This time around, however, both are in cardinal signs, at Aries Point, and Venus is in the relationship sign of Libra. Venus governs love and relationships while Pluto represents our ability to tackle life's difficulties through understanding, letting go, and becoming empowered to transform through the process.
When the planet of love battle on with the planet of transformation, it is inevitable to come out of it with some battle scars. They heal though; and over time, the scars are not nearly as noticeable.
On and around October 15, relationships (of all types) go under the microscope -- which are necessary; which are toxic; which should be nurtured more; which are a burden; which to keep; which to drop; which cause pain; which bring happiness; which promote personal growth; which give support; which are rooted in love; which are rooted in hatred or dependence.
Elsewhere in the sky on this day, the Sun and Mercury join Venus in Libra. The Libra-Sun (conscious will) is harmoniously linked to Neptune (enlightenment) and fatefully at odds with Uranus (radical change), while Mars (action) is sextile Saturn (reality). The issues/events touched on now may awaken (Uranus) to give us insight (Neptune) on what we may have been fearing or suspecting (Pluto) within a relationship (Venus); this represents all types of relationships, including that we have with the self. We are able to see through the lies to get to the truth of the situation (Saturn) so, we can act or decide (Mars) accordingly.
This year, Venus and Pluto last squared each other on May 4, then February 6 and April 3 previously. Events transpiring this time around may be linked or reminiscent to these previous dates. So, if clarity eludes or there is uncertainty, perhaps looking back may provide the information necessary or missing to make more informed choices or actions now.
Although we are all somewhat affected by this harsh alignment, those early born in cardinal signs -- Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn; as well as those with natal planets/house angles on or around zero degree of cardinal signs may feel the influence of this alignment stronger.
Unsure if you have natal planets/house planets at these degrees? Cast your own birth chart for use as reference -- birth date, time, and place required. Request a quote for a paid personalized reading. Or cruise on over to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start a discussion. (all links open a new window)
Related articles:
- Venus Square Pluto ~ May 2, 2009
- Pluto Returns to Aries Point ~ August 8 to October 17, 2009
- Venus in Libra ~ October 4 to November 8, 2009
- Pluto Direct in Capricorn
- Sun in Libra ~ September 22 to October 23, 2009
- Mercury Re-enters Libra ~ October 9 to 28, 2009
- Neptune Retrograde in Aquarius ~ May 29 to November 4, 2009
- Uranus Retrograde in Pisces ~ July 1 to December 1, 2009
Image courtesy of zemotion.