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WeeklyScopes Posted! February 1 to 7, 2010

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WeeklyScopes ~ February 1 to 7, 2010
Freedom in Acceptance

February begins with the Moon in discriminating Virgo, which may intensify recent happenings. We may still be feeling a backlash from the challenging and tense meeting between Saturn and Pluto from the previous day. Expect to be under their influence throughout the week. Saturn in Libra focuses upon our relationships (personal, professional, familial) and/or our relationship patterns. Pluto in Capricorn is persistent in identifying and purging the flaws, cracks and unnecessaries, in order to transform what no longer serves into something that functions as we need them to. For some, these may be issues that were first touched upon, with much difficulty, last fall. This energy lifts but may be revisited later this summer.

Sounds a little rough but by mid-week, the Moon enters friendly, lighthearted Libra. Then, as she slips into Scorpio for the weekend, Jupiter connects with Saturn then Pluto, and Mercury harmonizes with Uranus. Our mind is open to possibilities, our interactions capricious, and our mood filled with optimism despite having accepted some harsh truths during the week.


MonthlyScopes ~ February 2010

*Please note that all day/time references are North America Eastern time unless otherwise noted.

Air is still tense from Saturn and Pluto conjoining on the last day of January. Their influence saturated most of January and its effects linger as February begins. Early-born cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) may be the ones taking most of the beating. By the first weekend though, we'll all be able to exhale when Jupiter encourages Saturn to see beyond restrictions, have a little faith, and be inspired; Jupiter then moves on to soften Pluto's relentless approach with optimism and glimpses of success. Soon after, Mercury joins the Sun in the forward-thinking sign of Aquarius, just as Venus enters the loving sign of Pisces. So, hang in there.

Mid-month, the New Moon in Aquarius gives us all a renewal as the Moon is reborn. In Aquarius, the Moon brings out the rebel in us, breaking away from the mold and insisting upon the freedom to live the uniqueness of our individuality. If you're feeling stuck, this New Moon phase is an ideal period to get unstuck. The opportunistic link between Mars and Saturn, both introspective in their retrograde state, offer help in devise an intelligent way to make this happen. Following the New Moon is Valentine's Day with Chiron and Neptune growing ever closer in the background. Use this time to move onto the next stage in a relationship, rekindle romance, rededicate commitments, or jump with both feet towards the promise of a new love. Days later, the Sun leaves electric Aquarius for enlightened Pisces.

The last day of February brings us to the Full Moon in Virgo, shedding a discriminating light upon our health, lifestyle, work, chores and daily routine. How successful were we at initiating projects/actions after the New Moon -- breaking away, getting out of a rut or implementing a new of expressing our individual freedoms and establishing new routines? There is cause for optimism and joy. This Full Moon opposes Jupiter, who busily blends energies with the Sun and gives joy and hope to even the hardest and/or saddest of hearts.

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Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra
Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Aries-Sun or Rising ~ Was January a whirlwind? A roller coaster of events or emotions, maybe? The Sun and Venus remain in your friendships and social gatherings house so go ahead and lean on or connect/reconnect with friends or a particular friend. Allow the New Moon and Neptune and Chiron's meeting mid-month to mend bridges with friends or give you a renewed sense of personal responsibility to the society you live in. Things slow down a bit as the month comes to a close with the Sun and Venus slipping into your house of repose and the Moon becomes full in your house of health. Give yourself the physical, psychological, and/or emotional break you need from the month's activities.

Taurus-Sun or Rising ~ The future is bright. The New Moon shines upon it this month. It does, however, require abandoning what's been the norm, what's familiar. Jupiter is getting settled into your house of friendships and associations, suggesting opportunities/help may come from contacts – old and new. So, find time this month to reach out, get out, network or simply have fun (connecting or reconnecting) with friends. Saturn and Pluto continue to challenge you in expanding your mind and break down walls/thoughts that hold you back. Be inspired and boldly go where you have feared to tread.

Gemini-Sun or Rising ~ Geminis, especially early-born ones, are still getting a dose of reality from Saturn and Pluto, enlightening upon the foundation with which your relationships are built upon – may they be intimate, platonic, business or familial. Is it time for an overhaul? Maybe so, but consider holding off on making life-altering or permanent decisions/actions until after Mars begins moving forward next month. He's cruising through your house of thought and communication. Perhaps, there is information you've yet to receive or options not yet available to you. Think carefully, plan decisively but exercise prudence.

Cancer-Sun or Rising ~ Letting go is not the easiest thing to do for a sign that finds memories and history as a helpful guide into the present and future. Holding on is what's most comfortable. Don't mistake familiarity with stability, comfortable with grounding. Imagine that which you cling on to the tightest or fear most of losing. Now, imagine releasing it. Oh, don't scurry away back into your shell. There is inspiration for you to behold. It's easy to miss it when much of your energy is spent on holding fast to what is beyond your control. The heavens bring its attention in the part of your house that governs endings, transformation and, by the end of the month, inspiration. For every door that closes, another opens. Close a chapter in your book of life, for another awaits to be written.

Leo-Sun or Rising ~ You are a generous soul, giving of your time and energy. Energy – you might have less of these days as Mars continues to be retrograde in your sign, which leaves little to be desired but you may have finally given in to the slower pace. If not, take heed; burnout is imminent. Take the first half of the month to learn balancing your needs with satisfying those of others, especially as the Moon becomes new in your opposite sign and blends energies with Chiron and Neptune. Mend relationships. Rebuild burned bridges. Heal old wounds. Late-born Leos may feel the effects of this month's new moon more than others. As the month closes, the things you value most become clearer and focusing your energies on those make for goal-oriented start to March, the month when Mars begins forward movement once more. *sigh of relief*

Virgo-Sun or Rising ~ Watch your health and stress level going into February. Limit worry to things of real concern instead of perceived or projected possible outcomes. The New Moon blending energies with Chiron and Neptune offers up healing old hurts/wounds and release from negative habits or unhealthy lifestyle. Work and dedication to finally letting go are required, though. Rest assured your efforts and hard work are rewarded, perhaps as early as when the Moon becomes full in your sign at month's end. Prior to the full moon, however, the Sun and Venus, followed by Mercury later, will shine a light into your house of partnerships. You do not have to be alone or feel alone. The Sun and Venus remind you that others who care are around to support your efforts and be your cheerleader :)

