The Sun leaves Cancer and transits his home sign, Leo. The Sun represents the self, our conscious will, our vitality, and unrealized but inherent talents. In Cancer, the Sun's focus is in the inner workings of the self. In Leo, the Sun shines its vital energies on self-expression, creative projects, and children. Being the native ruler of Leo, the Sun is dignified in this zodiac sign.
At best, the Sun in Leo is impressive, regal, strong-willed, a natural leader, ambitious, confident, dramatic and generous. At worst, stubborn, narcissistic, melodramatic, and arrogant. While the Sun is in Leo, we are encouraged to find the lion/lioness within each of us -- speak our mind, be creative, confident, and enterprising.
Leo-Suns have a reputation of being theatrical and rightly so, they are the actors/performers of the zodiac. They are creative, magnanimous and, just as the Sun is a life-giver to us earthlings, Leo can also inject life into any room or any conversation. While the Sun is in Leo, be generous of your time and self, just as the Sun generously light up our days. Let the Leo-Sun's warmth help ease your worries. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. It is our job to continue seeking for it and walking towards it. Be confident as you walk your path. Be mindful of keeping the goal in sight and knowing when it's time to tweak the plans and make changes in order complete the tasks at hand. Flexibility is important, as Leo is a fixed sign (stubborn) and the ego can get in the way of progress and growth.
This year, the Sun transits Leo beginning July 22nd at 9:12 p.m. (Pacific) / July 23rd at 12:12 a.m. (Eastern) , where he'll remain until August 23. On the day the Sun enters Leo, he'll quickly quincunx Neptune. We might be inclined to escape a bit which could be ideal for a mini vacation. Depending on where Leo falls in our natal/solar chart, we may require more downtime/rest, as our energy levels decrease and the physical/mental/emotional demands on us increase. This might also be a time where our intuitive abilities are triggered, but we may be unable to trust it completely. There could be confusing details and lack of clarity. If at all possible, hold off important decisions for a few days.
How might the Sun's transit in Leo manifest in your world? Look to the Leo-ruled house/s in your birth chart. Match the sign with the house cusp/s on your birth chart. Use the list of zodiac sign below to identify the Leo zodiac sign on your birth chart then click here for an explanation of the Sun transiting those solar and/or natal houses.

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and/or Rising Sign below then click here for an explanation of the Sun transiting those solar and/or natal houses.
- Aries-Sun or Aries-Rising ~ 5th house
- Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 4th house
- Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 3rd house
- Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 2nd house
- Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 1st house
- Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 12th house
- Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 11th house
- Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 10th house
- Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 9th house
- Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 8th house
- Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 7th house
- Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 6th house
Alternatively, you may cast your own birth chart at for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required.
Are you celebrating a birthday? Schedule a session for a Solar Return (birthdays) or 3-Chart Package Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months). Or you might consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.
Have a question or need a quote for a more customized reading, ask me here.
What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.
Related articles:
- Transiting Sun in Natal Houses
- Current Planetary Transits
- Solar Returns Explained ~ your personal year
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- Client reviews
Lion. Original image source unknown.