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LuvScopes Posted! ~ October 1 to 3, 2010

Heart Water Drop via Photobucket

*Day/time references are North America PST.

The weekend starts off with the Moon (heart/inner self) comfortable at her sign of Cancer. Intuition over logic. Sensitivities high. By late Saturday morning, the Moon changes signs and enters Leo, where she feels more courageous in expressing herself and where she remains for the duration of the weekend.


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Image source credited to PRS2GD via Photobucket.

Mercury in Libra ~ October 3 to 20, 2010

Libra - Justin Ballanine, DC Comics, via comicvine

After a super long stay in analytical but practical Virgo and fresh off of opposing both Jupiter and Uranus where he might have been challenged to expand thought processes and think outside the box, Mercury now spends the next three weeks in objective and fair-minded Libra.

Mercury's first week in cerebral Libra offers him a chance to mull over what his opposition with Jupiter and Uranus may have stirred as he gains focus from a square with Pluto (Oct. 4-6), followed by a conjunction with Saturn (Oct. 7-9) where he's able to solidify plans, develop ideas, etc. Mercury's conjunction with Saturn also occurs at the heels of the Libra-New Moon (Oct. 7), offering new beginnings...renewals.

Mercury governs all manners of mental activity, communication, writing/publishing, and short travels. In Virgo, he is practical, analytical, and discriminating. In Libra, Mercury is social, friendly, collaborative, and requires understanding both sides on any situation before making any judgements or decisions. At best, Mercury in Libra is fair-minded, charming and diplomatic. At worst, indecisive, gullible but bossy.

On the day Mercury enters Libra, Venus (love & money) and Mars (action & motivation) perfect their conjunction in Scorpio, who prefers decisions/actions to yield long-term results. With three planets in Libra (the Sun, Saturn & Mercury) coupled with Venus and Mars blending energies, relationships may be foremost on our minds -- may it be our personal relationships (love, family, close friendships, etc.) or business (superiors, employees, colleagues, contacts, etc.) or with the self (issues with self-worth or self-concept). Mercury enters Libra on October 3 at 8:04 a.m. PST / 11:04 a.m. EST, where he remains until October 20.

While in Libra, Mercury will align with the following celestial bodies (all dates reflect North America Pacific time zone; allow +/-2 days for life span of influence):
  • October 4 ~ Mercury square Pluto. covered above
  • October 8 ~ Mercury conjunct Saturn. covered above; Also today, Venus begins her retrograde cycle in Scorpio lasting until November 18.
  • October 16 to 19~ Mercury conjunct the Sun; quincunx Jupiter-rx then Uranus-rx; trine Neptune-rx and Chiron-rx. Diplomacy in interactions. Finding voice to thoughts/ideas. Compassion. Understanding. If blocked mentally, be mindful to think outside the box or seek counsel from an unlikely candidate or be open to accepting help from unexpected sources. Unique solutions may be required to remedy situations. Also during this period, the Sun is also quincunx Jupiter/Uranus and trine Neptune/Chiron, enhancing the impact of Mercury's alignments.
How might Mercury's transit in Libra influence you? Look to the natal house/s ruled by Libra. Match the sign with the house cusp/s on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Libra zodiac sign on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation of Mercury transiting those houses.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and/or Rising Sign below then click here for a brief explanation of Mercury's transit in those houses transiting those solar and/or natal houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries-Rising ~ 7th house
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 6th house
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 5th house
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~4th house
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 3rd house
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 2nd house
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 1st houses
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 12th house
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 11th house
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 10th house
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 9th house
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 8th house
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required.

Are you celebrating a birthday? Schedule a session for a Solar Return (birthdays), Synastry (relationships/compatibility) or 3-Chart Package Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months). Or give the gift of insight.

Have a question or need a quote for a more customized reading, ask me here. Or feel free to cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join a discussion.

What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.

Related articles:

*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

"Justin Ballantine - Libra" - Image credit and copyright to DC Comics & Newsrama via comicvine.

WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ Sep. 27 to Oct. 3, 2010

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WeeklyScopes ~ September 27 to October 3, 2010

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LuvScopes Posted! ~ September 24 to 26, 2010

It's fall! Pluto makes things difficult for the Sun all weekend, who's trying to get settled in the relationship sign of Libra. This is also the last weekend that we'll be under the shadow for Mercury's retrograde cycle which ended mid-month. Venus and Mars are still intensified in Scorpio. Blissfulness and hope are still being served up by Jupiter and Uranus who remains tightly united.


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Image credit and copyright to The Granite Connection.

WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ September 20 to 26, 2010

Now posted at
WeeklyScopes ~ September 20 to 26

*Day/time references reflect North America PST.

The Sun's transit in Virgo comes to a close on Wednesday, when he enters Libra and stays through October 23. But before that happens, the Sun gets uncomfortable with Chiron, then opposes Jupiter and Uranus who remain in a tight conjunction all week. This offers us a chance to gain better understanding of where things stand, what may have gone wrong, how the past/the present affect what's to come and what is it exactly that we'd like to happen or work towards? Getting to the answers/clarity we seek may require going within and accessing our spiritual side.

Following the Sun's move to Libra is the Full Moon in Aries on Thursday. Then the weekend, get tense as the Libra-Sun gets rough and tough with Pluto. This strenuous energy may be reminiscent to late July or early August and may bring up issues happening then or some semblance of them.

Make allowances for the energy shift this week with the Sun's move to Libra and the Full Moon. Have a great week everyone.