Libra-Sun or Rising ~ Despite Saturn in your sign and his fight with Pluto, you've remained your upbeat, gracious, charming self. This is, partly, thanks to the Sun and Venus in fellow air sign, Aquarius. They cast an encouraging light in your house of fun and creativity. You may have found an outlet for negative energies or worries through creative projects, having fun with children, creating happy memories with a lover, or just the simplicity of reconnecting with your inner child. If you haven't, the Aquarius-New Moon blending energies with Chiron and Neptune offer up healing, may they be old emotional hurts, deeply-rooted mental wounds or something physical. After the New Moon, the Sun and Venus leave Aquarius for Pisces, activating your house of work, health and daily routine. Busy work may occupy the rest of your month. Just be mindful and don't neglect your health. If you forget though, the Full Moon at month's end illuminates your house of rest and relaxation, urging you to take some much needed rest.

Scorpio-Sun or Rising ~ It's just all going soooo much slower than expected. A wall at every turn. Loose ends that can't quite be tied up just yet. You've been patient. Now, you're crossing over to frustrated. Hang in there. Don't doubt what you know to be true. Mars continues to be retrograde and affects the achievements of your goals. Pluto is in your house of thought while taking a beating from Saturn who is the house of your subconscious, which may cause you to second guess yourself and the decisions/actions you've made. There's no need for doubt if decisions were well thought out and actions executed as planned. In truly difficult times, look to Jupiter who offers hope and happiness. He is currently encouraging you to enjoy the simpler pleasures in life – your children, having fun, reconnecting with the child within you. If creative juices are flowing, run with it and see where it takes you. In short, don't worry about what's beyond your control. Instead, remain centered and willful by remaining joyful.

Sagittarius-Sun or Rising ~ Our thoughts are co-creators of our reality. Have you been thinking good ones? Mars still retrograde may be keeping you from expanding your mind, but the Sun and Venus in your house of thought have been helping keep you open-minded and forward thinking. This will get a boost mid-month when the New Moon conjoins with Neptune and Chiron, healing any mental blockages that keep you from "seeing beyond" the physical world and keeping you from seeing past your situation. The conflict between Saturn and Pluto may be hitting your wallet pretty hard; their fight may actually be teaching you about finances -- how to handle it, how you define it or how it defines you, etc. The Full Moon at the end of the month light up your house of career and future goals. Perhaps, the lessons you learn from the New Moon, Neptune and Chiron, and Saturn and Pluto can be something you begin applying in your life going forward.

Capricorn-Sun or Rising ~ How are you holding up? You're such a trooper. Saturn and Pluto may have been upsetting long term plans or conflict with authority figures just couldn't get resolved or perhaps clients have been especially difficult to please. On a personal level, you've have to make some difficult, much needed and permanent changes in the past few months. Rest assure this pressure from Saturn and Pluto will lift, only to return later this year. But we'll deal with that again when it comes around. The Sun and Venus remain in your house of finances for the first half of the month and with the New Moon illuminating the same house, you may be doing quite well, despite Saturn and Pluto. Later in the month, the Sun and Venus enter your house of thought and communication, ideal for tackling some planning.

Aquarius-Sun or Rising ~ Happy Birthday, February-born Aquarians! Although the month may begin with everyone wanting a piece of you, your time, your energy, your attention, rest assured it won't last. Soon, the Moon will be new in your sign, giving focus to you and helping you reconnect with your individuality, your desires, your goals. Soon, Mercury enters Aquarius and joins the Sun and Venus, as they spend their last days in your sign. Thought processes and communication style will be more to your liking. You may finally find the clarity and focus you've been seeking these past weeks. Just watch that the volume level on your soapbox is set on a friendly tone. Mars continues to be retrograde in your opposite sign, suggesting that you gracefully continue to give others latitude.

Pisces-Sun or Rising ~Happy Birthday, February-born Pisceans! If you haven't taken some much needed R&R, please do so as February begins and definitely by the New Moon mid-month. Soon, there will be three planets in your house of rest, plus Mars retrograde in your health house and Saturn retrograde in you regenerative house. This combination screams, “Slow down. Rest.” Should you continue at the same rate or a more hurried pace, you may just find that every step you take is blocked by something beyond your control and you are forced to take a detour, only to find yourself not much farther than where you started. Frustrating, right? Avoid all that and give yourself a day or two or more for a mental and physical rejuvenation.

LuvScopes Posted! ~ January 29 to 31, 2010

The tension growing between retrograde-Saturn and Pluto that we inherited from 2009 perfects again this Sunday, just a day after the Full Moon in Leo on Saturday (Friday for some). Also hovering in the background this weekend is the lingering but weakening Aquarius-Sun's opposition with retrograde-Mars in Leo and the growing frustration between Jupiter, now in Pisces, and Saturn.

Friday begins with the waxing Moon donning the brave and willful personality of Leo, followed by the Sun and Mars at odds but seeking harmony. What we want/plan/wish for may not actually be reflected by the decisions we make or actions we make. As we become aware of it, we attempt to find the balance or make the necessary compromises to meet our immediate goals.


Photo source unknown.

Full Moon in Leo ~ January 30, 2010

The waxing moon grows full in the bold, confident and courageous sign of Leo on January 30 at 1:18 a.m. EST (January 29 at 10:18 p.m. PST). Full moons signify the completion, culmination of what may have been initiated during the previous new moon. While the New Moon urged us to reconnect with the deepest part our self to determine our life path or confirm we are still on the right course, give focus on our longterm goals, re-establish structure if it's been broken down, re-build foundation and follow through on our ambitions, this Full Moon questions whether we were brave enough to make do of our intentions.

In Leo, the Moon (emotional nature) is strong-willed, prideful, charismatic, collaborative, expresses herself freely, and believes in balancing fun and pleasure with work and obligations. This full moon blends energies with retrograde-Mars (drive) while opposed the Sun (conscious will) and Venus (relationships) in Aquarius. All the while in the background, a retrograde-Saturn revisits his altercation with Pluto from last fall, giving this Full Moon a similar feel of re-structuring, letting go and being transformed that the previous new moon and full moon had. Elsewhere in the sky, Jupiter also begins to form a link to Saturn, lifting some of the intensity in the air.

