In light of last month's lingering but weakening Saturn-rx square Pluto which forced us to clearly see and understand the realities of our situations, we have either steeled ourselves for what lies ahead or decided to crawl under a rock. I hope it is the former; and if it is the latter, cheer up because hopeful days draw nearer. The goal with Saturn-Pluto square is to come to terms with our realities, find the strength and resolve to repair or release what no longer serves, and in that act, become transformed into a version of the self that is moving toward the achievement of their aspirations. Sounds intense and overwhelming. Feels like it, too!
Enter, Neptune and Chiron. Their conjunction picks up where Saturn-rx square Pluto leaves off. We will have had two weeks of reflection. Now we are armed with a clear understanding of where we stand and what work lies ahead. Our commitment in following through remains intact, despite how daunting the tasks may seem. Chiron now extends a helping hand in finally releasing fears, healing past hurts, letting go of mentally wounding thoughts/ideas, and giving up old ways or bad habits. At the same time, Neptune gives us her gift of hope and insight, showing us the truth and reality that go beyond what we can mentally process, visually witness and audibly experience.
Additionally, the energies of Neptune and Chiron's conjunction happens during a new moon phase. Having just occurred on February 13, the Aquarius-New Moon conjoined with Neptune and Chiron. New Moons offer renewals, beginnings, the start of a new cycle. In Aquarius, the New Moon is forward thinking, innovative, unique. These next two weeks are the time to initiate changes, whether it's through planning, deciding, discovering, or acting.
This Neptune conjunct Chiron is the tail end of the rare triple conjunction between Jupiter (ideals), Chiron (healing) and Neptune (hope), which occurred last year. Neptune and Chiron now meet at 27 degrees of Aquarius, returning to the same spot the triple conjunction met last year. This offers us a last look at events, issues or situations that may have been the focus at that time. Can you remember the period on or around the end of May 2009? What has happening then, in your world?
Neptune and Chiron's conjunction perfects on February 17 EST (February 16 PST), but they remain within the same degree of one another until the end of the month and remain tightly linked through to next month. We'll remain under the umbrella of what their conjunction offers us until then. That's a nice 6 or 7 weeks that we have to work with.
Although we can all influenced by this Neptune-Chiron conjunction, those with natal planets and/or house angles on or around 27 degrees of fixed signs may feel its affects stronger than others. Also, those celebrating birthdays between February 13 to 28 may be in for a memorable year. Schedule your session for a Solar Return reading.
As I mentioned on my original post last year, for me, this conjunction falls in my 6th house of work, routine and health. My daily routine and work situation have gone through a metamorphosis since May 2009, when this conjunction's energy was last strongest (even though it never perfected). The changes were initiated by my own decisions and actions from November 2009, when Saturn and Pluto's square first occurred which strongly urged me to establish a new foundation and steer my life in a new direction. Throughout most of last year as my focus was narrowly concentrated on one goal, I neglected caring for myself and adopted terrible health habits. I've already begun to correct this. But with the help of the Aquarius-New Moon plus this Neptune-Chiron conjunction, I hope to keep it up and replace bad habits with a healthier lifestyle.
How will this conjunction influence your chart? Schedule your session for a reading. Or cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join a discussion.
Related articles to this Neptune-Chiron Conjunction:
- Triple Conjunction between Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune ~ May 23-27, 2009
- Jupiter-rx Conjunct Neptune-rx ~ July 10, 2009
- Jupiter-rx Conjunct Chiron-rx ~ July 22, 2009
- Jupiter Conjunct Chiron ~ December 7, 2009
- Jupiter Conjunct Neptune ~ December 21, 2009
Other articles of possible interest:
- Saturn Square Pluto ~ November 15, 2009
- Saturn-rx Square Pluto ~ January 31, 2010
- New Moon in Aquarius ~ February 13, 2010
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.
"Elemental Air" - Image credit and copyright to Karen.