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Full Moon in Aries ~ September 23, 2010

Moonrise, Cape Sounion, Greece. Credit & Copyright to Anthony Ayiomamitis via APOD

Full moons signify the completion, culmination of what may have been initiated during the previous new moon in Virgo which highlighted communication, analyzing situations prior to making judgements or taking action, being practical and encouraged us to be of service to service. This Full Moon in Aries highlights the balance between the self (who I am) and the shared self (who I am in a relationship); the potential of our individual selves and our partnerships; and the consideration of another's needs as they pertain to our own basic needs.

Coupled with Saturn also transiting the partnerships sign of Libra, where he's whipping us all into shape with lessons in love, relationships, commitments, partnerships, equality and objectivity, this full moon touches upon our relationships and perhaps, finally making the long overdue necessary changes. Time to grow up -- whether it's taking things to the next level of commitment; learning to accommodate, compromise, communicate; standing up for one's self; or however this full moon may play out in your life.

This is the first of two full moons occurring in Aries this year, giving this lesson on learning to balance the self and its needs/wants within relationships -- may they be intimate, platonic, familial or business. Next month's full moon in Aries will be on October 30.

On this occurrence, the Aries-Full Moon forms a Cardinal T-square with Pluto in Capricorn. Energies may be reminiscent to the strained Cardinal T-square experienced from July to August between Saturn in Libra (replaced by the energy of the Libra-Sun) opposing Jupiter/Uranus in Aries (substituted by the Aries-Moon) who were all square Pluto, then retrograde, in Capricorn. Perhaps, a conclusion, closure or "reaping of what was sown" is happening now which might also be related events or issues from as early as June.

This full moon happens just a few hours after blending energies with Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces, prior to the Moon's entrance in Aries. Jupiter (ideals/opportunities) and Uranus (awakening/radical change) are still in a tight conjunction, offering us an extra lending hand to tap into the blessings of their collaboration ... optimism and faith that there is life after whatever it is that may be ending or culminating and getting ready for the next phase.

This Aries-Full Moon occurs at Aries Point on September 23 at 2:17 a.m. PST / 5:17 a.m. EST. Those born within 3 days of March 21 or September 23 or with natal planets and/or house angles on or around zero degree of cardinal signs and 27-29 degrees of mutable signs may experience the effects of this full moon stronger than others.

Additional note for those with natal planets or house angles in late degrees of mutable signs. The conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus is currently touching your birth chart. With the help from the alliance between Jupiter and Uranus, you can further benefit from this full moon phase (September 23 to October 7) if you choose to make use of this energy during this period.

For me, this Full Moon falls in my natal 7th house of partnerships (as a Virgo-rising) and my solar 10th house of career/future goals (as a Cancer-Sun). Towards the end of June and around the time when the Capricorn-Lunar Eclipse occurred, I made a decision to move back to my hometown and be closer to family. At the end of July and under the tense energy of the Cardinal T-square, I made the move. Now, almost two months since my relocation, I'm still working towards a routine of some sort with both my personal and professional life. The plans I've made have either concluded or need to be abandoned because they either did not pan out or must be reconfigured to fit my current situation.

How might this full moon influence your birth chart? Match the sign and degree to determine what house this full moon falls in. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the sign Aries on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation on the Full Moon transit in that house.

Click image to see larger

If you don't have your birth chart, you may use your Sun sign and/or your Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and Rising Signs below then click here for a brief explanation of the Full Moon transit in those houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 1st House
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 12th House
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 11th House
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 10th House
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 9th House
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 8th House
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 7th House
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 6th House
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 5th House
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 4th House
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 3rd House
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 2nd House
Unsure if you have natal planets/house planets at zero degree of cardinal signs? Cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required.

Alternatively, I am available for personal astrological consultations. Schedule a session for a Solar Return (birthdays), Synastry (relationships/compatibility) or 3-Chart Package Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months). You might also want to consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.

Or cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start a discussion.

Related articles:
*Learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

Moonrise, Cape Sounion, Greece. Image credit and copyright to Anthony Ayiomamitis via APOD.

LuvScopes Posted! ~ September 17 to 19, 2010

Heart-shaped Tupai Island in French Polynesia. Image credit and copyright to Specialist Stock/Barcroft Media via
There's sweetness in the air with Jupiter (happiness) and Uranus (surprises) blending energies in the romantic sign of Pisces. Venus (love) and Mars (drive) are passionate in the sign of Scorpio; and with Mars and Pluto (power), everything intensifies.


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Heart-shaped Tupai Island in French Polynesia. Image credit and copyright to Specialist Stock/Barcroft Media via

Sun in Libra ~ September 22 to October 23, 2010

Libra via Fanpop

For the first time in a long time, the Sun joins Saturn (karmic lessons) in Libra. The Sun represents our external drive, our potential, our conscious will. In Virgo, the Sun is somewhat shy, cautious and conservative. In Libra, the Sun is social, accommodating and fair-minded. At best, Libra is charming, diplomatic and objective. At worst, indecisive, self-indulgent and gullible. The Libra-Sun encourages harmony between the individual self (who I am) and the shared self (who I am with another).

The Sun enters Libra on September 22 at 8:09 p.m. PST (11:09 p.m. EST) and will stay through October 23. While in Libra, the Sun urges to find the balance between remaining true to who we are even in a relationship, practice objectivity, and be reminded that we are creatures who flourish when making connections with others. Libra is governed by the planet of love, Venus, who, for the duration of the Sun's transit in Libra, transits the passionate waters of Scorpio, where she must know "how deep is your love?"

