New moons signify rebirth, beginnings, a clean slate, the start of a new cycle. This new moon highlights Taurean qualities (stable, determined, practical) and 2nd house themes (finances, possessions, values). On a spiritual level / higher plane, Taurus seeks to find inner peace by being content and grounded. The Moon is exalted in Taurus.
The day begins with Mercury squaring Chiron and Neptune. We may struggle to keep mental clarity and acuity, which may result in our inability for self-expression. This influence remains strong throughout the course of the day. Choose words wisely when expressing thoughts and ideas. With Neptune in play, stay aware, be present, and avoid excessive escapism, or unhealthy perceptions of reality. This should help keep our minds from becoming too clouded with dreams or fantasies. The Taurus Sun and Moon blending energies hold the truths held within our hearts and minds. Entertain these truths. Hold fast to them for they will give us the resolve to move toward inner peace, contentedness, stability, an improved financial situation, a redefinition values, etc.
This New Moon also trines Saturn, allowing us to build structure and create meaning as we plan our next steps to achieve our goals. Mars in Aries is enthusiastic and ready to help us get things moving along.
Elsewhere in the sky, Venus (ruler of Taurus) joins Mars in the fearless sign of Aries. We might give more focus to our relationships, including that with the self and how we value the self. We may become more assertive in insisting that the self's basic needs be satisfied within our interactions with family, friends, coworkers / superiors, partner, and even with the self.
Allow this New Moon to give us healing (Chiron) or hope (Neptune) or a renewal in our relationships (Venus) or a plan (Saturn) of action (Mars) toward achieving a goal or an improved way of self-expression (Mercury) or any combination of these.
This new moon occurs at 5 degrees & 3 minutes of Taurus. What natal house will the new moon occupy in your birth chart? Click here to read about the New Moon in Houses.
For those doing the new moon wishes ritual, the moon will be new on Thursday, April 24 at 11:22 p.m. EDT and void-of-course on Sunday, April 26 at 11:42 a.m. EDT.
"Zen Garden Moon" illustration courtesy of Casey Kochmer.