Pluto represents rebirth, regeneration, and transformation. He is our compulsions, obsessions, ability for control, and empowerment. Pluto gives us the power to tackle obstacles in life through deeply understanding our situations, which results in our letting go and being transformed in the process. Pluto's process usually brings endings, purging, destruction, complete annihilation of what no longer works before a renewal can occur.
As he transits signs, he moves through our natal and solar houses affecting our lives slowly, subtly but with glaring, remarkable life-altering results. Pluto currently moves through Capricorn, where he is ambitious, practical, and determined. Capricorn represents social status, public life, reputation, hierarchies, and established government. Globally, Pluto's transit in Capricorn until 2023 may bring changes in government systems, restructuring of proven but antiquated methods, issues with security, and the like. Expect these issues to be extended to our personal lives -- how we feel about security and what makes us secure; a look at what we do, hold on to, practice, believe in that no longer reflects our current life, our present self, our present drives; establishing or reevaluating of our goals/aspirations and taking steps toward achieving them.
For me, Capricorn-Pluto currently transits my solar 7th house (partnerships--intimate or business) and natal 4th house (home/family/past), and sometime in 2022, will enter my natal 5th house (love/creativity). I expect some REALLY difficult and painful but necessary release/healing regarding intimate relationships (addressing recurring themes like attracting similar 'types'; any fears?; any brokenness still need mending?) and gaining the power to transform the negative energy into beneficial energy that allows me to nurture a healthy, happy, long-term relationship. Surely, it won't take 15 years for me to go through this process :)
Pluto's transits are not pleasant or even welcomed but they are essential. How will his transit in Capricorn influence your life? Look to the Capricorn-ruled house in your natal and/or solar birth chart/s to determine which aspects of your life he will be transforming.
Interested in a personalized 24-Month Pluto Transit reading? Schedule your session here. (no credit card required)
Related articles:
- Pluto in Capricorn Returns to Aries Point ~ August 6 to October 17, 2009
- Cancer-Moon Oppose Pluto at Aries Point ~ August to October 2009
- Saturn Square Pluto ~ November 15, 2009
Photo courtesy of Science on a Sphere.