On the day the Sun enters Libra, the Moon waxes for a Full Moon the following day. This is the first of two Full Moons in Aries -- September 23 and October 22 -- giving relationship-related matters extra emphasis, especially the balance between the self and the shared self.

With Saturn also in Libra, the underlying truths surrounding our relationships (intimate, platonic, familial or with the self) become crystal clear and some realities may be too difficult to face/accept. This is, however, what we must do and part of Saturn's lesson -- upon becoming aware of truth/s, we must learn to come to terms with it/them, and be able to make changes where we can or embrace them as part of who we are/part of our life without judgement, fear, hatred or anger. With two Full Moons (Libra-Sun opposing Aries-Moon), we are afforded twice the opportunity for endings/closures/resolutions with regards to unhealthy, unhappy relationships -- whether with the self or with another.

While in Libra, the Sun will align with the following celestial bodies (all dates reflect North America Pacific time zone; allow +/-2 days for life span of influence):
  • September 23 ~ Full Moon in Aries at 2:17 a.m. PST (5:17 a.m. EST)
  • September 25 ~ Sun square Pluto. Confrontations. Hidden truths coming to light. Difficulties/hardships/intensity leading to breakthroughs/endings/purging.
  • September 30 ~ Sun conjunct Saturn. Obligations/commitments restrict. Realities clear. Hard work.
  • October 7 ~ New Moon in Libra at 11:45 a.m. PST (2:45 p.m. EST)
  • October 16 ~ Sun conjunct Mercury. Finding a voice to ideas. Able to express the self with ease. Charming quality. Diplomacy.
  • October 18 to 20 ~ Sun quincunx Jupiter-rx (18th); trine Neptune-rx & Chiron-rx (19th); and quincunx Uranus-rx (20th). Opportunity for healing or receiving insight. Attitude adjustment is key. Alternatively, this is also a chance to be of help to another/others. Also, during this time, Libra-Mercury makes the same connections with Neptune, Chiron and Uranus before entering Scorpio; while Mars trines Jupiter.
  • October 22 ~ Full Moon in Aries at 6:37 p.m. PST (9:37 p.m. EST)
How might the Sun's transit in Libra influence in your life? Look to the Libra-ruled house/s in your birth chart. Match the sign with the house cusp/s on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Libra zodiac sign on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation of the Sun transiting those solar and/or natal houses.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and/or Rising Sign below then click here for an explanation of the Sun transiting those solar and/or natal houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries-Rising ~ 7th house
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 6th house
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 5th house
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~4th house
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 3rd house
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 2nd house
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 1st house
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 12th house
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 11th house
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 10th house
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 9th house
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 8th house
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required.

Are you celebrating a birthday? Schedule a session for a Solar Return (birthdays), Synastry (relationships/compatibility) or 3-Chart Package Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months). Or consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.

Have a question or need a quote for a more customized reading, ask me here. Or feel free to cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join a discussion.

What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.

Related articles:
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

"Libra" image credit and copyright to

WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ September 13 to 19, 2010

Now posted at
WeeklyScopes ~ September 13 to 19, 2010

It's a busy week starting off with Mars (action/assertion) getting in a pickle with Jupiter (ideals/opportunities) and Uranus (radical change), while he's in the last degrees of Libra; followed by Pluto finally stationing for direct motion after a 5-month retrograde cycle on Monday night (PST) / after midnight Tuesday (EST).

Then, Mars follows Venus' lead and begins his transit in Scorpio on Tuesday, September 14. By week's end, Scorpio-Mars gets friendly with Pluto (purging/self-power), as the Virgo-Sun (conscious will) gets frustrated with Neptune (dreams/insight) and Chiron (wounds/healing). All the while, Jupiter joins forces with Uranus in Pisces; this energy builds all week and culminates at the close of the week on September 18.

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for the WeeklyScopes

Jupiter-rx Conjunct Uranus-rx ~ September 18, 2010

Pisces via Wallpapers

Once again, the planet of opportunities, Jupiter, meet up with the planet of radical change, Uranus. This time, they may be more contemplative with a more universal, transcendent approach as they blend energies in the enlightened sign of Pisces. Their first meeting occurred a few months earlier on June 8 and in the bold, enterprising sign of Aries. Prior to their June 8 meeting, Jupiter and Uranus walked side by side, late May, while they were both in the last degrees of Pisces before each of their eventual initial entrance into Aries (Uranus on May 27 and Jupiter on June 6). Their closeness in May finally gets its completion on September 18, while both are retrograde; then, they will conjunct once more in Pisces next year on January 4, 2011.

As taken from previous posts:

Jupiter represents good luck, joy, expansion, opportunities, higher education, and personal growth through our interests, experience and spirituality. He also governs publishing, travel, foreigners and exposure to other cultures. At best, Jupiter brings a wealth of knowledge, understanding, growth, opportunities, as well as financial gains. At worst, overindulgent, excessive, wasteful and unable to get past "dreaming" of the possibilities.

Uranus is the awakener, the mover and shaker of the zodiac. His goal is change/improvement for the masses at any cost, even at the cost of chaos or a revolution. Uranus represents humanitarianism, unconventionality, unpredictability, indifference, freedom, technological advancements, and loyalty to its cause. Uranus' energy is radical, disruptive, rebellious and innovative.

