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Full Moon in Scorpio ~ May 8 & 9, 2009

A little after midnight (Eastern time) on May 9, 2009, the Moon will be full in the complex, intense, and intuitive sign of Scorpio. Full moons signify the completion, culmination of what was initiated during the previous New Moon. This Full Moon in Scorpio encourages us to seek truth beneath the surface, into the very core of us, and allow those truths to transform us. Empowerment is the key word for this full moon.

Supporting this Full Moon is her strengthening alignment with the growing conjunctions between Jupiter (expansiveness), Chiron (healing), and Neptune (inspiration) which are all in the progressive sign of Aquarius (the Awakener). With the Sun (being) and Pluto (transformation; ruler of Scorpio) in Earth signs, solid and deliberate steps are planned to achieve goals. Mars (action) in Aries is more than ready to initiate action.

This full moon occurs at 18 degrees and 40 minutes of Scorpio. Where in your natal chart do the Sun-Moon opposition fall into? Personally, the full moon transits through my natal 2nd house (possessions, values, self-worth) while the transiting Sun visits my 8th house (natively ruled by Scorpio; shared resources, deep/hidden desires, death & rebirth) illuminating the balance/change needed between material (2nd house) and emotional security (8th house).

'The more we let ourselves to feel our feelings, the more alive we feel! Denial keeps us trapped in our own karma. Karma = cause and effect, the drawing of experience that will help us evolve to the next stage of existence."
~ tweeted by Christine Delorey on May 3, 2009 (

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