uranus in Aries ~ May 27 to August 13, 2010
- Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn ~ April 6 to September 14, 2010
*Learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.
"Cassini Spacecraft Crosses Saturn's Ring Plane" -- APOD image credit and copyright to The Cassini Imaging Team/JPL/NASA.
WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ May 24 to 31, 2010

A snippet, as written for SatoriNation.com
Big shift in the heavens. The Full Moon in Sagittarius signals the completion/culmination of something within each of our lives, and the time to prepare the next phase. It's the perfect precursor to Uranus' big, bold entrance into Aries where sparks of brilliant ideas can't wait to get under way. There's a danger of leaping without looking so, be mindful of that this week. Uranus has not been in Aries since 1935 so, this is a significantly influential celestial event that triggers the beginning of cardinal forces climaxing within the next few months.

Full Moon in Sagittarius ~ May 27, 2010

The Moon grows full in Sagittarius on the same day a major shift in the heavens occur with Uranus' entrance in Aries, a sign he has not occupied since the mid-1930s. Those celebrating their birthday on May 27 or 28 are sure to have an exciting year ahead.
Full moons signify the completion, culmination of what may have been initiated during the previous New Moon in Taurus, which urged us take a look at what we value in life, understand how we define material "security" and improve how we manage our finances, if necessary. This Full Moon in Sagittarius encourages us to expand -- our minds, our vision, our faith, our perception.
The Sagittarius-Moon (heart) opposes the Gemini-Sun (soul) and makes no other alignments with any other celestial bodies. Elsewhere in the sky, however, we remain under the umbrella of the Saturn-Uranus opposition, just as Jupiter and Uranus grow closer to their blending of energies. The heart wants what the heart wants; the soul must accomplish what it must; neither has to explain the "why" to the other. But when what the heart wants opposes what the soul wills, it's a tug of war that gets us nowhere. Hence, the full moon seeks harmony between what the heart and soul wishes. There is a compromise, a common ground, a balance. Once there is balance, we are able to dream big and be optimistic (Jupiter and Uranus) while also grounded by acknowledging the realities of our situation and being open to seeking unconventional ways to resolve issues (Saturn and Uranus).
The full moon occurs on May 27 at 7 degrees of Sagittarius at 7:07 p.m. EDT (North America) and ushers in a succession of big celestial energy shifts. A few hours after the Full Moon, Uranus enters Aries at 9:44 p.m. Then, a few days later on the 30th, Saturn stations for direct movement. The next day, on the 31st, Neptune begins her retrograde cycle. What a fitting Full Moon in the expansive sign of Sagittarius symbolizing endings one phase to welcome in another.
For me, as a Virgo-rising, this Full Moon falls in my natal 3rd house of thought & communication with Sagittarius governing my natal 4th house of family & the past and irritates my Sun (self), aggravates my North Node (life path) and harmonizes with my Uranus (unconventionality). All that really means is that I need to get out of my own way (my Sun) -- shift my perspective (my 3rd house); think outside the box (Uranus); accept that what I must do may not necessarily be what I want to do (my North Node) but in letting go of preconceived notions tied to the past (my 4th house), I open myself to more possibilities that are beyond what my mind could imagine now (Sagittarius-full moon). If I've done the work during the New Moon phase and determined that which I truly value in life, I should be able to purge what's in excess of that and gain balance between the Moon and the Sun.
How will this full moon influence your birth chart? Match the sign and degree to determine what house this full moon falls in. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the sign Sagittarius on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation on the Full Moon transit in that house.

Click image to see larger
If you don't have your birth chart, you may use your Sun sign and/or your Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and Rising Signs below then click here for a brief explanation of the Full Moon transit in those houses.
- Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 9th House
- Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 8th House
- Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 7th House
- Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 6th House
- Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 5th House
- Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 4th House
- Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 3rd House
- Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 2nd House
- Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 1st House
- Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 12th House
- Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 11th House
- Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 10th House
Is today your birthday? Schedule your session for a Solar Return (birthdays) or 3-Chart Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months) or request a quote for a more customized reading tailored to your needs. You might also consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.
Related articles:
- The Full Moon in Natal Houses
- Solar Returns Explained ~ your personal year
- Uranus in Aries ~ May 27 to August 13, 2010
- Saturn-rx Oppose Uranus ~ April 26, 2010 (long term influence)
- Jupiter and Uranus, Allies in Pisces ~ May 2010
- Saturn Direct ~ May 30, 2010
- Neptune Retrograde ~ May 31, 2010
*Learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.
"3D Full Moon" -- APOD image credit and copyright to Laurent Laveder.

