A Prelude to Collective Awakening
On May 15, the grounded and purposeful Sun in Taurus will make connections with Uranus and Jupiter that encourages an awakening (Uranus) of our conscious will (Sun) to possibilities (Jupiter) and begins a series of stellar events reinforcing the auspicious meeting between Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune, which climaxes on May 23-May 27.
The following day, May 16, the Moon (emotional core) forms a favorable alignment with Venus (love) and Mars (motivation), giving meaning to our actions. The Sun (our potential) tenses up with Chiron, where our wounds, fears, and vulnerabilities become exposed, allowing us to address their healing once and for all. Before night's end, the Moon blends energies with Jupiter (ideals), Chiron (healing), and Neptune (inspiration), granting us hopefulness for opportunities arising from a renewal and change (Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune conjunction). Also, Saturn (reality) changes direction, unblocking any "stuck" energies and opening the path for productivity.
By early next morning, May 17, the Moon will tense up with the Sun and blend energies with Jupiter, followed by Chiron, then Neptune before she leaves the sign of Aquarius (unconventional) for Pisces (enlightened), giving our emotional drives a deeper understanding of what may have been stirred the past two days. Around this same time, a challenging link between the Taurus-Sun (sensible intentions) and Neptune (imagination) will burst bubbles to our delusions and baseless expectations. Ruling out the impossible opens up the door to what is possible.
During these three days, the Sun-Moon alignments to Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune (spiritual bodies) stimulate our conscious will (Sun) and subconscious drive (Moon), preparing us for the awareness that is necessary to take advantage of the promises offered in the upcoming Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune union. The Sun's growing cohesion with Mercury (still retrograde) allows for an alternate point of view as we reflect on issues surrounding our present.
Are you ready next week when the planet of luck and expansion taps into the healing powers of Chiron (May 23) and spiritual enlightenment offered by Neptune (May 27)? Sandwiched between these exciting meetings is the New Moon in Gemini (May 24), offering a renewal to our thought patterns, communication, and interaction with one another.
Related articles:
- Rare conjunctions ~ Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune (May 23-27) - a collective awakening, click here.
- Mercury Retrograde (May 7-31), click here.
- Saturn Direct, click here.
Request a personalized reading by clicking here.
Illustration courtesy of Sandra Lercari.