The Sun represents our potential, ego, vitality and conscious will. In Aquarius, the Sun is friendly, independent-thinking, original, and a humanitarian with societal ideals that benefit the masses -- emotionally detached but able to be caring with unwavering conviction. In Pisces, the Sun is imaginative, enlightened, sympathetic, creative, hopeful, intuitive, spiritually aware and able to affect change subtly but effectively. At best, the Sun in Pisces is insightful, compassionate, supportive and understanding. At worst, confused, too sacrificial, unrealistic and emotionally burdened by others' troubles.
While the Sun is in Pisces, we are encouraged to connect or reconnect with our own spiritual selves -- the divine within us. It's so easy to become affected by the busy-ness of our everyday. Each moment of the day is already spoken for, sometimes, before we even wake for that day. We are often pulled in many directions throughout the day, as we get on with all that must be accomplished on any given day. We are multi-taskers with mental functions always ahead of where we are actually at. The Piscean Sun reminds us that there is value in "mindfulness", effect in being "present" and that our "grounding" resides within us. Let's take a look and get to know (again) "the man in the mirror," as Michael Jackson first urged us some years ago.
During this period, the Sun in Pisces also shines upon our capacity for compassion to others. These four weeks may be an ideal time to do some volunteer work, participate in grassroots activities for causes that you believe in, connect with others who have similar spiritual pursuits, or just simply doing random acts of kindness within your immediate environment.
While in Pisces, the Sun will make alignments with the following celestial bodies (all dates reflect EST [NYC] time zone; give +/-2 days for life span of influence):
- February 20 and 21 ~ Sun quincunx Mars-rx and Saturn-rx. Efforts may be working at cross-purposes, especially if actions/decisions are driven by anger or frustration. Adjust attitude. See the tasks as challenges rather than burdensome obligations or restrictions.
- February 23 ~ Sun sextile Pluto. Time to get to the bottom of things. Digging for truth. Be prepared for what may be discovered. Finding or reconnecting with one's self power. Tapping into hidden but natural potentials.
- February 28 ~ Sun conjunct Jupiter and Full Moon in Virgo at 11:38 a.m. EST. Coupled with the Full Moon, this is a promising, optimistic time. Confidence without piousness. Overall feeling of well-being. Balance between seeing the big picture and tending to the minutia of details.
- March 14 ~ Sun conjunct Mercury. Insight. Enlightenment. Clarity of thought and mind. Being at peace with decisions or plans. Communications fluid.
- March 15 ~ New Moon in Pisces at 5:01 p.m. EST
- March 17 (March 16 PST) ~ Sun conjunct Uranus. Expect the unexpected. Surprises. In Pisces, uncovering of what's hidden, secrets revealed, do something out of the ordinary. Reinvent yourself. Random acts of kindness.
For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and/or Rising Sign below then then click here for a brief explanation of the Sun transiting those solar and/or natal houses.
- Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 12th House
- Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 11th House
- Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 10th House
- Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 9th House
- Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 8th House
- Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 7th House
- Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 6th House
- Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 5th House
- Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 4th House
- Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 3rd House
- Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 2nd House
- Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 1st House
What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.
Related articles:
- Venus in Pisces ~ February 11 to March 7, 2010
- Full Moon in Virgo ~ February 28, 2010
- New Moon in Pisces ~ March 15, 2010
- Mercury in Pisces ~ March 1 to 17, 2010
- Jupiter in Pisces ~ January 17 to June 6, 2010
- Uranus in Pisces
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"Pisces" illustration credit and copyright to Jodie Scott.