Mercury stations on April 23rd at 3:07 a.m. PDT / 6:07 a.m. EDT and prepares for direct motion. He's been retrograde for about three weeks since March 30th. Aries-Suns/Risings or those with natal planets/house angles in Aries or cardinal signs may have found this retrograde period extra challenging. The complete retrograde cycle, including the shadow period, is March 16 to May 12. Mercury's transit in Aries continues until May 15th.
Mercury represents how we think, talk, interact and react; and also governs transportation, commerce and trade. As he retraces his steps for a third and final time, issues regarding autonomy/exercising individuality; situations involving new ventures/creative ideas; or events surrounding the launch of a new product/idea/business/collaboration or next phase of something existing may be revisited or completed or resolved.
The 3 days approaching and after Mercury's station day (April 23) may result in continued delays, frustration, miscommunication, misunderstanding, etc. So, make allowances for these things. Opt for more tolerance. Give someone the benefit of a doubt, especially if events/issues arising presently may be out of character for them. Leave extra early for appointments. Reread important documents/agreements and ask yourself questions to ensure you understand every point or line item within the document. Preparation is key; and in situations where there's no time to prepare, then being more understanding will go a long way within interactions, as well as maintaining one's personal inner peace.
Mercury's retrograde in Aries has surprisingly been 'quieter' than his previous retrograde cycle in Capricorn. Although, I must say I was more 'reactive' than usual during this Mercury retrograde in Aries, more so than my usual self. I'm typically more even-tempered (Virgo-rising/Cancer-Sun with Gemini-Mercury) and do not get riled up easily (Cancer-Mars). However, I noticed I was more easily irritated/frustrated and reactive/vocal about being annoyed. This retrograde in Aries, plus all the other celestial bodies transiting in Aries, really brought out my Aries-Moon which is typically quieter (mutual reception with my Cancer-Mars & 'others' oriented in the 7th house). The wrath of Jan was pretty evident for some of March through this month so far ... oopsies >;-)
How was Mercury's retrograde period in Aries been for you?
Unsure if you have natal planets or house angles in Aries? Cast your own birth chart at -- birth date, time, and place required.
I am also available for personal consultations. Are you celebrating a birthday soon? Or know someone who is? Schedule your session for a Solar Return (birthdays) or 3-Chart Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months) or request a quote for a more customized reading tailored to your needs. You might also consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.
Related articles:
2010 Messenger Mercury Image Compilation, credit and copyright to JPL/NASA.
Mercury Direct ~ April 23, 2011