Finally! Mercury stations on September 12 and gets ready for direct motion. Yey!! Mercury has been retrograde in Virgo since August 20. Virgo-Suns and risings or those with house angles/natal planets between 5 to 19 degrees of Virgo or mutable signs may have experienced this retrograde period more pronounced than others. This Mercury retrograde cycle has been especially trying for me, and it seemed to have started earlier than August 20!
Mercury begins direct motion on September 12. The shadow remains until September 27. The three days from September 12 may also be sensitive, extra troublesome so keep a look out and anticipate signs of possible difficulties. Mid to late September can be a period to wrap things up for open issues/items from as far back as late August. It's also a period where one can kick start any plans that were reworked over the retrograde period.
Mercury continues to transit Virgo until October 3.
How was this latest Mercury retrograde period for you?
Related articles:
"Winged Feet Mercury Hood Ornament" image credit and copyright to Tom Bugler.
Mercury Direct ~ September 12, 2010

Archived Posts
- LuvScopes Posted! ~ October 1 to 3, 2010
- Mercury in Libra ~ October 3 to 20, 2010
- WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ Sep. 27 to Oct. 3, 2010
- LuvScopes Posted! ~ September 24 to 26, 2010
- WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ September 20 to 26, 2010
- Full Moon in Aries ~ September 23, 2010
- LuvScopes Posted! ~ September 17 to 19, 2010
- Sun in Libra ~ September 22 to October 23, 2010
- WeeklyScopes Posted! ~ September 13 to 19, 2010
- Jupiter-rx Conjunct Uranus-rx ~ September 18, 2010
- LuvScopes Posted! ~ September 10 to 12, 2010
- Pluto Direct ~ September 13/14, 2010
- Mercury Direct ~ September 12, 2010
- Mars in Scorpio ~ September 14 to October 27, 2010
- Jupiter Returns to Pisces~Sep. 8, 2010 to Jan. 22,...
- New Moon in Virgo ~ September 8, 2010
- LuvScopes Posted! ~ September 3 to 5, 2010
- Venus in Scorpio ~ September 8 to November 7, 2010