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WeeklyScopes ~ May 31 to June 6, 2010

*Please note that all day/time references are North America Eastern time unless otherwise noted.

Continuing from last week's big energy shifts, we hav more to look forward to this week. Just as Saturn (reality) continues to station in preparation for full direct motion, Neptune (psyche) does the opposite and stations to retrograde, joining Pluto (endings). Neptune's retrograde starts off the work week on Monday, May 30; she will remain retrograde until November 7.

The heavens give us a "quieter" middle of the week. But just as the weekend begins, Chiron (healing) also begins his 5-month retrograde cycle on Friday, June 4, the same day Mars and Neptune gets in a tug of war. Tensions rise. The more we push our own agenda, the more the other side may choose to retreat, giving no indication of wanting to communicate. Assertiveness instead of aggression; discussions instead of demands might be the wiser course of action if results are expected.

By week's end on Sunday, Jupiter (luck) leaves mellow Pisces for enterprising Aries, where he remains until September 9, just enough time to get incite some fun, exciting "trouble" with Uranus.

For U.S. Pacific coasters, Sunday night also brings another shift in the sky. Just before midnight (Monday, 2am Eastern), Mars (action) leaves Leo after an extra long transit that began last year in October. Mars' transit in Virgo begins on June 6 (June 7, for some) where he remains until July 29. In Virgo, our actions are more measured and well thought-out.

How might you fare this week?

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra
Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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Aries-Sun or Rising ~ Even if Uranus is now rockin' and rollin' in your sign, there may be a 'sleepiness' to the week. The pace picks up as the weekend approaches, however. A growing conflict or difference of opinion with a friend comes to a head by week's end. Handle it however you see fit, but understand that how you act/react is directly related to whether or not you'll get results or whether those results will clarify anything.

Taurus-Sun or Rising ~ So much confusion still. It's understandable you want make the right decisions, but choosing to stand still while waiting to arrive at what's right may leave you waiting ... and waiting ... and waiting when you can be living. Sometimes it's more important to just make a choice. Right now. One step. One direction. One choice leads to what enlightens you towards the next step. This week, just be brave enough to take one small step, make one small choice.

Gemini-Sun or Rising ~ woops. Well, that did not turn out anywhere near what you imagined it might. Funny, how that happens. Don't worry too much, though. Repercussions will not be as terrible as you initially perceive them to be. What's more important though is how you react and the actions you choose to take going forward. Remind yourself of your true objective/s and make your decisions/actions reflect those.

Cancer-Sun or Rising ~ oh dear... how difficult it is to just sit still! So much nervous energy when there's really nothing to be nervous about. It feels like you might burst if you stop moving, thinking, doing. Go ahead and wear yourself out, then. There's no rush though. Keep working, doing, moving until you've used up all your energy then sit back for a bit and see all that you'd gotten accomplished. This week, stick to your own pace, however fast or slow it is. The need to accomplish is great but there's no rush.

Leo-Sun or Rising ~ Something from the past may show up or something you didn't know about comes to light. It may not be pleasant but must be dealt with, nonetheless. Be direct but not overbearing. Speak your mind and make sure you are heard. Then, brush it off your shoulders because whatever it is, no longer matters. It's done. Do your best to make peace with it.

Virgo-Sun or Rising ~ There's nothing worse than a trusted friend, colleague, or partner screwing you over. It really kind of rocks your core, doesn't it? Don't get stuck with what's been done and how. Another's action is just that. It's their action. It has nothing to do with you or who you are or whether or not you've done anything to encourage their action. It sounds trite to say, 'it's them, not you' but in this case, it is. So, go about your business and pay it nor more mind. Give it no more of your energy.

Libra-Sun or Rising ~ When you love what you do, it doesn't seem so much like work. That must really be the secret to life and living and working. This week, love what you do and be conscious of it. Love the little things that surround your immediate environment. Love what makes your daily experiences quirky and unique, even if they also can be annoying at times. Flaws and imperfections can be just as endearing and worthwhile of your time and energy.

Scorpio-Sun or Rising ~ Don't look at what you can see. I didn't really need to tell you that though. You already know that what lies beneath the surface may hold the truth you seek. It's a bit like searching for a needle in a haystack. It won't be that difficult though. There is a time to everything...what you seek now is ready to come to light. What's more important, however, is whether or not you are prepared for what you discover.

Sagittarius-Sun or Rising ~ oooooh, what is that?! You had it. Just right there. On the tip of your tongue. Then, poof. It's gone. How frustrating! Let it go for now. Just be mindful and aware for signs that trigger what got away from you. Work keeps you busy enough. There might be drama on the home front or with family. Or maybe that's just the past catching up with you. Stick with what's routine and practical this week. Keep your mind open for insight.

Capricorn-Sun or Rising ~ You know what hurts? It hurts to think that no matter what you do or how hard you work, it never seems enough. More, more, more. They require more. Who are 'they'? Work superiors, spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, children, creditors ... oh, such blood suckers :) Seriously though, if you must be truly honest with yourself, there is a part of yourself who also believes the same -- more. Do more. Give more. It begins with you. Value yourself and all that you do as you wish others would and see where that leads you.

Aquarius-Sun or Rising ~ Fuzzy, fuzzy logic. Oh, that Neptune retrograding in your sign. Luckily, you've got Uranus trailblazing in your house of thought. Don't doubt yourself too much this week. What doubts you may have are really just wanting you to check things out...look into whatever they may be and decide if they have merit. More often than not, these doubts are rooted in fear, however. So no, not valid enough to have cause to make you doubt yourself.

Pisces-Sun or Rising ~ Shopping is a nice escape this week. But not if your broke. And who really wants to window shop? All that does is show you all the things you could have. How cruel?! Woe is you. Snap out of it!! Uranus is working hard at increasing your income. No doubt. What you can do this week is create, make, do ... Uranus in Aries requires action. At this point, it doesn't matter much what you do, but perform it happily and with good/positive intentions. That is what Uranus will pick up on.

"Sagittarius A" -- Image credit and credit to NASA/CXC/MIT/F. Baganoff, R. Shcherbakov et al. .

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