Jupiter expands. Saturn contracts. Pluto transforms. The Full Moon in Leo is determined yet playful. The Sun and Venus in Aquarius are eager to break away from old ways. Mars retrograde in Leo may be more reflective than active, but he is still motivated to make things happen.

For me, as a Virgo-rising, this Full Moon falls in my 11th house (friendships), is conjunct my natal Venus (relationships/money), and trine my Chiron (wounds/healing). As a Cancer-Sun, it illuminates my 2nd house (income/values). The Full Moon's conjunction with my Venus puts extra weight on its opposition to transiting Venus. With Mars still retrograde in my solar 2nd house of income and Saturn retrograde in Libra, the sign on the cusp on my natal 2nd house, finances have been less than stable. Although it may continue to fluctuate, at least until Mars begins moving forward in March, perhaps this Full Moon brings a close to something that has exceeded its life span or no longer fruitful for me and opens up the chance for other opportunities that I may not even have considered before or an option previously not available to me. In friendships/relationships, maybe I'll make new friends, establish new contacts, or find other avenues for networking. Much of what I am feeling and going through right now does have some bearing on decisions and actions I made last fall (around the time Saturn and Pluto first squared). As I reflect upon then and now, it confirms that I made the right choices and adjusting to/redefining new goals have been where my energies have been spent in the past couple of months.

This full moon occurs at 11 degrees of Leo. Those born within 3 days of July 3 and/or with natal planets and/or house angles on or around 11 degrees of fire and fixed signs may feel the effects of this full moon stronger than most.

How does this full moon influence your birth chart? Match the sign and degree to determine what house this full moon falls in. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the sign Leo on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation on the Full Moon transit in that house.

Click image to see larger

If you don't have your birth chart, you may use your Sun sign and/or your Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and Rising Signs below then click here for a brief explanation of the Full Moon transit in those houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries-Rising ~ 5th House
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus-Rising ~ 4th House
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 3rd House
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 2nd House
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 1st House
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 12th House
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 11th House
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 10th House
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 9th House
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 8th House
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 7th House
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 6th House
Unsure if you have natal planets/house planets at 11 degrees? Cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. Schedule your session for a reading. Or cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join a discussion.

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*Learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

"Constellation Leo" - Illustration credit and copyright to Taima Catori.

Saturn-rx Square Pluto ~ January 31, 2010

Saturn square Pluto. Take two. 2010 began with Saturn and Pluto in a lingering square from over two months ago. The square inevitably perfects on January 31, and they relive their altercation from November. This time around, however, Saturn is retrograde and Jupiter aligns with both Saturn and Pluto. As a recap, Saturn (reality/restrictions) is in the partnerships sign of Libra; Pluto (endings/transformation) is in the disciplined sign of Capricorn.

As previously written on my original post for the Saturn-Pluto square on November 15, 2009:
Saturn's focus in Libra is our relationships -- relating to partners, lovers, others. In Capricorn, Pluto takes a look at structure, foundation, and proven methods that may no longer be applicable to present life and living. Just because something has always been doesn't mean it should always be. There is no progress and no personal growth in keeping antiquated ways, ideas, values and rules.

With Saturn and Pluto warring in the sky above us, we are forced to take a serious look at our relationships and/or what we hold on to for the sake of familiarity or even fear of the unknown, should we ever let go. In our waking world, tensions rise. We argue. We fight. We remain frustrated. Something has to give. Perhaps that something lies within us. Perhaps the first step depends upon the self.

Saturn disciplines us through restrictions while Pluto deepens our understanding through unearthing secrets; secrets others keep from us or ones we hide from the self because maybe, they are too difficult to accept. Between Saturn showing us our realities, Pluto revealing hidden truths and this energy lingering for several months, there will undoubtedly be global effects of this alignment. On a personal level, however, expect to get to the nitty gritty, purge the unnecessaries, and arrive at a destination breathing in new life as a newer, stronger, more improved version of the self.
This time around, Jupiter's involvement as a third party, though a lesser influence, still carries some weight in lifting some of the intensity compared to Saturn and Pluto's square that was exact last November. Jupiter is at odds with Saturn but harmonious with Pluto. The Jupiter-Saturn connection allows for some optimism with caution while the Jupiter-Pluto link reinforces the strong drive to overcome challenges. Jupiter represents luck, opportunities and personal growth. Jupiter is currently in Pisces, where he is free to uncover what's hidden, tap into intuition, and lean on the spiritual self for insight.

Since this is the second pass through with Saturn in a more introspective state, what memorable issues/events were prominent last fall that may be getting a second look now? Is it still something that needs to be addressed? Or is there something at play now that reflects, is linked to or was caused by something from the period on or around mid-November? Completion or final results may not actually be seen until around or after August 21, 2010 when Saturn and Pluto connect for the last time and becomes a major part of the Cardinal T-square. So, there is time...whether or not you think you need it or want it, be thankful for it.

Although we are all affected by this Saturn-Pluto conflict, early born cardinal signs or those with natal planets/house angles on or near 5 degrees of cardinal signs may catch the brunt of this tension.

For me, with my Sun at 5 degrees in Cancer, this Saturn-Pluto square really hits home. As a Virgo-rising Saturn in Libra affects my natal 2nd house of income (Libra-ruled house) and natal 1st house of self (where Saturn is currently transiting), while Pluto in Capricorn influences my natal 5th house of creative projects (Capricorn-ruled house) while actually transiting my 4th house of home/private life. As a Cancer-Sun, Saturn affects my solar 4th house & Pluto affects my solar 7th house of partnerships. What does all that mean? Well, it means I better fasten my seatbelt. It's gonna be a bumpy ride, especially with the Cancer-Capricorn series of eclipses also in play. A lot of changes. Uprooting established foundations. Breaking away from what's been the norm -- may they be how I approach/define things or beliefs I hold on to that are no longer applicable or fears I cling to because they keep me in a comfortable space. Money will be tight but nothing that a budget cannot remedy. It's the process of fully letting go that may be more difficult. But the process will only be as difficult as I resist it. I choose to flow with the necessary changes.

