Hello astrogrrl friends and readers,
The end of the year brings a little surprise. I will begin writing MonthlyScopes (Monthly Horoscopes) for SatoriNation.com starting with December's Horoscope.
Each month will detail the forecast for that month, as well as for each of the 12 zodiac signs.
I hope that you find them insightful, informative, and practical. Let me know your thoughts.
Here's a snippet of December's MonthlyScopes...
Celestially speaking, December's a busy month, starting with Venus changing signs and Uranus moving direct again on the 1st. Whatever internal work may have been happening during the past five months now have a chance to manifest in our external lives so, whether or not you're ready, it's happening.
The following day, we have the month's first Full Moon in Gemini. Then on the 5th, Mercury enters Capricorn and gets down to the business at hand. Within days on the 7th, Jupiter, the blissful planet, combines energies with Chiron, the wounded healer, for the third time this year. This meeting brings release to what may have had a hold on us.
Mid-month, the Sagittarius-New Moon occurs on the 16th. High spirits around the 19th as Venus link up with Uranus and the Triple Conjunction. This is followed by Leo-Mars changing directions to retrograde on the 20th. Then the next day, the Sun enters Capricorn and Jupiter unites with Neptune, the enlightened one. Our conscious will is determined; our focus turn inward as we ask ourselves, “what is it that truly drives our actions?” while Jupiter and Neptune give a dose of hopefulness for the things to come.
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