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Cardinal Grand Cross ~ August 6/7, 2010

Image credit & copyright to Mike McDonaldThe Cardinal T-square has been in full force since Saturn (reality/hard work) returned to Libra on July 21st, then followed by Mars (aggression/action) entering Libra on July 29th, and soon Venus (relationships/worth) will join the cardinal party when she transits her home sign, Libra, beginning on August 6th. This cardinal t-square currently involves Saturn (and soon Venus) in Libra opposing Uranus and Jupiter in Aries; and all are putting an extreme amount of pressure against Pluto in Capricorn who may be having a difficult time catching his breath as he feels the squeeze. Those who are early-born December Capricorns or June Cancers (also, early degree Capricorn/Cancer risings) may feel this energy stronger than others.

As I've mentioned before, this cardinal energy climaxing now has been brewing since late May starting with Uranus' entrance in Aries and its influence is long term. This cardinal force's impact on us, as individuals and as people sharing a world together, will continue to unfold for months/years to come.

Now, adding to the strain of this Cardinal T-square to form a Cardinal Grand Cross is the Moon's (heart/inner drives) transit in her home sign of Cancer during the early degrees, just as Venus also begins her transit in fellow cardinal sign, Libra. This occurs around August 6 or 7 depending on where in the world you're located.

I've previously explained what a Grand Cross is on a post for the recent Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on June 26:

A Grand Cross is a combination of (at least) four squares and (at least) two oppositions. A square is the most difficult and challenging relationship between two planets. It is an impatient energy that requires action. A square is conflict, war between two (or more) celestial bodies. There is a need to create something birthed from inside us and to manifest that creation out into the world -- may it be in your own personal world, your immediate environment or something that influences many. An opposition is a tense relationship between planets that require balance. Unlike a square where agreeing to disagree is sometimes the best solution that can be hoped for, an opposition can be satisfied by finding the harmony/balance between the two polarizing energies. Add cardinal to the mix -- cardinal signs take action; they lead, create and initiate.With the addition of the Cancer-Moon and Libra-Venus in the mix, much of the focus during this first full week of August may involve our relationships (of all types including that which we have with the self), as well as our material and self worth. It may be time to take an honest look at our attachments, may they be with people, material things, ideologies, memories, old ways/methods, etc. Attachments that take an active part in our daily lives through the decisions we make or avoid having to make and actions we take or choose not to take. It's also an ideal time to become conscious/aware of that which we choose to bury beneath the surface for fear of what acknowledging it/them might mean. These are challenging times regardless of whether we choose to live consciously or on auto-pilot. Wouldn't it be better to take control of the life we lead by grabbing the wheel, working with the energies, achieving personal goals and growing as individuals?

A New Moon in Leo occurs on Monday, August 9, just a few days after this cardinal grand cross. This Leo-New Moon phase is a great period renewals ... beginnings. Work through what you must, what the tense celestial energies are urging you to; then, use the New Moon phase to help with initiating what's to be done or what's next or whatever/wherever in your life you could use a clean slate.

For me as a Cancer-Sun at 5 degrees, transiting Pluto has been playing tug of war with my Sun all year and will continue to do so through to next year. With Pluto being the focal point of this cardinal t-square, by extension, my Sun also feels a little beat up. The Cancer-Moon in this cardinal grand cross gets cozy with my Sun. Will this blending of heart (Moon) and soul (Sun) help clarify what's been eluding me, identify what's needs pinpointing and/or soften/lighten the strain of this celestial influence against my birth chart? We'll see...

In addition to Capricorns & Cancers born within the first 4 degrees or those with Ascendants within the early degrees, Cardinal Suns/Risings plus those with natal planets/house angles between zero & 4 degrees of cardinal signs are sure to feel the energy of this cardinal t-square and cardinal grand cross stronger than others.

Unsure if you have natal planets or house angles within zero to 4 degrees of cardinal signs? Cast your own birth chart -- birth date, time, and place required.

Are you celebrating birthday? Schedule your session for a Solar Return (birthdays) or 3-Chart Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months) or request a quote for a more customized reading tailored to your needs. You can also give a loved one the gift of insight.

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"The Alignment" - Image credit and copyright to Mike McDonald.

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