LuvScopes Posted! ~ May 21 to 23, 2010

Love, romance, relationships or the lack thereof gets a bit intensified this weekend as the planet of love, Venus, tenses up with Pluto, who can be obsessive, distrustful and paranoid. The Sun and Chiron have a conflict of their own and force us to change our outlook and thought process. Don't be gullible but do give others the benefit of a doubt. Innocent until proven guilty, right? The challenging link between Jupiter and Saturn will hopefully be of help in discerning what is real and what is fluff.
Mobile Version - Click here
Image source unknown.

Uranus in Aries ~ May 27, 2010 to 2018/2019

Jupiter and Uranus have been strolling together through the last degrees Pisces, with Jupiter trailing behind by a little bit, for most of this month. On May 27, the same day as the Full Moon in Sagittarius, Uranus leaves Pisces, a sign he's been transiting since 2003, and enters Aries, a sign he last visited in 1935 with the initial ingress in 1927. Uranus will only get a sampling of Arien energy this year. He retrogrades in a few months on July 5 and briefly returns to Pisces from August 13, 2010 until March 11, 2011. Upon re-entering Aries next year, Uranus will remain in Aries until May 15, 2018. Uranus then enters Taurus briefly, retrogrades and returns to Aries on November 6, 2018 until March 6, 2019.
Uranus is the awakener, the mover and shaker of the zodiac. His goal is change/improvement for the masses at any cost, even at the cost of chaos or a revolution. Uranus represents humanitarianism, unconventionality, unpredictability, indifference, freedom, technological advancements, and loyalty to its cause. Uranus' energy is radical, disruptive, rebellious and innovative.
Aries is the trailblazer of the zodiac. Aries energy is bold, individualistic, independent, enterprising and can be impulsive, pushy, abrasive, and bossy. It's an impatient energy that needs to constantly be in a dynamic state -- gotta be moving, gotta be doing, gotta be making things happen. Aries represents the self, the ego, our volition, our potential.
Uranus in Aries is the period for asserting the self, its needs and wants. It is a time for breaking away from dependence and finding one's own strength for self-reliance and self-motivation. I am independent. I am strong. I am significant. I matter. I can do it. I can make it happen. I can get it started. I can because I am. This is a time for discovering or re-discovering and connecting or re-connecting with the self and its raw, passionate, instinctive drives to be the main motivator in formulating goals and getting them accomplished. Remember that Uranus governs the unexpected so, be flexible enough to expect the unexpected -- find opportunities in the least likely places or connections; formulate unique solutions to common or existing problems; tweak an old method and make it more effective; break away from boundaries and think outside the box.
The revolutionary Uranus transits the pioneering sign of Aries from 2010 to 2018/2019. What might this transit have in store? If we are to look at the past for some type of indicator, in American history we had Black Tuesday when the market unexpectedly crashed on October 29, 1929 and eventually became one of the major causes to the Great Depression, the global economic downturn. Hmm... Good thing past performance isn't a consistent indicator of future results. We could draw on parallels, however, to give some gauge on how we might be able to best prepare ourselves for what may or may not come to pass. One thing is for sure, however, great, big changes are afoot in whatever city or country you may reside in. As with most challenges, these changes will eventually prove to be for the better. We must, however, be loyal to the cause -- may it be in improving or re-inventing the self, braving a change in careers, establishing a career in the work force for the first time, working to effect change within a community/society, being courageous enough to go after our aspirations, etc.
There is a significant astrological difference this time around that affects impact. Uranus' entrance into Aries triggers the cardinal forces already in effect and that which we've been under the umbrella of since late 2009. Uranus in Aries completes the challenging square between Saturn (reality) and Pluto (empowerment), that first culminated in November 2009 and again January 2010, to form a Cardinal T-Square. In addition to this Cardinal T-square, throughout June to August, a few other players will get in on the action as well, Jupiter, the Eclipsed Moon and Mars will each join this cardinal energy in their own timing. Although this alignment/energy climaxes this year, their influence is long lasting.
