Mercury joins the Sun and Chiron in Pisces on February 21, where he remains until March 9. Mercury governs all manners of thinking, communication, schooling, commerce, short travel, and siblings. In the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, Mercury is engaging, intellectual, innovative, unique, uninhibited, excitable, eclectic and electric. In the insightful sign of Pisces, Mercury mellows out a bit with a focus on the internal goings on and how that connects with life in the outside world for us as individuals and as living beings walking our individual paths, together within the same world.
At best, Mercury in Pisces is compassionate, understanding, and enlightened with truth and wisdom that goes far beyond what's tangible or conceivable by the logical mind. At worst, confused, deluded, blinded by faith and unable to function with the realities of living in the external world.
While Mercury is in Pisces, we are reminded to seek out truth beyond the realm of intellect and the tangible world. As humans, we are physical, mental and spiritual beings. We live in a physical world with material needs and wants. We reason, communicate and make decisions using our mental skills. Our spirituality, however, may not be something we connect with daily because its main interaction is within the self. Practice communing with the self more often during the weeks that Mercury transits Pisces. Find a quiet space inside yourself, honor that which gives you life, shows you the way and truly grounds you. Connecting with one's deeper self keeps us in sync so, that the motivation/drives behind our decisions and actions originate within the true desires of the self. Some people call it prayer; others meditation. Whether you call on God or another Deity of your choice or seek connection/counsel with your Divine self, make it a honored practice while Mercury is in Pisces (although, a lifelong practice is more beneficial).
This year, while Mercury transits Pisces, Mars also visits Pisces from February 22 to April 1. Mercury, Chiron (wounds/healing), Mars (action/motivation) and the Sun (conscious will) will all be involved in a stellium (cluster) from February 22 to 25 while they all transit Pisces. Mercury will also sextile Pluto (purging/transformation) on February 25th.
Although we can all benefit/experience the energy of this stellium and Mercury's link to Pluto, those with Pisces-Suns/Risings or those with Pisces governing their 10th house of career/future goals (like Gemini-Suns/Risings) might find this an excellent time to push through whatever blockages there may be, especially those rooted deep within the psyche. In general, this brief period could also be used to strengthen/rediscover our intuitive/spiritual side, release the past/old wounds as plans/actions toward the future begins in motion, or get more actively involved in humanitarian efforts/charitable causes.
This stellium and Mercury-Pluto sextile occur with Jupiter (expansion) square Pluto in the backdrop. Jupiter and Pluto will also perfect their square on February 25th.
Mercury enters Pisces at 12:53 p.m. PST / 3:53 p.m. EST and stays until March 9th. While in Pisces, Mercury will align with the following celestial bodies (all dates reflect North America Pacific time zone; allow +/-2 days for life span of influence):
- February 22 to 25 ~ Mercury conjunct Chiron, Mars, and the Sun. covered above
- February 25 ~ Mercury sextile Pluto. also mentioned above

For those without a birth chart, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for them below then click here for a brief explanation of Mercury's transit in those houses.
- Aries-Sun or Aries Rising ~ 12th House
- Taurus-Sun or Taurus Rising ~ 11th House
- Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 10th House
- Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 9th House
- Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 8th House
- Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 7th House
- Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 6th House
- Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 5th House
- Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 4th House
- Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 3rd House
- Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 2nd House
- Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 1st House
Are you celebrating a birthday? Or know someone who is? Schedule your session for a Solar Return (birthdays) or 3-Chart Reading (detailed natal & overall outlook for the next 12 months) or request a quote for a more customized reading tailored to your needs. You might also consider giving a loved one the gift of insight.
Have a question? Ask me here. Or maybe cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start a discussion.
What significance do planets, signs, and houses have in astrology? Planets have the function, the job to do. The style/manner they will use get that job done is defined by the zodiac sign they occupy. Where in our life the job gets done is determined by the house the planet occupies/transits. So, when Mars (aggression) is in Aries (bold), he is more assertive than when he is in Cancer (sensitive). When traveling through the 10th house (professional life), he may bring his confidence and motivation in matters relating to our career. While in the 11th house (friendships), we may be more inclined to having our social calendar packed with activities. Having the foresight for what may be coming up or receiving confirmation on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial ... as above, so below.
Related articles:
- Transiting Mercury in Natal Houses
- Solar Returns Explained ~ your personal year
- Sun in Pisces ~ February 18 to March 20, 2011
- Chiron in Pisces
- Mars in Pisces ~ February 24 to , 2011
- Jupiter square Pluto ~ February 25, 2011
*Click here to learn more about the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum.
Image credit and copyright to Amy Hathaway/Gypsy Reed Photography via