The planet of ideals and opportunities (Jupiter) in the sign of the enlightened one (Pisces) gets friendly with the planet of power and transformation (Pluto) in the sign of the achiever (Capricorn). If you're feeling beaten up by the strain between retrograde-Saturn and Pluto which has hovered over most of January and finally culminated (again) last weekend, well, breathe a sigh of relief because Jupiter now offers us a glimmer of hope.
At the same time that Jupiter gets happy with Pluto, he is also somewhat challenging Saturn. So, while the energy between Saturn and Pluto is harshly shining a spotlight at the structural cracks to our foundation, Jupiter's links to Pluto and Saturn give us the bright light of optimism. No matter how ugly the truth may be and/or how overwhelming the tasks are before us, we are encouraged to be inspired by the promises of the changes we are making.
In their joint efforts, Jupiter and Saturn show us the realities/restrictions of our situations; Jupiter and Pluto help us eliminate personal blockages we've been encountering. Jupiter assures us that opportunities will come our way. We must, then, learn to become aware and recognize the doors (or windows) opening for us; and as we receive what's offered, we remain committed to cause, ready to take on the next set of tasks! The New Moon in Aquarius next weekend (Feb. 13) supports Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto's efforts in helping us initiate actions to get this moving along!
This meeting between Jupiter and Pluto occurs at 5 degrees of Pisces and Capricorn, respectively. Although, we can all benefit from their energies, those with natal planets and/or house angles on or around 5 degrees of mutable and/or cardinal signs may feel the effects stronger than others. Additionally, those who are celebrating a birthday on or a day before February 6 may be in for a memorable year.
For me, most of my friends and readers know that the tension between retrograde-Saturn and Pluto have been squeezing me these past few weeks. It's been incredibly trying. I've been facing issues that are the result of decisions I made back in November, when Saturn and Pluto first had their conflict. As I have mentioned before that as I reflect upon the choices I've made with Saturn and Pluto revisiting last fall, I'm now ever more assured that I have chosen wisely for myself. The next months leading up to August, when Saturn and Pluto reconnect for the last time, will be creating/solidifying new foundation and making things work. Wish me luck :) Needless to say -- this glimmer of hope that Jupiter is offering -- I welcome with big, wide open arms!
Related articles:
- New Moon in Aquarius ~ February 13, 2010
- Jupiter in Pisces ~ January 17 to June 6, 2010
- Saturn Square Pluto ~ November 15, 2009
- Saturn-rx Square Pluto ~ January 31, 2010
- Saturn Oppose Uranus ~ September 15, 2009
- Saturn in Libra
- Saturn Retrograde ~ January 13 to May 30, 2010
- Pluto in Capricorn
Photo credit and copyright to Michal Karcz.