A preview, as written for SatoriNation.com

Happy New Year!
Tension in the air. Venus in Capricorn gets serious, and perhaps even demanding, as she aligns with Pluto and Saturn. Love, relationships, finances, and personal value systems may undergo an overhaul of sorts as Pluto and Saturn unearth what's hidden, expose what's “broken” and/or demand for reparations.
January 1st is preceded by the second full moon of the month, referred to as a Blue Moon, which happens to also be an eclipse. A rare combination adds depth and intensity, with influence reaching up to six months! In addition to its rarity, this Eclipsed Blue Moon is further strengthened by its placement in its home sign, Cancer. As we bid the old goodbye and welcome the new year, it is what or who are closest to our hearts that are celebrated. Cancer represents family (biological or otherwise), our private self, our home life, and coming to terms with the past/memories in order to be happy in the present and move forward to the future. This eclipse is linked to July's eclipse and events/issues now may be reminiscent to this past summer.