It's a celestially wild and whacky weekend with the Cancer-Moon joining in on the Cardinal fun by turning a T-square into a Grand Cross as she opposes Pluto to give him a bit of breathing room from all the pressure from the Cardinal T-square. The planet of love, Venus, can't be left out. She begins her transit in Libra on Friday which is where Mars and Saturn currently are; and she quickly links up with all the other T-square/Grand Cross players -- Uranus and Jupiter in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn and the Cancer-Moon.
On Sunday evening, the Moon leaves Cancer and enters Leo to prepare for Monday's New Moon.
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LuvScopes Posted! ~ August 6 to 8, 2010

Archived Posts
- WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ Aug. 30 to Sep. 5, 2010
- LuvScopes Posted! ~ August 27 to 29, 2010
- Synastry ~ Love Written in the Stars?
- WeeklyScopes ~ August 23 to 29, 2010
- Full Moon in Pisces ~ August 24, 2010
- Sun in Virgo ~ Aug. 22/23 to Sep. 22, 2010
- Saturn Square Pluto-rx ~ August 21, 2010
- Mercury Retrograde ~ Aug. 20 to Sep. 12, 2010
- WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ August 16 to 22, 2010
- LuvScopes Posted! ~ August 13 to 15, 2010
- WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ August 9 to 15, 2010
- Uranus Returns to Pisces~Aug. 13, 2010-Mar. 11, 2011
- LuvScopes Posted! ~ August 6 to 8, 2010
- New Moon in Leo ~ August 9, 2010
- Cardinal Grand Cross ~ August 6/7, 2010