Pisces is imaginative, creative, receptive and peace-loving. Pisces governs mysticism, spirituality, intuition, dreams, psychic abilities, compassion, sacrificial love, escapism, drug/substance abuse, phobias and mental problems. At best, Pisces is spiritually/psychically attune to the inner-workings within the "unseen" world and able to apply this awareness in the "seen" world. At worst, deluded, diffident and incapable of functioning in the physical realm.

With regards to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, my only word of caution is -- keep in mind that this Jupiter-Uranus energy is happening in the sign of Pisces. It's one thing to gain insight and grounding through the optimism and overall good feeling their growing conjunction might bring. It's quite another to become attached to this 'good feeling' and give in to avoidance or total escape. Allow Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces to help you find your center again but don't 'check out'. Continue to 'show up' every moment of each day.
Their conjunction in Pisces offers us the chance to delve deep within the part of us that we may not tap into often enough, so we can become aware of our hidden drives/motivations. In our becoming conscious of them, we're provided with a more complete picture. For those who are already spiritually attuned, enjoy this energy where intuitive abilities can be even more enhanced.

As retrograde Jupiter and Uranus retrace their steps in Pisces, issues/events from this past May or June might resurface around this period of mid to late September. It's a chance to look over things. Perhaps, whatever was missing then is available now or blockages then are lifted now or what was ignored/avoided must/should now be faced. The key is to view whatever may be recurring as a chance to improve, conclude, release, or gain insight from this time around.

My friend Suzi (@starcana on Twitter) tweeted it best:
Jupiter rx in #Pisces ~ Recognize the light you have within yourself & you'll never have to walk in the dark again.
On the day Jupiter and Uranus perfect their union, both are also in opposition to the Sun (conscious will). In becoming aware of our what motivates our semi-conscious impulses, we're able to consciously decide whether there's a place for them in our external world.

An additional note: Lunar Eclipse on December 21, 2010 is at 29 degrees of fellow mutable sign Gemini, giving those with natal planets/house angles on or around 29 degrees of mutable signs another big celestial nudge :) Eclipses, in astrology, trigger necessary changes to one's journey in life.

For me, this conjunction trines my natal Neptune (insight/spirituality) in my 3rd house (thought) and opposes my Ascendant (my potential) while squaring my IC (the past) and Midheaven (the future); and as a Virgo-rising, falls in my natal 7th house (partnerships) and as a Cancer-Sun, in my solar 9th house (personal growth). The timing for this conjunction touching my birth chart the way it does seems to:
Simply put, as I get acclimated to how life has changed this year so far, there are still BIG changes ahead for me. All necessary. Some a long time coming. Others occur outside my control. Ready or not ... here it comes. A big key is getting a sense of "the bigger picture" by reaching within (Piscean energy), which my Virgo-rising can sometimes have difficulty with. There are still old thought patterns/habits (IC) that I need to get rid of because they keep me from going forward (Midheaven) and achieving more of my potential (Ascendant).

How might this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction influence you? Look to the house where 29 degrees of Pisces falls in and whether you have natal planets or house angles within 29 degrees of mutable signs or at Aries Point of cardinal signs. You may cast your own birth chart here, if you don't have yours handy -- birth date, time and place required.

Alternatively, I am available for a personal consultations. Are you celebrating a birthday? Schedule a session for a Solar Return (birthdays) or 3-Chart Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months) or request a quote for a more customized reading tailored to your needs. You might also consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.

Have a question? Ask me here. Or maybe hop on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to join in or start a discussion.

Related articles:

*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

Image credit and copyright via Wallpapers.

LuvScopes Posted! ~ September 10 to 12, 2010

All weekend Venus (love) in Scorpio (passionate) flirts with Pluto (intensity), while Mars (drive) in Libra (relationships) gets a helping hand from Chiron (healing).

Also on Sunday, Mercury (thought/communication) stations and gets ready for direct movement. Mercury has been retrograde since August 20. Remain sensitive to possible misunderstandings or miscommunication or delays this weekend while Mercury prepares to change direction and pace.


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Heart image credit and copyright via

Pluto Direct ~ September 13/14, 2010

Pluto - New Horizons by Dan Durda via APOD

After five months in retrograde, Pluto stations on September 13 at 9:37 p.m. PST (September 14 12:37 a.m. EST) in preparation for direct motion. While retrograde, Pluto retraced his steps from 5 degrees back to 2 degrees in Capricorn. Those with natal planets or house angles between 2 and 5 degrees of cardinal signs have had to contend with Pluto's forceful energy and will continue to be under the umbrella of Pluto's influence for several more months, possibly another year!

As previously posted:

Pluto represents rebirth, regeneration, and transformation. He is our compulsions, obsessions, ability for control, and empowerment. Pluto gives us the power to tackle obstacles in life through deeply understanding our situations, which results in our letting go and being transformed in the process. Pluto's process usually brings endings, purging, destruction, complete annihilation of what no longer works before a renewal can occur.

As he transits signs, he moves through our natal and solar houses affecting our lives slowly, subtly but with glaring, remarkable life-altering results. Pluto currently moves through Capricorn, where he is ambitious, practical, and determined. Capricorn represents social status, public life, reputation, hierarchies, and established government. Globally, Pluto's transit in Capricorn until 2023 may bring changes in government systems, restructuring of proven but antiquated methods, issues with security, and the like. Expect these issues to be extended to our personal lives -- how we feel about security and what makes us secure; a look at what we do, hold on to, practice, believe in that no longer reflects our current life, our present self, our present drives; establishing or reevaluating of our goals/aspirations and taking steps toward achieving them.

On a separate note, Mars also begins his transit in Scorpio on the same day Pluto turns direct.