A square is the most difficult and challenging relationship between two or more planets. It is an impatient energy that requires action. A square is conflict, war between two celestial bodies. There is a need to create something birthed from inside us and to manifest that creation out into the world -- may it be in your own personal world, your immediate environment or something that influences many. A t-square embodies the energy of two squares plus an opposition. An opposition is a tense relationship between planets that require balance. Add cardinal to the mix -- cardinal signs take action; they lead, create and initiate. So, the combined energy of a cardinal t-square makes for something that's impatient, dynamic and eager to do something...anything.
The next few months can be the beginning of something exciting and challenging, resulting in radical changes that you've longed for, whether consciously or subconsciously. But it is important that one be ready for it. Readiness is knowing what you want to work towards, but it is also being open to where the journey leads you on your way to your destination, without losing focus. Or should you lose sight of your true intentions, be open enough to become aware of it so you can steer yourself back into the path you should be in. If one is not ready, however, it will be easy to get caught by the sheer dynamic force of this cardinal energy. One might find himself/herself simply reacting to what's happening to them -- hastily or trying to catch up -- instead of being able to act with some form of control or within your own timing.
Uranus' transit in Aries brings another rare but long lasting planetary alignment - Uranus square Pluto. Their alignment will perfect on seven occasions between 2012 and 2015 - 2x each in 2012, 2013 & 2014, and once in 2015. More on this later...
Looking back to when Uranus was in Aquarius (innovation/math & science/technology) from 1996 to 2003, we saw technological advances, especially in the rise of personal computers and the internet becoming readily available to the masses. There was also a change in the 'work force' with much of the mind inventing this new technology being young'uns (most were under 25 and some even as young as teenagers). With Uranus in Pisces (spirituality/medication/transcendence), there was a rise for the need to become a part of the whole. Interest in spiritual pursuits increased with more people becoming more open to alternative ways of doing things/belief systems. Interest in the holistic approach and alternative medicine also grew. More immediate ways of helping others were established -- internet charity websites where donors choose what organization to give to (donorschoose.org), ways for people to donate using company sponsors' funds (greatergood.com), more volunteer websites for searching on a local level (volunteermatch.org), and quicker ways for concerned citizens to make a difference (care2.org) are some examples.
During Uranus in Aquarius and Uranus in Pisces, there were challenges (some very difficult, others were cardiac-arrest-inducing kind of stress), good days and terrible days, but overall the radical changes have helped improve situations. Although, there is still much work to be done which Uranus in Aries will pick up and continue. On a personal level, as usual, don't fight the necessary changes that need to occur within the self.
Although we are all affected by Uranus' transit in Aries, the intensity and degree of influence will fluctuate throughout the 7-year transit and the timing will also depend on our birth chart's planetary and house placements. Additionally, those with cardinal Sun signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn); those with Natal Uranus in Cancer (born approximately 1949 to 1956) or in Libra (born approximately 1968 to 1975) or in Capricorn (born approximately 1988 to 1996); and those with Chiron in Aries (born approximately 1969 to 1977) may feel the effects more strongly than others.
For me, as a Cancer-Sun, Uranus' transit in Aries falls in my solar 10th house of professional pursuits and personal goals. As a Virgo-rising, Uranus will continue transiting through my natal 7th house (partnerships) before entering my natal 8th house (transformation/debt). In addition, transiting Uranus will oppose my natal Uranus beginning mid-2011 to early 2013 ... fun, fun, fun. Yes, there is a hint of sarcasm in my tone :) This opposition occurs at the ending of transiting Neptune square my Neptune (another really fun transit to my chart; yes, sarcasm again). Basically, a change in career (which began last year around the Saturn-Pluto square period) and goals (which are still under development). I've yet to see what this might mean for my natal 7th and 8th houses, but I'll keep you posted.
To get an idea of how Uranus' transit in Aries might influence you, look to the Aries-ruled natal and/or solar house/s of your birth chart. Match the sign with the house cusp/s on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Aries zodiac sign on your birth chart.