How will this transit influence your chart? Unsure if you have planets or angles on or around 5 degrees of cardinal signs, cast your own birth chart -- birth date, time, and place required. Request a quote for a personalized Saturn or Pluto Transit reading. Or head over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join in on a discussion.

Related articles:
*Learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

Photo credit and copyright to Ashot Gevorkyan.

WeeklyScopes Posted! January 25 to 31, 2010

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WeeklyScopes ~ January 25 to 31, 2010
Tensions Rising

Mercury, now direct and still in Capricorn, starts off the week in a pickle with Mars who is still retrograde in Leo. Mid-week to Friday, Venus followed by the Sun, who are both in Aquarius, will also each connect with Mars. All this Martian energy in Leo against Capricorn and Aquarius are filled with willfulness and purpose but there is conflict in what approach and direction to take. As we relate (Venus) to our individual situations, our conscious will (the Sun) is determined to immediately break away and move forward (Aquarius). But our minds (Mercury) analyze the here, the now, the consequences; and we're urged to take the more conservative route (Capricorn). Be level-headed. To some degree, we can be thankful that Mars is retrograde and in a more introspective state. Lest our actions/decisions may work at cross-purposes. Yielding to Jupiter might also be beneficial; he has been in the peaceable, insightful sign of Pisces for about a week now. Those who are early born water signs or whose birth charts carries significant weight in water might be able to tap into Jupiter's energies more readily.


LuvScopes Posted! ~ January 22 to 24, 2010

A retrograde-Saturn dominates the weekend. Both Venus and the Sun happily align with Saturn, but Saturn is afflicted as he and Pluto continue to inflict pain upon each other. The Aries-Moon is void of course Friday afternoon through the evening. She enters the grounded sign of Taurus just a little bit before midnight, where she stays all weekend; and upon arrival, quickly harmonizes with Jupiter, who is happy to carry away whatever baggage we may have been carrying from the day or the week.

We wake Saturday morning to the Moon linking up with Pluto and Saturn, establishing a serious tone for the day. Before noon, the tension between the Moon and Venus becomes apparent, and our stubbornness may get the better of us. A chance for conversation and repairing strained relationships is offered before the evening begins with the Moon's friendly link to Mercury who is “as a matter of fact” in Capricorn. But these discussions, even with the best of intentions, may only offer a temporary truce. The Moon and Mars, who is still retrograde in Leo, get in a tiff before the night is over.


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Sun in Aquarius ~ Jan. 19 to Feb. 18, 2010

Following Venus' lead, the Sun enters Aquarius on January 19 at 11:28 p.m. EST and will stay through February 18. It's been a busy few days with Jupiter changing signs on the 17th, followed by Venus entering Aquarius yesterday and tonight, the Sun moves into Aquarius, too!

The Sun represents our vitality, potential, ego and conscious will. In Capricorn, the Sun is realistic, determined, purposeful and an achiever. In Aquarius, the Sun is idealistic, experimental, forward-thinking and a humanitarian. At best, the Sun in Aquarius is friendly, socially aware, civic-minded, advocates change for the greater good and an intellectual. At worst, a risk-taker at any cost, abrupt and unpredictable and unable to develop a sound plan to successfully carry out objectives.

While the Sun is in Aquarius, we are reminded that our situations are changeable. We do not need to keep operating on auto-pilot. We do not need to stay in a situation that no longer challenges us or gives us happiness. We are reminded that there is life outside what's familiar or comfortable, that our life is indeed well within our control. It's okay to rock the boat, if the rocking produces an improved situation or, at the very least, the awareness for the need of an improvement to the existing situation.

While in Aquarius, the Sun will make alignments with the following celestial bodies (all dates reflect EST (NYC) time zone; give +/-2 days for life span of influence):
  • January 24 ~ Sun trine Saturn-rx. Finding work fulfilling. Commitments don't seem to be a burden. Hard work rewarded. Alternate solutions to issues. Working around restrictions. Limitations lifting.
  • January 29 ~ Sun oppose Mars-rx. Working at cross-purposes. Actions lacking direction or misdirected. Actions/decision driven by anger or frustration. Seek balance. Watch aggression. Focus.
  • January 30 ~ Full Moon in Leo at 1:18 a.m. EST
  • February 13 ~ New Moon in Aquarius at 9:51 p.m. EST
  • February 14 ~ Sun conjunct Chiron and Neptune. Looking within. Time to heal. Release. Let go. Breaking through walls of deeply rooted wounds. Opportunity to help others. Tap into spirituality/intuition. Insight. Find the divine within the self. Compassion. Kindness.
How will the Sun's transit in Aquarius influence in your life? Look to the Aquarius-ruled house/s in your birth chart. Match the signs with the house cusps on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Aquarius zodiac sign on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation of the Sun transiting those solar and/or natal houses.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and/or Rising Sign below then then click here for a brief explanation of the Sun transiting those solar and/or natal houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries-Rising ~ 11th house
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 10th house
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 9th house
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 8th house
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 7th house
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 6th house
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 5th house
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 4th house
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 3rd house
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 2nd house
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 1st house
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 12th house
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. Schedule a session or request a quote for a personal reading. Or maybe head over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join in on a discussion.

What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.

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Illustration credit and copyright to Karolina Sczcesna.

WeeklyScopes Posted! January 18 to 24, 2010

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WeeklyScopes ~ January 18 to 24, 2010
Risk-y Business

It's a bittersweet week for Aquarius. The sign of the waterbearer bid Jupiter farewell (on Sunday, the 17th) then turns around to welcome Venus (on Monday) and the Sun (on Tuesday) who leave Capricorn for Aquarius this week, where they remain until mid-February.

With Aquarius at the helm for the Sun and Venus, gone are the days when we opt for what's safe, proven and conservative. In Aquarius, we're more apt to be experimental and open-minded. Mid-week, the Moon's entrance in Aries fuels Aquarian ideals and curiosity. Be open and aware to possibilities. Just try not to leap without looking, especially with Mars unaspected. Without connecting with any celestial bodies, except for the occasional but quickly fleeting link to the Moon, Mars is a lone Lion and free to act as he pleases. Even in his retrograde state, Mars can still make some damage; he governs our actions, aggressions, and motivations.