For me, Pluto continues to transit my solar 7th house (partnerships--intimate or business) and natal 4th house (home/family/past), and sometime in 2022, will enter my natal 5th house (love/creativity). My natal Sun (conscious will) in my natal 10th house (professional pursuits) continues to be in an opposition with Pluto while Pluto is also square my natal Uranus (breaking with tradition) in my natal 1st house (potential). I find that the more I fight whatever inevitable changes there are, the more difficulties I encounter; and, once I get through with said challenges/obstacles, the experience unavoidably points back in the path that I previously tried to avoid or ignore. arrgh! Why can't I just learn to not fight it?! I just seem to keep choosing to learn the hard way. lol. Well, I suppose I don't always fight it, but the occasions I do are the most noticeable to me, hindsight.

Pluto's transits are not pleasant or even welcomed but they are essential. Pluto is slow moving so, his impact may be subtle but undeniable. How has Pluto's transit in Capricorn influence your life? Look to the Capricorn-ruled house/s in your natal and/or solar birth chart/s to help determine which parts of your life he's working on transforming.

Interested in a personalized 24-Month Pluto Transit reading? I am available for personal consultations and can customize a reading to fit your needs. Schedule your session here. (no credit card required)

Related articles:
"Pluto - New Horizons" - APOD image credit and copyright to Dan Durda.

Mercury Direct ~ September 12, 2010

Winged Feet Mercury Hood Ornament copyright to T.W. Bugler

Finally! Mercury stations on September 12 and gets ready for direct motion. Yey!! Mercury has been retrograde in Virgo since August 20. Virgo-Suns and risings or those with house angles/natal planets between 5 to 19 degrees of Virgo or mutable signs may have experienced this retrograde period more pronounced than others. This Mercury retrograde cycle has been especially trying for me, and it seemed to have started earlier than August 20!

Mercury begins direct motion on September 12. The shadow remains until September 27. The three days from September 12 may also be sensitive, extra troublesome so keep a look out and anticipate signs of possible difficulties. Mid to late September can be a period to wrap things up for open issues/items from as far back as late August. It's also a period where one can kick start any plans that were reworked over the retrograde period.

Mercury continues to transit Virgo until October 3.

How was this latest Mercury retrograde period for you?

Related articles:

"Winged Feet Mercury Hood Ornament" image credit and copyright to Tom Bugler.

Mars in Scorpio ~ September 14 to October 27, 2010

Just a week prior, on September 8, Venus leaves Libra for Scorpio. Mars follows her lead on September 14 when he gets more serious and intense in Scorpio. Mars is the planet of action, energy and movement. He represents our physical drives, aggression, passions, anger, self-assertion, confidence, and the motivation behind our efforts.

In Libra, Mars is fair-minded and accommodating, but can be bossy and indecisive. In Scorpio, Mars is at home since he jointly governs the sign of Scorpio with the dwarf planet, Pluto. At best, Mars in Scorpio is passionate, intense, devoted, enjoys challenges/competition, and has an impressively keen intuitive sense. At worst, obsessive, distrustful, destructive, unforgiving and fearful.

While Mars is in Scorpio, actions are motivated by getting to the source of problems and to deal with issues at the root instead of simply finding solutions to the symptoms ... driven to keep digging and uncovering until all that's left is the truth which can be harsh and difficult to accept. Actions or decisions taken after becoming aware are what matters -- will actions help you move forward or crush you in the weight of the realities/truths of your situation? Get your mojo back with Mars in Scorpio.

In Scorpio, Mars is determined, and if one allows the self to awareness and trust of their own intuitive ability, actions can yield results that exceed what was expected. Intent plays an equally great role. Focus and actions rooted in love and light opens the path to empowerment. However, the opposite is also true with focus and actions that are rooted in hate or desperation which could result in loathing (the self or others), the need to control (others or situations), or even violence (to the self or toward others).

Allow Mars in Scorpio to help you discover or rediscover your own self-power and what it feels like to make empowered decisions/actions. If there is fear, be challenged to improve without taking from another. If there is doubt, seek truth for its own sake without being righteous. If there is hate, choose love -- begin with the self and realize how destructive to happiness and life hate can be. What we resist, persists. But energy flows, where our attention goes. So, focus on the desired outcome and move towards it with love and light to help guide your way.

On a separate note, another big celestial event occurs on tthe day Mars begins his transit in Scorpio -- Pluto, who has been retrograde since April 7, stations and prepares for direct motion.

Mars enters Scorpio on September 8 at 3:38 p.m. PST (6:38 p.m. EST) and will stay through October 27 PST (October 28 EST). While in Scorpio, Mars will align with the following celestial bodies (all dates reflect North America Pacific time zone; allow +/-2 days for life span of influence):

  • September 18 ~ Mars sextile Pluto. Need for actions to be meaningful. Analyzing situations deeply before taking action. Determination. Also today, Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces.
  • October 3 ~ Mars conjunct Venus. How deep is your love? Intense connections. Relationships deepen. Also today, Mercury joins the Sun and Saturn in Libra.
  • October 20 ~ Mars trine Jupiter-rx. Opportunities. Overall optimism. Luck. Make strides toward future goals, whether their short term or longer term goals. Also today, Mercury joins Mars and a retrograde-Venus in Scorpio.
  • October 22 ~ Mars square Neptune-rx and Chiron-rx. Chance for healing, whether it's the self or helping others. Release. Let go. Have faith. Also today, Full Moon in Aries at 6:37 p.m. PST / 9:37 p.m. EST, which is the second full moon in Aries this year; the first occurrence was on September 23.
  • October 24 ~ Mars trine Uranus-rx. Surprises. Expect the unexpected. In water signs, listen to your intuitive self. You might just be surprised :)
How might this Mars transit influence your chart? Look to the natal house/s ruled by Scorpio. Match the sign with the house cusp/s on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Scorpio zodiac sign on your birth chart then click here for an explanation of Mars transiting those houses.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and Rising signs below then click here for an explanation of Mars transiting those houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 8th House
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 7th House
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 6th House
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 5th House
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 4th House
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 3rd House
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 2nd House
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 1st House
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 12th House
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 11th House
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 10th House
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 9th House
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required.