- 1st House ~ represents the self and potential; time to re-invent the self; go after dreams and aspirations; be bolder and more confident; be more assertive; discover natural but untapped or undeveloped skills/talents
- 2nd House ~ increasing income; becoming more materially secure; redefining what 'security' means and/or your value system; changing jobs; issues with self-worth
- 3rd House ~ conceptualizing and communicating brilliant ideas; going back to school; writing; speaking engagements; re-learning how to communicate effectively
- 4th House ~ changes within the home or family roles; possibly a physical move to a new home; addition to the family or becoming empty nesters
- 5th House ~ learning to balance work and pleasure; reconnecting with your inner child; having children; valuing children enough to spend ample quality time with them; becoming the protector/voice for children; committing to new creative ventures; finding true love
- 6th House ~ adopting a healthier lifestyle; becoming more aware of others' needs and being of service to them; changing everyday routine to fit a more well-rounded day to day
- 7th House ~ getting married or divorced; redefining what a relationship means to you, your expectations of your partner/of yourself within a relationship; unexpected alliances; new business partnerships
- 8th House ~ time to deal with debt; purging unnecessaries (materially, emotionally, spiritually); finding self-power
- 9th House ~ increased exposure to other cultures; learning through experience; spiritual or philosophical pursuits; becoming a published writer or a publisher
- 11th House ~ expanding social circle; breaking free from unhealthy ties; redefining what friendship means; finding out who your true friends are
- 10th House ~ changing careers; redefining future goals; retiring or gaining a promotion; becoming self-employed or opening a new business/company
- 12th House ~ tap into and develop intuitive/spiritual self; discover your hidden potential or natural gift; uncover secrets (both what's been kept from you or what you've kept to yourself); becoming inspired and having faith in possibilities
Are you going through your Uranus-Uranus opposition years (those born 1968 to 1975/76)? Gain insight through an astrology reading. Request for a quote here. Perhaps you're interested in how Uranus' transit in Aries may influence you? Request a quote for a 24-Month Uranus Transit, schedule a 3-Chart reading or request a quote for a reading tailored to your needs. You might also consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.
What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.
Related articles:
- Current Planetary Transits
- Full Moon in Sagittarius ~ May 27, 2010
- Jupiter and Uranus, Allies in Pisces ~ May 2010
- Astrological Impact of 2010's Cardinal Climax ~ June to August 2010
- Jupiter Conjunct Uranus at Aries Point ~ June 8, 2010
- Jupiter in Aries ~ June 6 to September 9, 2010
- Grand Cross & Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn ~ June 26, 2010
- Saturn, Jupiter/Uranus, Pluto Cardinal T-Square ~ July 2010
- Saturn Oppose Uranus-rx ~ July 26, 2010
- Cardinal Grand Cross ~ August 6, 2010
- Uranus square Pluto ~ 2012 to 2015 (articles forthcoming)
Hubble's Uranus -- image credit and copyright to NASA. This 2006 image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope shows bands and a new dark spot in Uranus' atmosphere.
WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ May 17 to 23, 2010

A snippet, as written for SatoriNation.com
Venus (love and money) and the Sun (potential and conscious will) change signs this week. But before they do, they us food for thought as they each make alignments to Saturn (reality/structure), Neptune (inspiration/hope) and Uranus (radical change). Mercury (thought/communication) and Pluto (control) get in on the action, too, by allowing for focus and clarity of mind, as well as reason and logic based communication with one another. Perhaps they are preparing us for Jupiter (ideals) and Saturn (reality) opposing one another by week's end-- a tug of war between expansion (Jupiter) and restriction (Saturn), faith (Jupiter) and practicality (Saturn).