By week's end, Venus (on Friday) and the Sun (on Sunday) each take turn playing nice with Saturn, who is now retrograde and encouraging a little reflection before speaking, acting or deciding. Take heed, Saturn and Pluto's strengthening alliance is holding us accountable for our actions.


LuvScopes Posted! ~ January 15 to 17, 2010

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The Capricorn-Solar Eclipse occurring in the wee hours of Friday morning kicks off the weekend, followed by Mercury's direction change at noon and then, the Moon's entrance to Aquarius, where she remains all weekend. Sunday night, Jupiter enters Pisces and bids farewell to the weekend. Adding to flavor of the the weekend are Saturn and Pluto (yes, you read it correctly) still hovering and meddling, while also dragging a reluctant Mercury into their disagreement. Elsewhere but nearby, Venus and the Sun share enjoyable moments as they spend their last few days in Capricorn.


Photo source unknown.

Venus in Aquarius ~ Jan. 18 to Feb. 11, 2010

We are still adjusting to the previous day's big celestial shift with Jupiter changing signs into Pisces, a sign he has not occupied in about 12 years. Today, Venus frees herself from Capricorn's need for permanence as she enters freedom-loving Aquarius. Aquarius loses Jupiter to Pisces and gains Venus (today) and the Sun (tomorrow) instead.

Venus transits Aquarius from January 18 at 9:35 a.m. EST until February 11.

Coupled with commitment-seeking Saturn in the relationship sign of Libra, who has been in Pluto's crushing grip since mid-November, Venus has been even more discriminating in Capricorn. Her move to the less structured, more radical sign of Aquarius might just be the refreshing breath of fresh air she's been waiting for.

Venus represents love, relationships, money, our values and our aesthetics. In Capricorn, Venus is conservative and desires permanence. By contrast, in Aquarius, Venus is unconventional and somewhat spontaneous. In general, Venus in Aquarius is friendly, social, a communicator, experimental, open-minded, and may prefer a group setting rather than a closer one-to-one situation. Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac, aware of social situations and cares to improve upon them. In love and relationship, the Aquarian energy cannot be denied its independence and prefers a counterpart who is also independent, forward-thinking and a little quirky. Intellectual stimulation is a must if you're to snag and hold on to a Venus in Aquarius. In money matters, saving is not exactly a priority with Aquarius-Venus so, watch your wallets, especially if budget is tight.

While Venus is in Aquarius, we are reminded that love doesn't have to be the tie that binds. It doesn't have to restrain. Instead it can be freeing by valuing independence within the relationship. This period may also calls our attention to our community/society and how we can help make a difference. So, if you've been putting off joining a volunteer program or are interested in contributing to charitable causes, this is time to make that happen.

While Venus is in Aquarius, she will make alignments with the following celestial bodies(all dates reflect Eastern time zone; give +/-2 days for life span of influence):
  • January 22 ~ Venus trine Saturn-rx. Saturn's influence seeking more security and/or commitment within our significant relationships -- marriage, intimate relationship, business partnership, etc.
  • January 27 ~ Venus oppose Mars-rx. Tug of war between what we want and what we're doing. Our actions may not be reflecting our desires or perhaps it's time to express emotions -- perhaps there's been a change of heart. Balance is sought between the feminine (receptive) and masculine (aggressive) energies.
  • February 7 and 8 ~ Venus conjunct Chiron and Neptune. Time for renewal. Healing. Release. Ideal for helping others. Random acts of kindness. Compassion. Understanding.
How will this Venus transit influence your birth chart? Look to the natal house/s ruled by Aquarius. Match the signs with the house cusps on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Aquarius zodiac sign on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and Rising signs below then click here for a brief explanation of Venus transiting those houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries-Rising ~ 11th house
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 10th house
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 9th house
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 8th house
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 7th house
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 6th house
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 5th house
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 4th house
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 3rd house
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 2nd house
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 1st house
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 12th house
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. Schedule a session or request a quote for a personal reading. Or maybe head over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join in on a discussion.

What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.

Related articles:

*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

Illustration credit and copyright to Imagined Moments.

Jupiter in Pisces - January 17 to June 6, 2010

On January 17 at 9:17 p.m. (EST), Jupiter, the "Great Benefic", leaves the electric, unpredictable sign of Aquarius for the familiar waters of inspired Pisces, a zodiac sign that he jointly rules with Neptune which he has not visited in over a decade. He remains in Pisces through June 6, 2010. Jupiter later retrogrades, however, and returns to Pisces once more from September 9, 2010 until January 23, 2011.

Jupiter represents good luck, joy, expansion, opportunities, higher education, and personal growth through our interests, experience and spirituality. He also governs publishing, travel, foreigners and exposure to other cultures. At best, Jupiter brings a wealth of knowledge, understanding, growth, as well as financial gains. At worst, overindulgent, excessive, wasteful and unable to get past "dreaming" of the possibilities.

Pisces is imaginative, creative, receptive and peace-loving. Pisces governs mysticism, spirituality, intuition, dreams, psychic abilities, compassion, sacrificial love, escapism, drug/substance abuse, phobias and mental problems. At best, Pisces is spiritually/psychically attune to the inner-workings within the "unseen" world and able to apply this awareness in the "seen" world. At worst, deluded, diffident and incapable of functioning in the physical realm.

In Pisces, Jupiter is super compassionate, seeks to fully understand how we are all interconnected, aims for more spiritual connections, and is intuitively in sync with a more collective consciousness. This transit encourages us as a whole to begin, continue or educate others in exploring ways to improve our own quality of life, as well as of those around us -- may it be living greener, adopting a healthier lifestyle, giving back through volunteer work, connecting with the divine, becoming more aware of one's civic duties, or even something as simple as treating others as you would have yourself be treated. The effort of each, collectively, benefits more people and, possibly, on a global scale.

