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Jupiter Sextile Chiron ~ July 2, 2011

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With the Eclipsed New Moon in Cancer having just occurred the previous day, the perfection of Jupiter sextile Chiron encourages and allows for whatever healing we may need in our lives. Perhaps, we've lost hope or trust in ourselves/others/the universe. Maybe, we've been afraid to face facts or step out and take a chance to make a real change. Or we've seen what's real, become aware of the true nature of the challenges we face now and are feeling frustrated, angry, confused, desperate, or even betrayed.

Jupiter reminds us of the best that life can offer, gives hope, offers opportunities, and expands our horizon. Chiron has a way of unmasking our wounds, revealing our deepest pain/disappointments/loss, and through facing them, we are made whole. Jupiter represents expansion, luck, happiness, and abundance. He is currently in Taurus, where his energy seeks comfort and stability. Chiron symbolizes what's broken, needs healing, and our capacity to help others through their healing process. He is presently in the super compassionate and uber-intuitive sign of Pisces.

Jupiter's sextile to Chiron reminds us to breathe, have faith, and let the healing process run its course -- may it be physical, mental, emotional, psychological, or financial healing. The work, however, must always begin with the self; this time especially, with the New Moon/Solar Eclipse preceding Jupiter's sextile to Chiron. What we sow is what we reap. Where our attentions are focused on, our realities become them. "Energy flows where attentions goes."

If you're like me, you've been diligently and consciously steering your thoughts and energy toward what's positive, uplifting, and towards the goal. Yet, your reality seems to fight you every step of the way. If you're wondering, "how can it be that my thoughts and attentions are truly focused on the outcome desired, yet the hurdles I have to jump over doesn't look to have an end anytime soon?"

For me, the answer was me -- it was me I had to first change. Maybe that's Capricorn-Pluto opposing my Sun while Aries-Uranus square my Sun and oppose my Uranus talking, but I realized my thoughts are focused on one thing while my actions reflect something else entirely. They're both equally important -- what I have my sights set on (reflect my thoughts) and what my world in the physical plane requires of me (reflect my actions). I had to make changes and somehow fit into my already full schedule, time for what will help me accomplish my other set of goals...the ones I'm truly passionate about. Pluto is forcing me to eliminate (square to my Sun), as Uranus pushes me to break away (square my Sun) and carve out a new path (oppose my Uranus), while the Solar Eclipse in my sign casts a spotlight on me.

June began with a Gemini-Solar Eclipse (where we were asked to completely 'see' things as they truly are); followed by Jupiter sextile Neptune (where we were asked, "what's your dream?"); then came the Lunar Eclipse (that brought out questions about our life direction); as if all that heavy, intense energy weren't enough, we find ourselves with yet another Solar Eclipse, in Cancer this time (where we were once again thought this time, forced to 'see' our reality). And now, here we are with an offering for healing with Jupiter and Chiron. Next week, Jupiter and Pluto (transformation), both in Earth signs, become allies to offer up some sense of grounding while we begin or continue to go through the changes required of us.

Jupiter sextile Chiron occurs on July 2nd at 5° 14' of Taurus (fixed sign) and Pisces (mutable sign). Those born around February 22-25 and April 24-27 or those with natal planets/house angles near 6° of fixed and/or mutable signs may be more sensitive to this Jupiter-Chiron sextile. Those celebrating a birthday on the days approaching to this sextile's perfection may find this energy present throughout their Solar Return year (astrological birthday year).

This is the first of three occurrences. Jupiter will once again sextile Chiron on December 6, 2011 at zero° 57' and a final time on February 15, 2012 at 4° 32'. Those with natal planets/house angles near these degrees or have a strong Chironic influence in their birth chart may experience this Jupiter-Chiron sextile more thoroughly than others.

Unsure if you have natal planets/house planets near 6° of fixed and/or mutable signs? Cast your own birth chart at for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required.

Alternatively, I am also available for personal consultations tailored to your needs. Are you celebrating a birthday? Or know someone who is? Schedule your session for a Solar Return (birthdays) or 3-Chart Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months) or request a quote for a more customized reading tailored to your needs. You might also consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.

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