Jupiter Oppose Saturn-rx ~ May 23, 2010

Our solar system's two biggest gas giants meet in an opposition on May 23rd in the last degrees of Pisces (Jupiter) and Virgo (Saturn). Jupiter hasn't been in Pisces since 1997-1998. Saturn, however, is still retrograde and now revisits October 2009. Some issues, events or situations you're dealing with now may be reminiscent or even linked to last fall. This presents an opportunity for closure or movement, if blockages have been met, or clarity, if necessary information has been missing.
In addition, just last month on April 26, Saturn opposed Uranus, and we remain under the umbrella of that opposition now as Saturn finds himself opposed to Jupiter. It's almost as if the opposition between Jupiter and Saturn picks up, supports, or reenergizes the opposition between Saturn and Uranus while Jupiter and Uranus strengthen their growing alliance which perfects on June 6. The current tension between Jupiter and Saturn may provide the necessary insight, push or opportunity to move forward with whatever's been started.
Jupiter is the planet of luck, bliss, opportunities, ideals and, in general, expansion. Whatever you have or may be offered or can conceptualized or able to produce, Jupiter expands. Saturn is the planet of reality, hard work, obligations, and, in general, restriction. Whatever your situation may be or possible opportunities you may be offered or aspirations you may have, Saturn restricts by showing you the reality of the situation. So what happens when the planet of expansion is at opposing sides with the planet of restriction? Ahhh, therein lies the conundrum :)
It's really not much of a rub, though. Dreams, aspirations, goals -- they aren't tangible and tend to remain in the realm of our minds and hearts. Saturn gives our dreams legs to stand on -- he reaches from the deepest parts of the self that desires and brings out those desires to be dealt with in the visible world. How can it be a possibility? What makes it impossible? What resources can you use now? What would you need help with? How might you get that help? What kind of timeframe do you want and what do you realistically have to work with? Saturn hammers it down to manageable, measurable steps. In Virgo, Saturn breaks it down to the details, anticipates pitfalls and analyzes situations with precision. So, dream big with Jupiter; in Pisces, keep hope alive. But get down to business with Saturn.
The opposition between Jupiter and Saturn occurs at 28 degrees of Pisces and Virgo, respectively. Although we are all influenced by this rare alignment, those with natal planets or house angles on or around 28 degrees of mutable signs may feel the affect more strongly than others.
For me, this opposition hits me in a similar fashion as last month's Saturn-Uranus opposition. The opposition stimulates the same spot in my birth chart:
What are your aspirations? How might this Jupiter-Saturn opposition influence your life? Look to the part of your chart that houses 28 degrees of Virgo and Pisces and/or check for natal planets or house angles on or around 28 degrees of mutable signs to get an idea. Cast your own birth chart -- birth date, time, and place required.
I am also available for personal readings. Is today your birthday? Schedule your session for a Solar Return (birthdays) or 3-Chart Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months) or request a quote for a more customized reading tailored to your needs. You can also give a loved one the gift of insight.
Have a question? Ask me here. Or maybe hop over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to join in or start a discussion.
Related articles:
- Jupiter in Pisces ~ January 17 to June 6, 2010
- Saturn Retrograde in Virgo ~ April 7 to July 21, 2010
- Saturn Retrograde ~ January 13 to May 30, 2010
- Jupiter, Uranus and Their Alliance in Pisces ~ May 2010
- Eclipses, Grand Crosses, Cardinal T-square ~ June to August 2010
- Uranus in Aries ~ May 27 to August 16, 2010
- Jupiter in Aries ~ June 6 to September 9, 2010
- Jupiter Conjunct Uranus ~ June 8, 2010 (Teaser alignment #2)
- Eclipsed Full Moon & Grand Cross ~ June 26, 2010 (Major event - 1st of 3 installations)
- Saturn, Uranus/Jupiter, Pluto Cardinal T-Square ~ July 2010 (Major event - 2nd of 3 installations)
- Cardinal Grand Cross ~ August 6/7, 2010 (Major event - 3rd of 3 installations)
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.
Image of Jupiter and Saturn manipulated from 'A Place in the Universe' - credit and copyright to NASA.