On a personal level, Jupiter in Pisces is a time to recognize the existence and influence of the unseen world through seeking our own personal truths, no matter where the journey might lead us along the way. Be open to unlock the "magic" of the subconscious, tap into one's own spiritual consciousness, and learn to trust one's own intuition more. Be adventurous enough to explore the unknown.

Be always mindful, however, of Jupiter's negative traits -- excessiveness, overestimation, overoptimism, overindulgence -- and Pisces' negative traits -- escapism, phobias, mental instability, substance/alcohol abuse, extreme confusion. There are tense astrological alignments forming above us this year, which I'll write about as they come close to happening. The combination of these events, along with the challenges of every day life, plus Jupiter in Pisces may tempt us too much in choosing the path of avoidance. Escaping is necessary, yes. But everything in moderation, right? Remain in control and drive the wheel of your life, motivated by your own volition. Allow this period to help you seek what gives you zen, if you haven't already discovered it. This zen state will prove satisfying and fulfilling beyond imagination. I promise.

For me, as a Virgo-rising, Jupiter continues to transit my natal 6th house of work and health and will enter my 7th house of partnerships in May; as a Cancer-Sun, Jupiter transits my 9th house of travel, publishing and personal growth. This period is greatly beneficial for my work as an astrologer, further fine-tuning my intuitive skills and having more opportunities, work-wise. I will have to watch how I take care of myself, however. Watch what I eat. Make time for exercise. Manage stress levels. Budget my time more wisely.

How will Jupiter's transit in Pisces influence in your life? Look to the Pisces-ruled house/s in your birth chart. Match the signs with the house cusps on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Pisces zodiac sign on your birth chart click here for an explanation of Jupiter transiting those solar and/or natal houses.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and/or Rising Sign below then click here for an explanation of Jupiter transiting those solar and/or natal houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 12th House
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 11th House
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 10th House
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 9th House
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 8th House
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 7th House
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 6th House
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 5th House
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 4th House
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 3rd House
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 2nd House
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 1st House
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. Schedule a session or request a quote for a personal reading. Or maybe head over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join in on a discussion.

What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.

Related articles:

*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

"Rare Triple Eclipse on Jupiter" - image credit and copyright to NASA, ESA, and E. Karkoschka (University of Arizona).

Mercury Direct ~ January 15, 2010

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A welcome change comes on January 15th at 11:52 a.m. EST, when Mercury puts on the brakes and re-positions himself to begin moving forward again. He has been retrograde since December 26th, affecting the way we think and communicate, as well as help cause delays and technological malfunctions. We won't completely be out of the woods until about 3 days after his direction change. He'll need that time to readjust back to his normal speed. Until February 5th, Mercury will retrace his steps from 5 to 22 degrees of Capricorn, passing for the third time. Where do these degrees in Capricorn fall in your chart?

For alignments Mercury will form with other planets, please check my original post on Mercury in Capricorn ~ click here. Mercury remains in Capricorn until February 10, 2010.

As I originally posted on the Mercury Retrograde article:
For me, as a Virgo-Rising, this retrograde occurs in my 4th house of home and family; and as a Cancer-Sun occurs in my 7th house of partnerships.
I traveled to be with family for Mercury's transit in Capricorn from 5 to 22 degrees. It'll be interesting to see how the next few weeks unfolds.

Which part of your life does this Mercury transit influence? Look to the Capricorn-ruled house and match the sign and 5 to 22 degrees on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Capricorn zodiac sign on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation of Mercury transiting those houses.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for them below then click here for a brief explanation of Mercury's transit in those houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries-Rising ~ 10th house
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 9th house
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 8th house
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 7th house
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 6th house
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 5th house
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 4th house
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 3rd house
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 2nd house
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 1st house
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 12th house
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 11th house
Unsure if you have natal planets/house planets at these degrees? Cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. Schedule a session or request a quote for a personalized reading. Or cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join a discussion.

Related articles:

Image of Mercury's Craters taken by Messenger. Credit and copyright to NASA, JHU APL, CIW.

WeeklyScopes Posted! January 11 to 17, 2010

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~ • ~

WeeklyScopes ~ January 11 to 17, 2010
Re-structuring Foundation; Re-evaluating Ambition

The week begins as a prelude to the celestial happenings at the end of the week. Monday through Wednesday, the Sun and Venus hook up to shine a light upon our relationships and what we value in life. What has truly been the motivation behind our ambitions, actions or decisions? Is it our spouse/significant other? Our children? Our need to prove something? Our own ego? How timely that it's a new year, into a new decade, that we're urged to get our priorities straight!


Eclipsed New Moon in Capricorn ~ January 15, 2010

New Moons signify rebirth, beginnings, a clean slate, the start of a new cycle. This New Moon occurs on January 15 at 2:11 a.m. (EST) is preceded by a Solar Eclipse at 2:07 a.m., highlighting Capricorn qualities (ambitious, determined, disciplined, conservative) and 10th house themes (professional pursuits, long term goals, public reputation).

Capricorn is natively ruled by Saturn, who is retrograde in Libra. In Capricorn, the Moon is goal-oriented, unemotional, practical, structured, and organized.

Eclipses are powerfully charged full and new moons (Understanding Eclipses), extending the usual influence of approximately two weeks to a reach of up to six months! A downside to eclipses is the tension in the air as the energy builds up to the eclipse itself. The days approaching an eclipse bring unexpected events or issues that can be disruptive and have long-term effects. Dealing with these unexpected situations require a sensitive touch and wisdom must be applied, even in the midst of chaos and/or uncertainty.

This Eclipsed Capricorn-New Moon (heart & soul) conjunct the North Node (life path) and Venus (love & money) plus both the New Moon and Venus sextile Uranus (awakening & change), giving this already powerful new moon even greater depth. The Sun, Moon, North Node and Venus in Capricorn are open to restructure existing foundations, give established ways/methods a renewal and create a new norm. The link to Uranus allows for what needs rebirth/reformation to be unconventional, unique, and perhaps, even radical.

Elsewhere in the sky, retrograde-Mercury (thought/communication) conjunct Pluto (endings/transformation), giving our minds the ability for deep concentration as we reflect upon where we've been and make plans for where we'd like to go. Both are square Saturn (reality/restrictions), reactivating the Saturn-Pluto square from November, while simultaneously, feeding into the tension building up for the same square between Saturn and Pluto that perfects again the day after this month's full moon.