Are you celebrating a birthday? Schedule a session for a Solar Return (birthdays) or 3-Chart Package reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months). Or you might want to consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.

Have a question or need a quote for a more customized reading, ask me here. Or feel free to cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join a discussion.

What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.

Related articles:
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

"Ancient Layered Hills on Mars" -- image credit and copyright to Malin Space Science Systems, MOC, MGS, JPL, NASA.

Jupiter Returns to Pisces~Sep. 8, 2010 to Jan. 22, 2011

Following Uranus' move mid-August when he returned to Pisces for a last look before leaving the sign for good (or another 84 or so years), Jupiter also revisits Pisces from September 8 at 9:50 p.m. PST (September 9 at 12:50 a.m. EST) until January 22, 2011. Once again, Jupiter chases after Uranus much like how they were earlier this year in May.

Jupiter's return to Pisces retraces his steps all the way back to 23 degrees of Pisces, while Uranus revisits back to 26 degrees. By late December, Jupiter and Uranus will once again walk side by side in the last degrees of Pisces before re-entering Aries next year (Jupiter, on January 22; Uranus, March 11). Their next conjunction perfects on January 4, 2011 at 27 degrees of Pisces which follows their prior meetings on June 8, 2010 in Aries at Aries Point and September 18, 2010 in Pisces at 29 degrees. The January 4, 2011 conjunction occurs on the same day as the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, giving even more significance to their meeting in Pisces.

A New Moon in Virgo precedes Jupiter re-entry in Pisces. New Moons signify beginnings, renewals.

As written on previous posts:Jupiter represents good luck, joy, expansion, opportunities, higher education, and personal growth through our interests, experience and spirituality. He also governs publishing, travel, foreigners and exposure to other cultures. At best, Jupiter brings a wealth of knowledge, understanding, growth, opportunities, as well as financial gains. At worst, overindulgent, excessive, wasteful and unable to get past "dreaming" of the possibilities.

Uranus is the awakener, the mover and shaker of the zodiac. His goal is change/improvement for the masses at any cost, even at the cost of chaos or a revolution. Uranus represents humanitarianism, unconventionality, unpredictability, indifference, freedom, technological advancements, and loyalty to its cause. Uranus' energy is radical, disruptive, rebellious and innovative.

Pisces is imaginative, creative, receptive and peace-loving. Pisces governs mysticism, spirituality, intuition, dreams, psychic abilities, compassion, sacrificial love, escapism, drug/substance abuse, phobias and mental problems. At best, Pisces is spiritually/psychically attune to the inner-workings within the "unseen" world and able to apply this awareness in the "seen" world. At worst, deluded, diffident and incapable of functioning in the physical realm.

In Pisces, Jupiter is super compassionate, seeks to fully understand how we are all interconnected, aims for more spiritual connections, and is intuitively in sync with a more collective consciousness. This transit encourages us as a whole to begin, continue or educate others in exploring ways to improve our own quality of life, as well as of those around us -- may it be living greener, adopting a healthier lifestyle, giving back through volunteer work, connecting with the divine, becoming more aware of one's civic duties, or even something as simple as treating others as you would have yourself be treated. The effort of each, collectively, benefits more people and, possibly, on a global scale.

On a personal level, Jupiter in Pisces is a time to recognize the existence and influence of the unseen world through seeking our own personal truths, no matter where the journey might lead us along the way. Be open to unlock the "magic" of the subconscious, tap into one's own spiritual consciousness, and learn to trust one's own intuition more. Be adventurous enough to explore the unknown.

With regards to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, my only word of caution is -- keep in mind that this Jupiter-Uranus energy is happening in the sign of Pisces. It's one thing to gain insight and grounding through the optimism and overall good feeling their growing conjunction might bring. It's quite another to become attached to this 'good feeling' and give in to avoidance or total escape. Allow Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces to help you find your center again but don't 'check out'. Continue to 'show up' every moment of each day.

Late-born Pisceans and Virgos, late-decan Pisces and Virgo risings and those with natal planets/house angles within 22-29 degrees of mutable or water signs may experience Jupiter's return in Pisces more prominent than others.

For me as a late-decan Virgo-rising, Jupiter revisiting back to 23 degrees of Pisces transits my natal 7th house of partnerships then crossing back over to my natal 6th house of work and health around mid-October, then re-entering my 7th house mid-December; as a Cancer-Sun, Jupiter returns to my solar 9th house of personal growth and expansion. His transit also revisits an opposition to my natal Pluto (endings); square my Mercury (thought) and Midheaven (career); and trine my Neptune (enlightenment). These next months give me the opportunity to grow as a person and improve/grow work opportunities through shifting my thought process, eliminating that which holds me back, and gain insight into my own drives/motivation/goals ... although, not necessarily in that order :) At this time, I may also gain partnership/s with others to help grow my business; and during Jupiter's brief return to my 6th house can be a period where I take care of my physical health through a living healthier lifestyle.

