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Mercury Sextile Mars ~ Sep. 30 to Oct. 4, 2009

Agua by Andy MumfordBrakes are off! Fired up! Ready to go! Ready for action?! Ensure they driven with purpose for optimum, intended results.

On September 29, Mercury stops, turns, changes directions. As he gets re-acclimated to moving forward again, Mercury (thought) will sextile Mars (action) on September 30 (Pacific time) and October 1 (Eastern time). We will remain under the umbrella of their connection until October 4 when their link perfects again which is also the same day as the Aries-Full Moon. Mercury now retraces his steps from 21 degrees of Virgo to 6 degrees of Libra for a third pass; third time is a charm, right?

Mercury is currently in Virgo, where his mind is sharp, analytical, and discriminating; and in conversation, he is friendly, chatty, and animated. Mars has been transiting Cancer since August 25. In Cancer, Mars' fiery impetuousness is stabilized in Cancer's sometimes calm waves and other times torrential waters. Decisions are usually more emotionally based and actions intuitively driven. The combination of this opportunistic link between these two planets gives the chance to put in motion what may have been put in the back burner, especially while Mercury was in retrograde. Mercury's intellectual and practical mind will give Mars pragmatism behind his actions/decision. So, let's get a move on! Make things happen!

During the timeline below, we benefit from the promises of the Mercury-Mars sextile energy (all dates reflect Eastern time zone unless otherwise noted; give +/-2 days for life span of influence):

  • September 30 (Pacific) / October 1 (Eastern) ~ Mercury sextile Mars. Mercury & Mars quincunx Chiron. In addition to their alignment with each other, Mercury and Mars also link up and require adjustment with Chiron (wounds). We are offered the opportunity to release old wounds, including ones that mentally bind us from venturing past our comfort zone. Alternatively, we also have the chance to be of service to another and help them "heal" or repair what may be broken. Mercury returns to the same degree he was in on August 18. Perhaps what needs resolution or release may be related to issues or events on or around August 18.
  • October 2 ~ Adding to the Mercury-Mars sextile energy is the Pisces-Moon (emotional core) making successive alignments to Mercury (mind), Mars (action), Uranus (radical change), and Saturn (reality) today beginning at 3:00 p.m. until 11:30 p.m. Eastern. Our heart seeks to harmony with our mental activities so we can make well-informed decisions and follow through with actions that are well-planned. Keep things light today. If there is any doubt at all, refrain from making major decisions or final actions. Before the night ends, Saturn may come to the rescue and give us the clarity we seek, as he cuts through the fog of confusion.
  • October 3 ~ Apart from the Mercury-Mars energy, the sky is relatively quiet after the Aries-Moon square Pluto very early in the morning. East coasters may wake to conflicting priorities. The need for individuality and expressing one's self with compromising and conforming what's accepted. The rest of the day, however, is appropriately quiet celestially as we await the Aries-Full Moon at 11:10 p.m. Pacific and October 4 at 2:10 a.m. Eastern.
  • October 4 ~ Still at the heels of the Aries Full-Moon, Mercury and Mars perfect their alignment again. Later in the evening after 9:00 p.m. Eastern, the Aries-Moon sextile Chiron (wounds) while Mars trine Uranus (awakening). The heart experiences healing, a renewal. Our actions and decisions reflect an awakened state of being and now, having been "awakened" we are eager to begin making the changes necessary to move forward. Mercury now retraces his steps from August 20 when he passed for the first and on September 23 when he revisited while retrograde. If there are issues on or around these two dates that were unresolved, they may resurface now to finally get some type of closure.
This Mercury-Mars sextile occurs at 22 to 24 degrees of Virgo. Those born with 5 days of March 14, June 14, September 15, and December 14; and those with natal planets/house angles on or around 22 to 24 degrees of mutable signs (Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius) may feel this energy more strongly than others.

Unsure if you have natal planets/house planets at these degrees? Cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. Or request a quote for a paid personalized reading. (both links open a new window)

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Photo "Agua" courtesy of Andy Mumford.

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