This new moon occurs at 25 degrees of Capricorn. Those born within 3 days of January 15 or July 16; or have planets/house angles on or around 25 degrees of cardinal signs may feel the effects of this new moon stronger than most. Those born within 1 day of January 15 may be celebrating your solar return and may have an exceptional year coming up! yey :-)

For me as a Virgo-rising, this New Moon falls in my 4th house and conjunct my 5th house; trine my Ascendant and Pluto; and quincunx my Midheaven; and as a Cancer-Sun falls in my 7th house. I expect this solar eclipse will continue work I've done, which were triggered by last July's eclipses. The changes (Pluto) I've gone through on the outside (Ascendant) that have affected my long term goals (Midheaven) will have significant affects on my relationships (7th), family (4th), and creative projects (5th).

How will this new moon influence your life? Look to the natal house/s this new moon will occupy in your birth chart. Match the sign and degree to the sign on the house cusp/s. Use the list below to identify the Capricorn zodiac sign then click here to read about the New Moon in Houses.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and Rising signs below then click here for an explanation of New Moon illuminating those houses.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries-Rising ~ 10th house
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 9th house
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 8th house
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 7th house
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 6th house
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 5th house
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 4th house
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 3rd house
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 2nd house
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 1st house
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 12th house
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 11th house
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart by clicking here for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. Schedule your session for a reading. Or cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join a discussion.

For those doing the new moon wishes ritual, the moon will be new on January 15 at 2:11 a.m. (EST) and will be void of course at 4:02 a.m. (EST). Click here for Jan Spiller's article, briefly explaining new moon wishes. (opens a new window)

Related articles:

*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

Illustration credit and copyright to James Legaspi.

LuvScopes Posted! ~ January 8 to 10, 2010

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Passions run high with the weekend's Scorpio-Moon heating up Venus and the Sun's hookup. With intuition and guile as her guide to unleash the Capricorn sensuality, the four planets in cool, calm, collected Capricorn are no match for the Scorpio-Moon's intensity, ardor and resolve. No fleeting affairs this weekend, however. Saturn and Pluto, still growing tense in the background, demands for substance. So, if all you want is a little fun canoodling, then you'd better make that clear. Lest you gain your very own stalker ;-) Committed coupling is the name of the game. It's a great weekend for romance, whether it's heating up a blossoming love, rekindling flames of longtime lovers or making the first move with the object of one's affection. Do watch out for Mercury, who's still retrograde. If words fail, express yourself actions rooted in love or very deep like.


Image credit and copyright to Talliktok Katauyak.

Saturn Retrograde ~ January 13 to May 30, 2010

Saturn stations on January 13 to join Mercury and Mars in retrograde motion. As with any retrograde planet, Saturn's retrograde period, from January 13 to May 30, 2010, turns our focus inward. Saturn, the taskmaster, teaches us lifelong karmic lessons. His approach is thorough through accepting our realities and applying disciplined, practical and hard work to rise above what limits us and be a success in our endeavors.

In the sign Libra, Saturn's focus is on our significant relationships and the obligations that come with our commitments to them. It is the less romantic approach to love but with the lesson learned comes longevity and strength of union. The same holds true for other platonic but committed partnerships. Despite personal difficulties, hurdles to jump over, broken pieces to pick up and sweat poured from the hard work, this relationship (with a best friend, business partner, parent, sibling, etc.) endures.

From April 7 until July 21, Saturn returns to Virgo. He will not transit Virgo again for another 29 or 30 years. This is a last look for us all at Saturn's lessons of the past two and a half years, while he was in Virgo. For some of us, this period might also be reminiscent of the days and events of October 2009. Tie up any remaining loose ends. Perhaps for most of us, it will be a sigh of relief as we take stock of where/who we were prior to 2007 when Saturn first entered Virgo. How far have we come?! Those with Saturn, the Sun or Moon in Virgo natally and within the last degrees of Virgo may feel the affects of Saturn's return to Virgo more so than others.

While Saturn is retrograde, we may find it difficult to move forward with our plans, especially until mid-March when Mars (action) is also retrograde. Don't be frustrated. Consider that things are not moving forward as quickly as you'd like because, despite what you might believe, you or the situation may not be completely ready to move ahead. Take the opportunities presented to you, limit actions, take smaller strides, and leave negative thinking/energies behind. Saturn's actions and steps may be measured, but they are effective and successful.

For me, as a late-decan Virgo-rising, part of this period will be reminiscent of Saturn's entrance to my natal 1st house last fall, right after Saturn conjunct with my Pluto. Since my house angles are all within the last degrees of mutable signs, Saturn's conjunct to Pluto and entrance to my natal 1st house was a very loud and jarring arrival that affected more than one facet of my life, which I continue to work with. This retrograde period might be one where I become aware of what I may have missed the first time since I may been too frazzled then.

How might Saturn's direction change and return to Virgo affect your life? Look to the house/s occupied by Libra from zero to 4 degrees and Virgo from 27 to 29 degrees. Then, match the signs and degrees with house cusps on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac signs below to identify the Virgo & Libra zodiac signs on your birth chart then click here for a brief explanation of Saturn transiting those houses.

Click image to see larger

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for them below then click here for a brief explanation of Saturn's transit in those houses. The first house listed reflects Saturn's transit in Libra; the second house listed marks Saturn's return to Virgo from April 7 to July 21, 2010.
  • Aries-Sun or Aries-Rising ~ 7th and 6th houses
  • Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 6th and 5th houses
  • Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 5th and 4th houses
  • Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 4th and 3rd houses
  • Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 3rd and 2nd houses
  • Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 2nd and 1st houses
  • Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 1st and 12th houses
  • Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 12th and 11th houses
  • Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 11th and 10th houses
  • Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 10th and 9th houses
  • Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~9th and 8th houses
  • Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 8th and 7th houses
Unsure if you have natal planets/house planets at these degrees of Libra and Virgo? Cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. Schedule a session or request a quote for a personalized reading. Or cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join a discussion.

Related articles:

*Learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.