How might Jupiter's transit manifest in your life? Look to the Pisces-ruled house in your birth chart. Match the sign and degrees to determine which house/s on your birth chart Jupiter will revisit. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Pisces zodiac sign on your birth chart click here for an explanation of Jupiter transiting those solar and/or natal houses.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and/or Rising Sign below then click here for an explanation of Jupiter transiting those solar and/or natal houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 12th House
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 11th House
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 10th House
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 9th House
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 8th House
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 7th House
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 6th House
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 5th House
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 4th House
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 3rd House
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 2nd House
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 1st House
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required.

I am also available for personal consultations. Schedule a session or request a quote for a personal reading. Or maybe head over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join in on a discussion.

What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.

Related articles:
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

"Zodiac - Pisces" ~ image credit and copyright to Stephanie Pui-Mun Law via

New Moon in Virgo ~ September 8, 2010

Virgo Cluster Galaxy NGC 4731 by Stephen Leshin via APOD

Some might say Virgos and Virgo-risings have had it tough these past few years. In late 2006, the Virgo-Pisces series of eclipses began and lasted through 2008, triggering necessary changes within one's life, sometimes forcibly so. Then, Saturn entered Virgo in 2007 and hung around until this past July, cracking his whip to heavy-handedly teach karmic lessons to be learned. Early-born Virgos (approximately August 23-28) have been under a trine with Pluto for at least a couple of years now and continues to be a while longer, urging for the elimination/purging of what no longer serves in order to discover/rediscover one's self-power. Late-born Virgos (approximately September 19-23) gets revisited with an opposition from Uranus until early 2011 to tie up loose ends, especially within relationships, or to finally get that final push for a radical change that promotes improvement. Also presently, Virgo's ruler, Mercury is retrograde through mid-September, while also in the sign of Virgo, and may be causing a lot trouble with delays, miscommunication, misunderstandings, or even electronics breaking down.

Thank the heavens for the New Moon in Virgo on September 8. New Moons signify rebirth, beginnings, a clean slate, the start of a new cycle. This new moon highlights Virgo qualities (communicative, practical, analytical, adaptable) and 6th house themes (physical health, work, routines, service to others). Shake off and let go all that Saturn, Pluto and Mercury have put you through as of late, take what you've learned, and look ahead for a renewal during this new moon phase.

Of course, this New Moon benefits all, not just Virgos or Virgo-risings. Where in your life could you benefit in a renewal? In Virgo, the Moon needs to mentally process emotional drives, is discriminating, seeks comfort in routine, and needs to be of use, to be of service, to make a difference.

Apart from the Virgo-Sun and Moon blending energies and promoting the agreement of heart and soul, this Virgo-New Moon makes a beautiful angle with Venus (relationships/finances), who gets ready to switch signs in a few hours. Elsewhere in the sky, Mars (action/motivation) gets friendly with Neptune (insight/compassion), while Venus (relationships/finances) and Uranus (surprises/awakening) are locked in an awkward alignment right before Venus enters Scorpio. Connect with your deepest self and become aware of unconscious but strong inner drives. Awareness gives way to acceptance/understanding and followed by action or inaction. Fortunately, Mercury's retrograde cycle supports reflection and review to analyze whatever situation you may find yourself in.

Also on this same New Moon day and in addition to the planet of love, Venus, changing signs, another celestial shift occurs with Jupiter returning to Pisces (September 9, for some) for a few months to retrace his steps from May back to late April. During this new moon phase, past issues may resurface. It's up to you if they are a part of your beginnings or if they need to be given a final closure.

This new moon occurs at 16 degrees of Virgo on September 8 at 3:30 a.m. PST (6:30 a.m. EST). Those born within 3 days of March 6 or September 8; or have planets/house angles around 16 degrees of earth or mutable signs may feel the effects of this new moon more so than others.

For me, this New Moon quincunx my natal Moon, sextile my natal Mars, and falls in my natal 12th house (as a late-decan Virgo-rising) and my solar 3rd house (as a Cancer-Sun). If I want to see results, be able to move on some open items on my to do list or gain some insight, I have got to make some adjustments. My Aries-Moon will have to be content with seeing the Virgo-Sun/Moon's point of view and make considerations of their argument before I make any final decisions or take action. Luckily, I'm a Virgo-rising and am very familiar with Virgo energy.

How might you make use of this New Moon in Virgo? Look to the natal house/s this new moon will occupy in your birth chart. Match the sign and degree to the sign on the house cusp/s. Use the list below to identify the Virgo zodiac sign then click here to read about the New Moon in Houses.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and Rising signs below then click here for an explanation of New Moon illuminating those houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries-Rising ~ 6th house
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 5th house
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 4th house
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 3rd house
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 2nd house
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 1st house
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 12th houses
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 11th house
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 10th house
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 9th house
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 8th house
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 7th house
Unsure if you have natal planets/house planets on or around 16 degrees of Virgo or mutable signs? Cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required.

For those doing the new moon wishes ritual, the moon will be new on September 8 at 3:30 a.m. (PST) / 6:30 a.m. (EST) and will be void of course the following day, September 9, at 1:59 a.m. (PST) / 4:59 a.m. (EST). Click here for Jan Spiller's article, briefly explaining new moon wishes. (opens a new window)

I am also available for personal consultations. Are you celebrating a birthday soon? Or know someone who is? Schedule your session for a Solar Return (birthdays) or 3-Chart Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months) or request a quote for a more customized reading tailored to your needs. You might also consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.

