Just as the Sun moves out of Aries and into Taurus on April 20th, Venus also changes signs. She leaves the sensitive sign of Pisces and joins Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus in the fierce sign of Aries. Venus represents love, how we relate to others, how we want others to relate to us, our self-worth, what we value in life, what we like/dislike, our material possessions and finances.
While in Pisces, Venus' drives and concern were for others...humanity, as a whole. She asserts, ever so sweetly, that we acknowledge there is something greater that links us all. If nothing else, we are connected in this journey we call life which we all have to individually live out. Venus in Aries, however, is more focused on the self, its basic needs/desires and staying true to one's own motivations. In Aries, she is bold and magnetic, loves initiating new connections, values independence in the self and in others, and loves ardently and impulsively. In friendships, she tends to lead the group.
At best, Venus in Aries is passionate, action-oriented, fun, instinctive, and a natural leader that gets things started. She is a champion and protector of the indefensible and teaches them how to independently fend for themselves. At worst, argumentative, bossy, lacks commitment, and acts without fully considering consequences. While Venus is in Aries, we are challenged to be bolder and more assertive. Confidence should ooze from our pores. Flirt a little. Laugh a lot. Explore our independence. Discover our passion and run with it.
Venus enters Aries on April 20 at 9:06 p.m. PDT / April 21 at 12:06 a.m. EDT and will stay through May 15th. While in Aries, Venus will align with the following celestial bodies (all dates reflect North America Pacific time zone; allow +/-2 days for life span of influence):
- April 23 ~ Venus conjunct Uranus. Surprises! Chance meetings. Unexpected gains or losses. Push for freedom. Abrupt reactions. Disruptions. Awakening arising from chaos.
- April 27 ~ Venus square Pluto-rx. Passions rise. Heated arguments. Manipulation tactics. Need to ferret out what's hidden.
- May 1 ~ Venus oppose Saturn-rx. Financial limitations. Seeing the reality of situations, especially within relationships. Confidence weakened.
- May 11 ~ Triple conjunction between Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter in Aries. Super energized days between May 9 and May 12. Those who are celebrating a birthday between May 7 and May 11 may benefit from this triple conjunction throughout their Solar Return year or have natal planets/house angels around 15-19 degrees in cardinal signs may also find this energy boost a nice perk. Also today, Mars enters Taurus.

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and/or Rising Sign below then click here for an explanation of Venus transiting those solar and/or natal houses.
- Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 1st House
- Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 12th House
- Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 11th House
- Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 10th House
- Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 9th House
- Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 8th House
- Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 7th House
- Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 6th House
- Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 5th House
- Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 4th House
- Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 3rd House
- Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 2nd House
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart at alabe.com for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required.
Are you celebrating a birthday? Schedule a session for a Solar Return (birthdays) or 3-Chart Package Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months). Or give the gift of insight.
Have a question or need a quote for a more customized reading, ask me here.
What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.
Related articles:
- Transiting Venus in Natal Houses
- Current Planetary Transits
- Solar Returns Explained ~ your personal year
- Mercury in Aries ~ March 9 to May 15, 2011
- Mercury Retrograde in Aries ~ March 30 to April 23, 2011
- Mercury Direct ~ April 23, 2011
- Mars in Aries ~ April 1/2 to May 11, 2011
- Jupiter in Aries ~ January 22 to June 4, 2011
- Uranus in Aries ~ 2011 to 2018/2019
"The North Pole of Venus" - Image credit and copyright to SSV, MIPL, Magellan Team, NASA.