The planet of expansiveness, blissfulness, and luck retrogrades for four months. What are we to do?! During this time, our focus turn inward to re-evaluate where we are going and re-assess our belief systems/life philosophies. We may find blockages where once an open path lay before us. Expect delays, obstacles, and difficulties even if previously, or historically, there were none.
Following the standard with any retrograde planet, this Jupiter retrograde period is a time for the prefix "re" -- reflect, review, reorganize, redefine, re-examine, repair, reassess. Jupiter is the bringer of hope, benefits, happiness, and opportunities. He represents our aspirations, ideals, belief systems, and our capacity for personal growth on every level -- higher education, experiences, and exposure to other cultures/religions/spirituality/philosophies. He also rules justice, publishing, and travel.
In the innovative sign of Aquarius, Jupiter holds humanitarian ideals, though they may be unorthodox. He has the ability to find new, unconventional solutions to long-standing issues or common problems. Jupiter is committed to righting injustices; and in Aquarius, sometimes at the cost of rebellion or chaos. Jupiter's undertaking to champion causes that benefit each individual within the masses is best achieved when he does not lose sight of the bigger picture and understanding the underlying processes necessary to complete the objective.
Jupiter in Aquarius stations on June 15 at 27 degrees and retrogrades until October 13, where he will retrace his steps all the way back to 17 degrees.
Those born between February 15 to 17, May 17 to 19, August 19 to 21, and November 19 to 21 and those with house angles or personal planets falling on 27 degrees of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio may feel Jupiter's initial directional change (from June 15 to June 19) more strongly than everyone else.
While in retrograde, Jupiter will reconnect with Neptune (enlightenment) next month on July 10 [article here] and Chiron (healing) on July 22 [article here].
Unsure whether you have any personal planets or house angles at 27 degrees of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio, cast your own chart -- birth date, time, and place required.
Related articles:
- Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune Triple Conjunction ~ Long-term influence
- Neptune Retrograde ~ May 29 to November 4, 2009
- Chiron Retrograde ~ May 30 to October 31, 2009
- Jupiter Conjunct Neptune ~ July 10, 2009
- Jupiter Conjunct Chiron ~ July 22, 2009