Sun in Gemini ~ May 20 to June 21, 2010

The Sun breaks away from Taurus' need for security and comfort as he enters Gemini on May 20 at 11:34 p.m. EDT, where he remains until June 21. The Sun represents our external drive, our potential, our conscious will. In Taurus, the Sun is somewhat cautious, practical, grounded, determined, dependable, and driven by material security. In Gemini, the Sun is social, gregarious, cerebral, intelligent, witty, and driven by intellectual and experiential pursuits. At best, the Sun in Gemini is easygoing, understanding, curious, funny, solutions-oriented. At worst, indecisive, non-committal, shallow, unfocused, duplicitous.
Gemini is the original multi-tasker of the zodiac. They can get at least twice the amount of action items done in less time than most people; and they can't quite sit still. Their minds are just as busy and are often thinking of something completely different from whatever actual conversations they are seemingly engrossed in. Geminis are without a doubt intelligent people, but to keep them interested in friendships and other interpersonal relations, mental stimulation is a MUST. Animated and engaged interactions required. Otherwise, it's easy to 'check out' and move on to the next interesting thing, person, topic, object, whatever :)
The Sun in Gemini reminds us that there is more than one way to do things or get to a destination. There are always other points of view to consider and some may be just as credible or feasible as the existing norm, other ideas in development, our personal opinions, etc. Knowledge can be gained from anywhere -- books, people, ideas; it's all around. Even the simplest of concepts can make an impact. A whisper can evoke a loud response. A chance meeting can evolve into a beautiful friendship. A heated debate can produce enough passion to effect a course of action that ultimately results in a change -- hopefully, for the better. Thoughts are valuable. Exchange of ideas are essential for growth, improvement and change, as well as pleasure.
While in Gemini, the Sun will align with the following celestial bodies (all dates reflect North America Eastern time zone; give +/-2 days for life span of influence):
- May 26 ~ Sun quincunx Pluto-rx. Uncovering what's hidden. Difficult truths to accept. Adjust the mind and expectations to more practical or real terms.
- May 27 ~ Full Moon in Sagittarius at 7:07 p.m. EDT. Uranus also enters Aries on this day, triggering a major celestial event.
- June 12 ~ New Moon in Gemini at 7:15 a.m. EDT.
- June 19 ~ Sun square Saturn-rx and trine Neptune-rx. Reality vs. dreams. Ideal for seeing what's illusory and what's true. Don't get discouraged if your dreams seem unreachable. Saturn's job is show you the reality of the situation so you can make better judgements and wiser decisions regarding your course of action. Neptune's job is keep the dream and hope alive. Commit to your dreams by dedicating yourself to the hard work and tough choices ahead.
For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and/or Rising Sign below then then click here for a brief explanation of the Sun transiting those solar and/or natal houses
- Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 3rd House
- Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 2nd House
- Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 1st House
- Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 12th House
- Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 11th House
- Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 10th House
- Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 9th House
- Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 8th House
- Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 7th House
- Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 6th House
- Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 5th House
- Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 4th House
Have a question or need a quote for a more customized reading, ask me here. Or feel free to cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join a discussion.
What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.
Related articles:
- Transiting Sun in Natal Houses
- Solar Returns Explained
- Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn ~ April 6 to September 14, 2010
- Saturn Retrograde in Virgo ~ April 7 to July 21, 2010
- Uranus in Aries ~ May 27 to August 13, 2010
- Full Moon in Sagittarius ~ May 27, 2010
- New Moon in Gemini ~ June 12, 2010
- Neptune Retrograde in Aquarius ~ May 31 to November 7, 2010
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.
A Sun Halo Over Cambodia -- APOD image credit and copyright to Nagy Attila.
Archived Posts
- Chiron Retrograde ~ June 4 to November 5, 2010
- WeeklyScopes ~ May 31 to June 6, 2010
- Jupiter in Aries ~ June 6, 2010 to June 4, 2011
- LuvScopes Posted! ~ May 28 to 30, 2010
- Neptune Retrograde ~ May 31 to November 6/7, 2010
- Saturn Direct ~ May 30, 2010
- WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ May 24 to 31, 2010
- Full Moon in Sagittarius ~ May 27, 2010
- LuvScopes Posted! ~ May 21 to 23, 2010
- Uranus in Aries ~ May 27, 2010 to 2018/2019
- WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ May 17 to 23, 2010
- Jupiter Oppose Saturn-rx ~ May 23, 2010
- Sun in Gemini ~ May 20 to June 21, 2010
- LuvScopes Posted! ~ May 14 to 16, 2010
- Venus in Cancer ~ May 19 to June 14, 2010
- Solar Return
- WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ May 10 to 16, 2010
- LuvScopes Posted! ~ May 7 to 9, 2010
- New Moon in Taurus ~ May 13, 2010
- Mercury Direct ~ May 11, 2010
- WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ May 3 to 9, 2010
- Eclipses, Crosses, Cardinal T-Square~Jun to Aug 2010