"Stately Saturn" - Photo credit and copyright to NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.

WeeklyScopes ~ January 4 to 10, 2010

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Hi friends and readers,

A number of you notified me that the link to the weekly horoscopes was not working. Thank you. I have notified The link is still broken (as of this post) so, I've pasted the WeeklyScopes below that I've written for their site. Sorry for the inconvenience. I blame it on Mercury-retrogade :) Blessings.

WeeklyScopes ~ January 4 to 10, 2010
Reflect, Review, Reassess

* Days and times reflect EST

Throughout the week, the Sun and Venus each take turn connecting with Mercury and Mars, possibly causing indecision and hesitation as both remain retrograde. With the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto all in Capricorn, our concerns require real answers, practical solutions, reasonable explanations, methodical planning, and/or an organized set of action items. Mercury and Mars in retrograde make this an ideal period for reviewing, re-planning, and reassessing responsibilities and possible approaches to accomplishing goals.

The Sun sheds light on our responsibilities and restrictions; Venus evaluates our relationship to our obligations, while Mercury keeps the reality of our situations at the forefront of our minds. Just watch out for retrograde-Mars in Leo who might get frustrated and impatient, especially with tensions continuing to rise between Saturn and Pluto, as they rock our established foundations.

January 2010 Horoscopes also available at

~ • ~

ARIES ~ Your professional life take up most of your time, whether thinking about it or actually burning the midnight oil. Or perhaps personal aspirations keep you up at night – thinking, dreaming, planning. If the former, don't get baited into a conflict with a superior. In either situation, keep a level head and opt for conventional approaches.

TAURUS ~ Home life may be an extra challenge as the week begins. Choose your words and gestures wisely as misinterpretations of intentions may be common this period. Alternatively, give extra latitude to others as you may very well misunderstand their message. If you are offered a chance to do something or be somewhere outside your comfort zone, accept it. You may be surprised at the result.

GEMINI ~ Watch the attitude early in the week. With Mercury still retrograde, refrain from making any definitive long-term financial decisions, especially with regards to investments. Do review possible options. Just hold off on acting on them. There may be information that has not yet come to light. In matters of health, keep yourself bundled up to prevent the possibility respiratory issues (if it is winter where you live).

CANCER ~ Partnerships, whether business or intimate, may be a focus this week. Curtail acting out emotionally; consider reactions rooted in reason and logic. Easier said than done for a Cancerian, maybe. Try it anyway. Watch out for the impulse to find comfort in shopping or hoarding. Mars retrograde in your income house suggests there may be financial considerations that you may not yet be aware of.

LEO ~ Keep tabs on your health this week. Listen to your body. Rest, as necessary. There may be a lot of work to be done, just pace yourself. If you get sick, you definitely will not get anything done. Then, the added worry of not getting things done would affect your ability to recuperate quickly. Remember that Mars retrograde in your sign is still asking you to slow down. Take heed.

VIRGO ~ Difficulty with children or perhaps a stall in getting your creative juices flowing may plague you this week. Love and romance may get also a workout. There's an overwhelming need to know if you're both on the “same page” so, some serious talk and/or reassurances may be required of you or by you. Keep in mind that Mercury is still retrograde so, express yourself clearly and make allowances for possible miscommunication.

LIBRA ~ Family remains a concern, especially with regards to how obligations restrict you from "soaring". But with two planets in retrograde, there might not be much to do but sit and wait. Impatience and frustration abound. Don't give in. Instead re-evaluate possible scenarios/solutions and be prepared for what may be required. Keep thoughts aligned to the outcome desired. After all, our thoughts help create our reality.

SCORPIO ~ Remaining poised may be the exercise for you this week. Your patience may be tried over and over, but rise above it. Put up your Scorpion senses and get the insight you need regarding your interactions with others. Identify your true allies early on. Don't get drawn into a situation where it's you against an authority figure. You may not be able to keep yourself from putting your pincers to work. But if you're ok with the consequences, let those pincers loose.

SAGITTARIUS ~ As the year begins, you get the sense that your fortitude is being tested. For every step you take, there is an obstacle to tackle. For each plan you create, there is a hitch you did not anticipate. Finances are a concern. Opportunities for increasing income look slim. Give yourself a break. The year just began and with it, two retrograde planets in your house of expansion and your money house. Continue as you have been. Remain positive. Blockages will begin to lift.

CAPRICORN ~ With four celestial bodies in your sign and three of which touching each other closely, you may find yourself thinking and/or talking in circles. Overanalyzing won't get you anything but frustration and wasted energy. With two planets retrograde, this issue/situation will be revisited again despite the feeling of immediacy now. Consider that a final answer or definitive solution may not be required now. Perhaps something temporary or a partial plan or leaving things as they are may be enough for now.

AQUARIUS ~ Clarity eludes. There's something you're missing, and you can't pinpoint it. So frustrating. Be aware and avoid displacing your anger or frustration. Mercury retrograde in your house of the subconscious may be keeping you from fully seeing the complete picture or perhaps there's information not yet available to you. The clarity you seek may not come until after Mercury moves direct mid-month. Shift your focus and energy on something equally important instead. Find productivity elsewhere.

PISCES ~ Not much activity on the social front … well, not much positive activity, anyway. There may be drama involved with one or more of your friends/frenemies. This may or may not involve you directly, but might still require your involvement in finding a solution. Steer clear, if possible. This situation may not actually be resolved until later this month. With Mars still retrograde in your work and health house, turn the focus on yourself for a change and watch your health.

WeeklyScopes Posted! January 4 to 10, 2010

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~ • ~

WeeklyScopes ~ January 4 to 10, 2010
Reflect, Review, Reassess

Throughout the week, the Sun and Venus each take turn connecting with Mercury and Mars, possibly causing indecision and hesitation as both remain retrograde. With the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto all in Capricorn, our concerns require real answers, practical solutions, reasonable explanations, methodical planning, and/or an organized set of action items. Mercury and Mars in retrograde make this an ideal period for reviewing, re-planning and reassessing responsibilities and possible approaches to accomplishing goals.


Happy New Year!!

I just wanted to wish everyone a very blessed new year!

Photo credit and copyright to NASA.

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