Have a question? Ask me here. Or cruise on over to our free public forum -- AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join a discussion.

Related articles:

*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

"Virgo Cluster Galaxy NGC 4731" ~ APOD image credit and copyright to Stephen Leshin.

LuvScopes Posted! ~ September 3 to 5, 2010

Water Heart Tattoo by TAIOM
Venus (love) remains in the relationships sign of Libra, along with Mars (drive) and Saturn (reality). All weekend, Venus, Neptune (dreams) and Chiron (healing) are BFFs, reminding us of what hopes we might have had when we first met our significant other and how we might be able to capture those romanticized dreams again or repair what might not be working within the relationship.


Mobile Version - Click here

Tattoo design/image credit and copyright to TAIOM.

Venus in Scorpio ~ September 8 to November 7, 2010

Scorpio image credit and copyright to JekyYoung via

How deep is your love? Venus in Scorpio really needs to know. In Scorpio, Venus isn't only interested in whether she's loved, but how much. And words mean nothing if actions or intentions do not support them. Scorpio is a deeply feeling sign that is not too concerned with superficialities. Venus in Scorpio gets into the very core of what lies within our hearts.

Venus represents love (how we love & how we want to be loved), relationships (how we relate to others & the self), worth (material and self), our values and personal tastes. In Scorpio, Venus' pleasure-seeking ways are intense, passionate, provocative and committed. At best, Venus in Scorpio is emotionally aware, dedicated and loyal. At worst, possessive, secretive, jealous and distrustful.

Venus leaves the charming, harmony-loving and fair-minded sign of Libra for the deeply complex waters of Scorpio on September 8 at 8:44 a.m. PST (11:44 a.m. EST) for an extended stay until November 7 and again from November 29 to January 11, 2011. Venus retrogrades from October 8 until November 18, 2010, revisits Libra from November 7 to November 29, and then re-enters Scorpio until January 7, 2011!

While Venus is in Scorpio, we are reminded of the emotional ties involved in relationships and what truly keep us connected to the relationships we've got now. Love is beyond romance or feelings. Relationships mean more than time spent together and promises made. And sex is a deeper experience than bodies meeting and satisfying each other. No fly by night love for Venus in Scorpio. What do you value in your relationships? How deeply are you connected to your significant ties?

On the day Venus initially slips into Scorpio, she follows a New Moon in Virgo which promotes beginnings. Venus also ill-fatedly aligns with Jupiter on this day and results in the need for adjustment. It could be adjusting one's point of view and making a conscious effort to see from another perspective; or adjusting one's attitude to reflect a more positive, yet realistic, outlook and be more solutions-oriented. Together with the New Moon, the first two weeks of Venus' transit in Scorpio can provide a renewal in our relationships, finances and help redefine our values and self-worth.

While Venus is in Scorpio, before revisiting Libra and after returning to Scorpio, she will make alignments with the following celestial bodies (all dates reflect North America Pacific time zone; allow +/-2 days for life span of influence):
  • September 8 ~ Venus quincunx Jupiter-rx. covered above; Also today, the New Moon in Virgo at 3:30 a.m. PST / 6:30 a.m. EST
  • September 12 ~ Venus sextile Pluto-rx. Seeing the depth of things, especially within relationships. Cutting through lies or deception. Uncovering what's hidden.
  • October 3 ~ Venus conjunct Mars. Meaningful ties. Deepening connections. Sultry, smoldering, primal sexual energy. Love and lust intertwined.
  • October 8 to November 18 ~ Venus Retrograde. Venus retrogrades approximately every 18 months. During this period, it's best to put off any major financial or relationship-related decisions and avoid major purchases. This is a time for reflection, review, research and reconnecting. Also on November 18, Jupiter Direct.
  • October 25 ~ Mercury conjunct Venus-rx. Intensity and focus on money matters, as well as relationship-related issues. Ideal time for reassessing or redefining value system and/or self-worth.
  • October 28 ~ Venus-rx conjunct Sun. Closeness. Attachments. Warmth. Openness to giving and receiving love.
  • November 1 ~ Venus-rx sextile Pluto. Energy may be reminiscent to mid-September when Venus and Pluto last linked up. Seeing the depth of things, especially within relationships. Cutting through lies or deception. Uncovering what's hidden. Coming to terms. Finding a solution.
  • November 7 to 29 ~ Venus Returns to Libra
  • November 18 ~ Venus Direct at 1:18 p.m. PST / 4:18 p.m. EST. Also today, Jupiter Direct.
  • November 29, 2010 to January 7, 2011 ~ Venus Re-enters Scorpio
How might this Venus transit influence your birth chart? Look to the natal house/s ruled by Scorpio. Match the sign with the house cusp/s on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Scorpio zodiac sign on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and Rising signs below then click here for a brief explanation of Venus transiting those houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries-Rising ~ 8th house
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 7th house
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 6th house
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~5th house
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 4th house
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 3rd house
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 2nd houses
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 1st house
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 12th house
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 11th house
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 10th house
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 9th house
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. I am also available for personal astrology readings.

Are you celebrating a birthday? Or know someone who is? Schedule your session for a Synastry (compatibility), Solar Return (birthdays), 3-Chart Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months) or request a quote for a more customized reading tailored to your needs. You might also consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.

Have a question? Ask me here. Or maybe cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start a discussion.

What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.

Related articles:
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

Illustration credit and copyright to jekyYoung via deviantart.

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