The new week begins with Venus (love, relationships, values) returning to the dreamy, gentle, and healing sign of Pisces at 29 degrees, where she will remain until April 24, 2009 before moving on to Aries. During these twelve days, unresolved issues revolving around the first few days of February may resurface. As Venus remains retrograde and still within a square with Pluto (empowerment, endings, transformation), be mindful and refrain from making any life-altering decisions during this period. Reflect, review, remember, re-assess are all standard practice when any planet is in retrograde.
Coming up this weekend, Venus changes directions to start moving forward again. This is indeed a long awaited moment and wholeheartedly welcomed by many.
In these last days that Venus is in Pisces this year, we are reminded of how interconnected we all are. We are encouraged to uncensor our imagination, reconnect with friends, nurture loved ones, plan a romantic rendez-vous or getaway weekend with our significant other, be generous in expressing to our loved ones how much they mean to us, show compassion, be kind to ourselves, take time for relaxation, enjoy quiet moments, heal our relationship with the self, and heal our relationships with others. Venus represents love, relationships of all types, our values (including how we value ourselves). In the sign of Pisces, Venus is tranquil, imaginative, insightful, self-sacrificing, gentle, intuitive, loving, in repose, and kind.
Venus Returns to Pisces at 29 Degrees

Archived Posts
- Mercury Retrograde ~ May 7 to May 30, 2009
- Venus Square Pluto ~ May 2, 2009
- New Moon in Taurus - April 24, 2009
- The New Moon in Houses
- Sun Trine Pluto ~ April 23, 2009
- Mars-Venus Conjunction in Pisces
- Mars Conjunct Uranus ~ April 15, 2009
- A Time for Healing
- Venus Returns to Pisces at 29 Degrees
- Moon in Scorpio Weekend
- The Full Moon in Houses
- Full Moon in Libra - April 9, 2009
- Saturn Takes Charge
- Tensions Rising
- T-Square on April Fool's Day