We are in the midst of a Venus retrograde. How has her backtracking played out in your life? On March 6, at 15 degrees of Aries, Venus turned retrograde, appearing to move backwards and revisiting the path she's already taken. Although Venus will begin to move forward on April 17, she'll continue to retrace her steps and come full circle on May 21, all the way back to 29 degrees in Pisces.
In the confident and dynamic sign of Aries, Venus demands for love, relationship, and relating to be done in one's own terms. This is a period to learn that it isn't necessarily selfish to assert your needs and desires within a relationship. It might just bring you closer to following to your own inner voice on what love, intimate or platonic, truly represents and should be.
As with any retrograde planet, this period is a time for the prefix "re" -- reflection, reconnecting, reviewing relationships, redefining worth, and re-examining value system. So reassess, as necessary and as much as you want, but avoid making any major life-changing decisions during this period. You might just have a change of heart later.
Those with Aries Sun, Rising or personal planets within 0 to 15 degrees of Aries may feel this Venus retrograde more strongly. Listen to your own inner self, the voice of your heart, and become the person you envision yourself being in any relationship.
2009 Venus Retrograde - March 6 to April 17