Merry Christmas, to friends and readers celebrating the holiday!
Some challenging energies in the air for this holiday weekend, triggering last month's strenuous Saturn-Pluto square, as both the Sun (lingering) and Venus (growing) combine with Pluto and antagonize Saturn. The cracks to the foundation of our relationships get magnified so much so that we can no longer ignore them or remain clueless of them. Harsh, I know. Thank goodness for Jupiter and Neptune lingering in the background, locked in an embrace, to give us hope and insight about our current situations. With Mercury making happy with Uranus also hovering behind the scenes, there is the element of surprise and/or mental awakening. Mercury retrogrades on Saturday so, be mindful of possible misunderstandings, miscommunication, and misinterpretation of intentions.
How's love and romance looking like for you?
Image credit and copyright to Just Juls.